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Growing Divisions Subtitle. Rising Immigration ▪ Irish: ▪ Irish Potato Famine: many Irish immigrate to United States ▪ Naturalized: applied and granted.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing Divisions Subtitle. Rising Immigration ▪ Irish: ▪ Irish Potato Famine: many Irish immigrate to United States ▪ Naturalized: applied and granted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing Divisions Subtitle

2 Rising Immigration ▪ Irish: ▪ Irish Potato Famine: many Irish immigrate to United States ▪ Naturalized: applied and granted American citizenship ▪ Germans: ▪ Came to American seeking political freedom after failed rebellions ▪ Settled in Midwest

3 Immigrants Face Hostility ▪ Faced discrimination: unequal treatment of people because of their nationality, race, sex, or religion ▪ Irish would work for lower wages ▪ Protestants disapproved of their Catholic religion

4 North-South Tensions ▪ Southerners resented the abolitionist movement ▪ Divided Churches ▪ Southern Traditions: public schools and equal rights for women

5 The Case Against Slavery ▪ North & South sections form two distinct nations within the United States ▪ Northerners believed slavery was evil that couldn’t be tolerated ▪ Many were still prejudiced (unreasonable opinion of another group that is not based in fact) ▪ Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Harriet Beecher Stowe

6 Differences between North and South ▪ Northern population more than twice the size of the South ▪ 70 percent of railroads in the North ▪ The telegraph: advanced communication in the North

7 The Mexican War & Slavery Extension ▪ Manifest destiny: U.S. has divine mission to expand boundary from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. ▪ Texans vote to be annexed by the United States ▪ Congress approves annexation of Texas

8 War with Mexico ▪ Argument w/ Mexico over border b/t two countries – U.S. – Rio Grande – Mexico – border was few miles north at Nueces River ▪ General Zachary Taylor sent to Rio Grande – Skirmish w/ Mexican troops – War declared on Mexico

9 War with Mexico ▪ Bear Flag Revolt: American settlers in California attacks Mexican town and proclaims the Republic of California. Mexicans driven out of N. California ▪ United States troops invade New Mexico and defeat Mexican army. ▪ Santa Anna declares victory and marches to Mexico City

10 War with Mexico ▪ General Winfield Scott: captures port of Veracruz and later captures Mexico City bringing war to an end. ▪ Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed February 2, 1848

11 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ▪ Mexico gives up claim to Texas and recognized Rio Grande w/ southern border ▪ Gives California & New Mexico to United States ▪ United States pays Mexico $15 million ▪ U.S. agreed to pay American claims against Mexico ($3 million) ▪ Gadsden Purchase: Mexican govt. sells New Mexico & Arizona to U.S. ▪ Present-day United States boundaries are now set.

12 Wilmot Proviso ▪ Slavery brought to forefront of American politics ▪ Should slavery be allowed in new territories? ▪ No slavery will exist in new territories acquired from Mexico ▪ Congress does NOT pass amendment

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