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COMMUNICATION MODEL Implementing the IT Communication Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATION MODEL Implementing the IT Communication Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMUNICATION MODEL Implementing the IT Communication Strategy

2 Strategy: Changing the IT Perception We coordinate around business activities We plan, test, and properly engage stakeholders We do technology to achieve the UTA mission, not just for technology’s sake We do things with business owners, not to them We Partner with UTA We Create Desired Outcomes We Limit Disruptions We Take Thoughtful Action

3 IT Communication Model IMPAC T RISK AGREEMENT AWARENESS High Low High Low High High Agreement Low Awareness Low Agreement High Awareness Low Agreement Low Awareness High Agreement High Awareness  Impact  Level of involvement by people or processes  Risk  Potential disruptions to UTA business functions Project Management Rigor

4 Assessing Impact & Risk FactorsLowMediumHigh Impact Small User Group Single Department Business Processes Single IT Group Involved Multiple User Groups Multi-Department Business Processes Multiple IT Groups Involved Most or All User Groups Critical University Processes Many IT Groups Involved Risk Little to No Disruption to Any UTA Business Functions Advanced Expertise with Technology Disruption to Departmental Business Functions Basic Expertise with Technology High Disruption to UTA Business Functions Limited to No Expertise with Technology

5 IMPAC T RISK AGREEMENT AWARENESS High Low High Low High High Agreement High Awareness High Agreement Low Awareness Low Agreement Low Awareness Low Agreement High Awareness High Agreement & High Awareness  Gain Agreement  Executive Leadership  Business Owners  CAB  Create Awareness  Often / Sustained  Multiple Channels  All Stakeholders

6 IMPAC T RISK AGREEMENT AWARENESS High Low High Low High High Agreement High Awareness High Agreement Low Awareness Low Agreement Low Awareness Low Agreement High Awareness High Agreement & Low Awareness  Gain Agreement  Executive Leadership  Business Owners  CAB  Create Awareness  Adequate Notice  Impacted Groups

7 IMPAC T RISK AGREEMENT AWARENESS High Low High Low High High Agreement High Awareness High Agreement Low Awareness Low Agreement Low Awareness Low Agreement High Awareness Low Agreement & High Awareness  Gain Agreement  CAB  Create Awareness  Informational  Often / Sustained  Multiple Channels  All Stakeholders

8 IMPAC T RISK AGREEMENT AWARENESS High Low High Low High High Agreement High Awareness High Agreement Low Awareness Low Agreement Low Awareness Low Agreement High Awareness Low Agreement & Low Awareness  Gain Agreement  CAB  No CAB if Standard Change  Create Awareness  Adequate Notice  Impacted Groups

9 Phases of Communication Identify communication need, communicator, manager, and leadership Initiate Identify stakeholders, awareness strategy, appropriate approvals, and communication timeline Plan Review strategy and gain approval from appropriate leadership Approve Implement communication tasks such as client notifications, team meetings, project summaries, etc. Execute Assess plan effectiveness, adjust as needed, move to close when no adjustments are required Monitor Complete appropriate close out tasks such as report results to CAB, close out meeting, etc. Close

10 Roles & Responsibilities RolesInitiatePlanApproveImplementMonitorClose Identified Communicator(s) R, ARRRRR Identified Manager(s)C, IR, AA, C, IAAA N-Level SupportC, I IT CommunicationsC, I R, C, IC, I TrainingC, IR, C, IC, I Identified LeadershipC, I R, C, IC, I R = Responsible for task(s) A = Accountable for results C = Consulted on tasks I = Informed about tasks

11 Notes on Roles  Identified Communicator(s)  The individual(s) identified to be responsible for communication tasks  Could be one person or multiple people from the roles listed  Identified Manager  Change Manager  Project Manager  Service Manager  Identified Leadership  CAB  Business Owners  Campus Leadership

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