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Journal Author John Steinbeck of Of Mice and Men is considered one of America’s greatest Naturalist writers. Naturalist writing has few descriptions.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Author John Steinbeck of Of Mice and Men is considered one of America’s greatest Naturalist writers. Naturalist writing has few descriptions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 12.9.16 Author John Steinbeck of Of Mice and Men is considered one of America’s greatest Naturalist writers. Naturalist writing has few descriptions. Chapter 1, however, does provide ample description. Record 5 quotes with page numbers from Chapter 1 that illustrate Steinbeck’s use of description AND explain how each example of imagery aids the reader in understanding the context.

2 Journal 22.10-11.16 Naturalist writers, like John Steinbeck, author of Of Mice and Men, focus on the conflicts among social classes. Using Chapters 1-4, identify the struggles George and Lennie face as they tackle survival as migrant workers on the ranch. Explain how they are affected by poverty and homelessness, providing specific examples from the text. Respond in a WELL-FORMED PARAGRAPH.

3 Journal 32.15.16 In Of Mice and Men, many of the characters strive for the American Dream. Lennie and George want only to make enough money to buy their own land; however, the characters are robbed of their dream due to circumstances beyond their control. Reflect on your reading of the novel (Chapters 1-6); IDENTIFY and EXPLAIN 5 “turn of events” or reasons that ultimately cost George and Lennie their American Dream. Respond in a WELL-FORMED PARAGRAPH.

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