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ADVANCED CHANNEL DESIGN (ACD) HYPACK CHN Example  CHN files are used to create real time cross sections of complex areas in DREDGEPACK ®.  They.

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2 CHN Example  CHN files are used to create real time cross sections of complex areas in DREDGEPACK ®.  They are also used to compute volumes over complex areas in the TIN MODEL.

3 CHN Example CHN allows you to compute volume quantities for complex areas in the TIN MODEL.

4 CHN Example  This dredging plan had a dual side slope on the west side.  It also had a one meter trench running along the right and north toelines.  The only way to handle it in DREDGEPACK ® is to make a CHN file in ADVANCED CHANNEL DESIGN. CHN courtesy Surveying Systems, Alexandria, Egypt

5 Creating a CHN File 1. Enter your Nodes (X,Y,Z,id). 2. Combine Nodes into Planar Faces 3. Check for Illegal Faces 4. Examine the 3D View 5. Save your work to a CHN file.

6 Making Faces Proceed in a counter-clockwise direction. (Depth mode) No concave faces. A face is concave if you can construct a line that passes through more than two points on the perimeter of the face. No warped faces. 10.0 12.0 Illegal! 10.0 15.0 Triangles are always legal! Legal! In Depth Mode, make your faces counter-clockwise. In Elevation Mode, make your faces clockwise. Use the ‘Check Faces’ and ‘Fix Face Orientation’ icons!

7 ACD Faces and Toes ACD can automatically create side slopes off user defined edges.

8 Checking your Faces  Before you exit out of the ‘Faces Window’, it’s a good idea to check the legality of your faces. 1.Click ‘Faces – Check Faces’. For each face, it will report:  OK (you paid attention!)  Non-flat error (warped)  Orientation error (clockwise) 2.When everything checks ‘OK’, then click ‘Faces – Save’ and ‘Faces – Exit’. Create Left Side Slope Create Right Side Slope Create Vertical Wall Create Horizontal Plane Left Create Horizontal Plane Right Check Faces Fix Face Orientations Remove Unused Nodes Remove Duplicate Nodes

9 ACD – Volumes in TIN MODEL Enter the name of your *.CHN file as the ‘Channel Plan’. See the TIN MODEL – Volumes presentation for more details on computing volumes with a CHN made in ADVANCED CHANNEL DESIGN.

10 Creating Reporting Zones in ACD Used for sub-dividing your volume results into ‘Reporting Zones’. For Volumes in TIN MODEL: Make your zones and save the CHN file. TIN vs CHN Volume report will have options for: Zones Zones by Section For Volumes in CSV: Bring your planned line file into ACD. Export a Zone Edge List (*.ZEL) file. Use the *.ZEL file as your templates in CSV. Making Reporting Zones Making a Zone Edge List file (*.ZEL) for Volumes in CSV

11 Helpful Hints For Zone Edge List Volumes Don’t stop your CHN exactly on the planned lines. Extend the CHN a little bit. Don’t stop your planned lines exactly on the edge of the CHN. Extend them! For Philadelphia MultiCHN Volumes Lines that fall exactly on the CHN border are ‘No Problem’. Don’t stop your planned lines exactly on the edge of the CHN. Extend them!

12 Importing an LNW, /Exporting an LNW with Templates Create your 3-D CHN surface. Bring in a Planned Line File Export a Planned Line File with Templates Template points are created at each point where a planned line crosses a face border. Consecutive template points at the same depth can be reduced. AVI

13 Defining Reporting Zones for Volumes The ADVANCED CHANNEL DESIGN program in HYPACK 2016 allows you define a different overdepth method and depth for each reporting zone. This works only in TIN MODEL’s TIN vs CHN volume method.

14 Working with PLN Files in ACD  Since HYPACK 2012, you can work with PLN (Channel Plan) files in CHANNEL DESIGN and ADVANCED CHANNEL DESIGN.  In future versions of HYPACK, the CHANNEL DESIGN program is going to be removed, and all channel design work will be done in ADVANCED CHANNEL DESIGN. AVI

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