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Management Information Systems CICT2513/2103 Sirag-Eldin Elnour BEng(Hons), MEng, MIEEE 4 th Tutorial Friday, May 04, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Management Information Systems CICT2513/2103 Sirag-Eldin Elnour BEng(Hons), MEng, MIEEE 4 th Tutorial Friday, May 04, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Information Systems CICT2513/2103 Sirag-Eldin Elnour BEng(Hons), MEng, MIEEE 4 th Tutorial Friday, May 04, 2012

2 Learning Outcomes Understanding ethical and social issues in relation to systems. Discuss ethics in information society organizations operate in.

3 Learning Outcomes Discuss the moral dimensions of Information Systems.

4 Al-Madinah International University | All Rights Reserved ©2012 CICT2513/2103 Management Information Systems Learning Outcomes

5 By the end of the subject, students should be able to:  identify the various strategic roles of IS to business managers and professionals  outline and describe the concepts and functions of IS  identify and analyze the implications of IS  outline and describe the basic concepts how IT support business processes in organization  demonstrate how to plan, and develop IT-based business strategies and application.  gain awareness of security, ICT ethical & societal.  demonstrate communication and presentation skills in individual/group assignments.

6 More Knowledge? Additional references supporting the course

7 Main references Laudon, Kenneth C. & Laudon, Jane P., (2007). Management information systems: Managing the digital firm, O’Brien, James A. & Marakas, George, (2006). Management information systems,

8 The Project Assessment (15%) Initial Submission (5%) Objective: To proof the concept in an early stage (e.g. week:9-11). Final Submission (10%) Al-Madinah International University 5% of the overall marks (evenly distributed) Project Idea 7% of the overall marks (evenly distributed) Project Plan and Prototype 3% of the overall marks (per individual efforts) Peer Review Objective: To report the practical work and win a pid (e.g. week:13-14).

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