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EIS Database Technical Considerations: Geospatial Kytt MacManus GIS Programmer, CIESIN June 16, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "EIS Database Technical Considerations: Geospatial Kytt MacManus GIS Programmer, CIESIN June 16, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 EIS Database Technical Considerations: Geospatial Kytt MacManus GIS Programmer, CIESIN June 16, 2016

2 Geospatial Data Contained in an EIS 1.Mapped Geospatial Data – Map Images and underlying datasets 2.Unmapped Geospatial Data – Narratives or table data with geo-referenceable information escalante/planning/livestock_eis0.Par.54174.Image.-1.-1.1.gif plication%252Fpdf&filename=HAVO_FEIS_Chapter_1_01_11_13.pdf&sfid=14 9257

3 How to spatially represent an EIS? 1.Geocode the point location of the EIS 2.Georeference Project Footprints 3.Digitization of static maps and data 4.Production of new data extracted from narratives, tables, and descriptions Less Cost More Cost

4 Populating the Database Natural Language Processing 1.Document Classification 2.Semantic Analysis 3.Information Extraction 4.Optical Character Recognition Less Cost More Cost

5 Geocoding an EIS Geocoding is the process of transforming a description of a location into a quantitative location on the earth's surface. – a pair of coordinates Highest Confidence – an address Confidence varies by area of interest – a name of a place Lower precision and therefore lower confidence mages/GIS/Geocoding.jpg

6 How to Obtain Geocode Information? 1.Use NLP Information Extraction Techniques 2.Manual interpretation and retrieval

7 How to map the Geocodes 1.A pair of coordinates – ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 2.An Address – Online Geocoding Service – Esri, Google, Others… 3.The Name of a Place – World Gazetteer – Geonames, Fallingrain, others… http://desktop.a cmap/10.3/guid e- books/geocodin g/GUID- C50B841B-4F35- 4DB8-BB85- D5FDD2BCEEF4- web.png dlib/january99/hill/I mage4.gif maps

8 Georeferencing an EIS 1.Project Footprints – From Geocode? – Place Name? 2.Static Maps in the EIS 3.Particular Layers from Static Maps – Did the EIS require the production of new GIS data? content/blogs.dir/7/files/Geospatial- NEPA-ELI-2015.pdf content/uploads/2014/01/goad- map.png

9 Production of new Geospatial Data? 1.Georeferencing 2.NLP Information Extraction – Geocoding by place name, address, or coordinates

10 Crowd-sourcing (eg NY Public Library)

11 Database Maintenance Mechanism to allow for user upload of EIS – Must elicit relevant metadata Mechanism to allow for crowd-sourced georeferencing?

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