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MUROC TECHNOLOGY AND NETWORKS "Why is my computer so slow?"

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1 MUROC TECHNOLOGY AND NETWORKS "Why is my computer so slow?"



4 THE TALE OF THE TWO MINUTE GOOGLE SEARCH  Biggest issue is the internet/network  Highway analogy  Two factors which influence anything internet related Ping Time for a data to make a round trip Increased by archaic lines/equipment Bandwidth How much data can go on each trip Limited due to the types of wires and connections

5 SO IT IS BROKEN... NOW WHAT?  Two major components to fixing the issues. WAN LAN  Other components which will improve technology Security Newer user hardware Ensuring ongoing learning to adapt to rapidly changing environment

6 THE NETWORK  WAN A Wide Area Network is effectively a connection to “The Internet” Google, Websites, PD360, CalPads, etc. We need faster/better WAN connections Currently use T1 lines which are 1.5 Mb/s Many households have 30 Mb/s or better Digital 395- Fiber Internet Service Provider (ISP) 50+ Mb/s

7 THE NETWORK  LAN Local Area Network or the internal network In schools and businesses computers are never directly hooked up to the internet Even at home there is usually a router or switch so you too probably have a LAN A bit more difficult to resolve than the WAN issues Super fast WAN over current LAN would not net much improvement Physical lines (new copper/fiber) are extremely expensive so a “wired” approach is not feasible

8 THE NETWORK  LAN Microwave (It’s back!) Used effectively before until the aging equipment reached end of life Relatively inexpensive and reliable Newer systems have a high uptime with little interference Can provide up to 500 Mb/s speeds in the future The only workable option at this time

9 THE NETWORK  Other issues to be addressed after the LAN/WAN Higher security can reduce network, computer, and email downtimes from virus and other malware Update/Replace old server side (back-end) and client side (front-end) hardware/software that is effective Ensure staff are properly trained on new technologies and products so they are used to full potential WIFI on school sites BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) phones, tablets, and laptops

10 WHY IS THIS REQUIRED?  Must be upgraded Comply with increasing educational focus on technology Standardized testing on computers Failures can be demoralizing and destroy productivity Many products moving to web-based for education and professional development

11 CURRENT COSTS  Verizon- Internet only $1950/mo  AT&T LAN T1s at least $1350/mo  AT&T Internet $1650/mo  Some costs hard to track Verizon/AT&T taxes/fees/admin costs Cost of additional infrastructure to handle the complex T1 lines and manage multiple internet sources  Current costs are at minimum $4950/mo

12 UPGRADE COSTS  Internet 50 Mb/s for $300/mo (or 100 Mb/s for $600)  FiberLAN link between from Boron Jr/Sr and West Boron $60/mo  Wireless Links Boron Jr/Sr to District Office, District Office to Desert Jr/Sr (After E-Rate) Not more than $4000 one time fixed install cost and not more than $1500/mo to maintain (Provided through informal quote, bid quotes soon will be less due to revised needs)  $1860/mo + Prorate $4000 install over 12 months $333/mo  $2193/mo Tentative and replaces the services we currently have (save money)

13 UPGRADE ISSUES  Verizon contract lasts through June 30, 2015  AT&T contract through June 30, 2014  Restructuring of network hardware required  E-Rate Could choose not to fund (Unlikely)  Unplanned costs still possible  Financial system line VPN vs T1

14 MICROWAVE BID  Action item tonight  Time is of the essence  Began bid process to ensure inside E-Rate window  Authorize Superintendent to Execute contract then send for ratification  E-Rate Application require executed agreement  Agreement will have escape clauses for lack of funding at the district level and E-Rate

15 TECH PRIORITIES  Secure more bandwidth from the internet and between sites  Improve network security  Ensure data on computers/servers is secure and isn’t lost  Provide excellent and timely customer service to staff members  Align support to instructional needs of the district  Ensure technology supports and does not hamper education

16 TECH PRIORITIES  Find the best solutions to ensure staff productivity with the lowest cost to the district  Examine newer “out of the box” solutions such as Google Apps for Education  End the bad reputation technology has earned in the district

17 TIMELINES  E-Rate Deadline March 14, 2013  395 Project Completed July 1, 2013  Microwave installation estimated January 2014  Various other projects as possible/needed

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