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CENTRAL IDEA. Day 1- Learning Targets CCS- RI 6.1 I can determine the central idea of an informational text. Please copy the learning targets on the next.

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Presentation on theme: "CENTRAL IDEA. Day 1- Learning Targets CCS- RI 6.1 I can determine the central idea of an informational text. Please copy the learning targets on the next."— Presentation transcript:


2 Day 1- Learning Targets CCS- RI 6.1 I can determine the central idea of an informational text. Please copy the learning targets on the next clear page in your notebook. Remember to use the back of your pages and make sure you include the date.

3 Central Idea WORD SORTS Copy the chart in your notebook. Using the words on the paper, determine a topic which would create three categories for the words. Write the words in the chart for the topic you’ve chosen.

4 Central Idea Glue the paper in your notebook. What is the topic for each paragraph? What is the main idea for each paragraph?

5 1.Read the title (if there) and the paragraph. 2.Determine the topic of the paragraph. 3.Highlight or underline any “major” words which repeat (not words like “a”, “the”, “and”, or other similar words. 4.Read the first and last sentence of the paragraphs again. 5.Look for the BIG IDEA. 6.Look for a topic sentence OR write your own. 7.Sometimes the main idea may be IMPLIED (you will need to write your own) or DIRECTLY STATED (there will be a sentence in the paragraph which is the main idea.

6 Now that you have notes… Use Notes Go back over paragraphs Decide if you need to make changes What is the topic for each paragraph? What is the main idea for each paragraph?

7 Central Idea EXIT SLIP With your group, write down the clues in finding the main idea. Do not use your notes!! HOMEWORK Glue the passage in your notebook. Answer the following questions… 1.What is the main idea of the passage? 2.What is the main idea of paragraph three?

8 DAY 2- Review Homework Review your answers from the homework assignment. Make changes as needed. 1. The main idea of the passage is “Within the Arctic Circle in Europe and Russia, reindeer are used for nearly everything, from transportation and hauling supplies, to providing food and clothing.” 2. The main idea of paragraph three is “Reindeer are also a reliable form of transportation in parts of the Arctic.”

9 Central Idea- VideoVideo THINK-PAIR-SHARE What does the video tell us about finding the main idea ? Add any new information to your notebook. NEXT: EXAMPLE vs NON-EXAMPLE

10 My mother bakes homemade bread. She mixes the flour and yeast into sticky dough, kneads it, and lets it rise before popping it into our oven. Her bread is better than anything in the store. Main Idea: My mom makes homemade bread. Topic: homemade bread You should have this paragraph circled for the EXAMPLE.

11 Central Idea- Task Cards With your group members, answer the twenty-four task cards on Central Idea in your notebook. Let’s review what it means to work in a group… 1.Read the cards together. 2.Discuss the answers until everyone agrees on one answer for each card. If you totally disagree about answers, that’s fine; just be able to defend your answer. 3.Each of your write your answer in your own notebook. 4.Continue on to the next card. 5.Keep in mind that a group does not “assign” cards for one person to complete. Everyone in the group MUST read the cards together and discuss the answers.

12 DAY 3- Central Idea. Using the same passage about reindeer, answer the following questions… 1.What can the reader conclude from the information presented in paragraph one? 2.What does paragraph three tell us about reindeer?

13 What Doesn’t Belong?? 1- Glue in your notebook 2- Mark out the sentence that doesn’t belong 3- Underline or write main idea of each paragraph.

14 Create Foldable QUIZ Supporting Details

15 DAY 4 PYRAMID FOLDABLE 1- Follow directions for the foldable 2- FRONT should be CENTRAL IDEA- THE BIG IDEA 3- Second and third pages should be CLUES for finding the central idea 4- Large strip left from the foldable should be an example with color-coded clues FINISH FOR HOMEWORK IF NEEDED

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