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Race, Ethnicity, Gender, & Nationality Cultural Identities.

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Presentation on theme: "Race, Ethnicity, Gender, & Nationality Cultural Identities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Race, Ethnicity, Gender, & Nationality Cultural Identities

2 How do you identify yourself? Think about what categories you place yourself in… And what categories you intentionally do not place yourself in… I. What is Identity? Image Source:

3 Identity is: a.How people make sense of themselves (how people define themselves) b.The ways in which a place shapes people and the ways in which people shape places I. What is Identity?

4 One way to define identity is by “Identifying against”: – Defining the “other” first, then defining ourselves in opposing terms – Carries a sense of superiority I. What is Identity?

5 Types of Identity: – Race – Ethnicity – Gender – Nationality – Sexuality – Religious – Language – State I. What is Identity?

6 1.Race 2.Ethnicity 3.Gender 4.Nationality II. How do you define…

7 1.All group members participate in the discussion by: Listening attentively Sharing information Asking and answering questions Responding to group members 2.No one dominates the conversation. 3.Group members are courteous. 4.Conversation remains on-topic. 5.Noise-level is appropriate. Group Norms

8 1.Race a)A categorization of humans based on skin color & other physical characteristics b)An identity with a group of people who share a common ancestor c)A social & political construction based on ideas that some biological differences (especially skin color) are more important than others II. How do you define…

9 2. Ethnicity - identity with a group of people bound by common ancestry and culture *Examples: II. How do you define…

10 3. Gender - a culture’s assumptions about the differences between men and women: their characters, the roles they play in society, and what they represent *Sex v. Gender II. How do you define…

11 4.Nationality - identity with a group of people that share legal attachment & personal allegiance to a particular place as a result of being born there *Examples: II. How do you define…

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