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Week 23: Jesus and the Multitudes Luke 5:17–32 18:15–19:9.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 23: Jesus and the Multitudes Luke 5:17–32 18:15–19:9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 23: Jesus and the Multitudes Luke 5:17–32 18:15–19:9

2 What do you learn about God? What do you learn about people? What do you learn about how God relates to people? What is God’s word of grace and truth for you in this text today?

3 January 18: Miracles In what ways do you/we identify with the recipient? Are you empty, and astonished at the new and better good God brings into your life? (John 2) Are you deeply disturbed, and astonished that you cannot push God away? (Mark 1)

4 January 25: Parables Who is God in the story? God is a faithful farmer who invests good seed in all kinds of soil. Faith is difficult for many reasons, but God never gives up. No one is left out. (Mark 4)

5 February 1: Personal Encounters Luke 5:17–32 18:15–19:9 Who is seeking Jesus? Why? How does Jesus respond? Who else is there? Are they helping or hindering? How does Jesus respond to them?

6 Who is seeking Jesus? Why? A paralyzed man who wants forgiveness for his sins and restored mobility. A tax collector called Levi. (He’s not actually seeking Jesus. He’s just at work and Jesus interrupts him. He’s the exception.) Parents/grandparents/caregivers who want help for their children.

7 “A certain ruler” who wanted eternal life. (Such an odd phrase!! Makes me think Luke’s readers would have known exactly who he was. Did he follow Jesus after all?) The twelve disciples who want reassurance. A blind man begging by the side of the road who wanted his sight restored. A chief tax collector who just wanted to see Jesus.

8 How does Jesus respond? Without exception, Jesus invites them closer. Some, he touches physically. Others, he connects with socially. (So many dinner parties!) Others, he engages in private conversation.

9 Jesus addresses their deepest needs. “Friend, your sins are forgiven you.” “Stand up and walk.” “Follow me.” “Let me hold that baby of yours! …. Shhhh…” “Sell all that you own and distribute the money to the poor.” “Come away with me.” “Receive your sight.” “I must stay at your house today.”

10 In what way is Jesus inviting you closer? Which word from Jesus resonates with your deepest need today? Which words of hope do your people need to hear? Our community? Our world?

11 Equally fascinating will be the second part of this study, which I send you home with. Read these stories asking: Who else is there for these encounters? Are they helping or hindering? How does Jesus respond to them? (Hint: The Serious Religious are not always the bad guys. Sometimes they are amazed by grace. The Disciples are not always the good guys. They try to manage grace.)

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