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P eer A ssisted S tudy S essions PASS Leader Training Session B.

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Presentation on theme: "P eer A ssisted S tudy S essions PASS Leader Training Session B."— Presentation transcript:

1 P eer A ssisted S tudy S essions PASS Leader Training Session B

2 Outline of the session The PASS approach – recap Ice breakers – what's the point!? Simulation of a PASS session Simulation of a debrief Role of your supervisor --break-- Working inclusively Q&A

3 The PASS Approach - recap Activity: ‘The Big Idea’ (strategy card 10) What was the most important concept, idea or information you learned in Session A PASS training? Divide into 3 groups – each take a topic to summarise and create a concept map on: What is PASS? The role of a leader First year transitions

4 Ice-breakers… (cringe) what’s the point??!!


6 PASS Simulation...

7 PASS Debriefs Attending debriefs is an essential part of your PASS leadership A debrief is an opportunity to talk to your supervisor about how PASS is going, good or bad! You can feedback any comments about the course or module which helps improvement

8 Effective Debriefs Attend one debrief per fortnight Prepare – bring your session evaluation Ask for the resources you need Communicate with your supervisor! It’s an opportunity to develop your skills

9 PASS Supervisors To provide support and leadership Select and train PASS Leaders Plan and lead weekly or fortnightly leaders debriefs Observe PASS sessions Promote PASS to students

10 PASS Supervisors Liaise with Academic staff/ module leaders Arrange rooms and timetables Update studentcentral with latest information Remind leaders to update PASS registers for evaluation

11 Have a break!

12 Remember those comments and questions please!


14 Equality and Diversity Student Development Officer (Student Experience & Equalities) Marianne Lemond – Student Services

15 What’s this about? In the next 30 minutes (hopefully) you will: Understand what Equality and Diversity is about and why it’s important See how inclusive practice as a PASS Leader can help your group work more effectively Gain confidence!

16 Which is ‘equality’ and which is ‘diversity’? a.Recognising, respecting and valuing individual difference; treating everyone fairly regardless of personal characteristics, background or personality. b.Freedom from discrimination for specific groups of people; removing barriers that could result in certain groups of people being disadvantaged compared with others.

17 The Equality Act (2010) Discrimination is illegal based on 9 Protected Characteristics: – Age – Disability – Race (includes Ethnicity and Nationality) – Gender/Sex – Gender Identity (Trans) – Marriage and Civil Partnership – Pregnancy and maternity – Religion and belief – Sexual orientation

18 Aims of E&D is about Talent, Innovation and Service Expectations of staff and students: To be considered on individual merits For no discriminatory barriers to exist To be treated with respect To be allowed to reach their potential To be supported

19 Good practice Is recognising that we are all biased in some way, and we constantly make judgements and group people. Treating people as individuals – What works for one person might not for another – Ask people about their experiences rather than making assumptions Valuing, respecting and learning from difference

20 Discussion in groups How might this affect different students? What would be the best way to ensure that what you do is fair to everyone? You could think about… ▫ Age ▫ Disability ▫ Race ▫ Gender ▫ Religion/Belief ▫ Sexual Orientation ▫ Social class ▫ Student parents/carers ▫ International or EU students ▫ Students who work ▫ Local students

21 FEEDING BACK What did your groups discuss?

22 In general… Think about the subtle differences as well as the HUGE THINGS Often it’s about communication more than anything Don’t be scared to ask for help!

23 Questions? Anything you’re not sure of? Anything you’d like more information about? More information is available in the ‘Equality and Diversity’ area of Student Life on studentcentral

24 Next Training Day... Session C: Facilitation techniques Planning and structuring sessions Using your strategy cards Using technology Getting familiar with the ASK website Support, networks and opportunities

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