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Settlements in North America Calhoun Fourth Grade.

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1 Settlements in North America Calhoun Fourth Grade

2 Settlements in the New World There are three major settlement groups in North America There are three major settlement groups in North America Spanish Settlements Spanish Settlements French Settlements French Settlements English Settlements English Settlements

3 Spanish Settlements Environment Spanish conquistadors claimed Florida and the southwest region of what is today the United States and called all of this land New Spain. Spanish conquistadors claimed Florida and the southwest region of what is today the United States and called all of this land New Spain.

4 Spanish Settlements Economic Spanish colonists searched the southwest region for gold. Spanish colonists searched the southwest region for gold. St. Augustine and Santa Fe were established as missions where Native Americans worked to make a profit (money) for the Spanish. St. Augustine and Santa Fe were established as missions where Native Americans worked to make a profit (money) for the Spanish.

5 Spanish Settlements Government Ruled by an absolute monarch Ruled by an absolute monarch This is where the king and queen have absolute, or total, power over the people This is where the king and queen have absolute, or total, power over the people

6 Spanish Settlements Religion Missions are a religious settlement where missionaries ( people who teach others about his or her religion) live and work. Missions are a religious settlement where missionaries ( people who teach others about his or her religion) live and work. Missions were used to teach native peoples about Christianity Missions were used to teach native peoples about Christianity

7 French Settlements Environment The French colonists settled in Canada on the St. Lawrence River and along the Mississippi River. They named this land New France The French colonists settled in Canada on the St. Lawrence River and along the Mississippi River. They named this land New France Most French colonists were trappers and traders Most French colonists were trappers and traders

8 French Settlements Economics New France had a short growing season, so they found other ways to make money New France had a short growing season, so they found other ways to make money The French colonists established fur trade with the Native Americans, to make a profit (money) The French colonists established fur trade with the Native Americans, to make a profit (money)

9 French Settlements Government The French were ruled by an absolute monarch, like the Spanish, so the king and queen had all the power. The French were ruled by an absolute monarch, like the Spanish, so the king and queen had all the power.

10 French Settlements Religion French settlers tried to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. French settlers tried to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. The French government did not allow religious rebels in their colonies. The French government did not allow religious rebels in their colonies.

11 Dutch Settlements The Dutch founded the colony of New Netherland The Dutch founded the colony of New Netherland The English forced the Dutch to give up their colony and it became the English colonies of New York and New Jersey The English forced the Dutch to give up their colony and it became the English colonies of New York and New Jersey

12 English Settlements Environment The English colonies can be divided into the 3 regions: New England Colonies, Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies The English colonies can be divided into the 3 regions: New England Colonies, Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies There are 13 original colonies. There are 13 original colonies. England was the first country to build settlements in North America was. England was the first country to build settlements in North America was.

13 English Settlements Economic English colonists settled along the Atlantic coast of North America for religious freedom and economic opportunity, the chance to make more money. English colonists settled along the Atlantic coast of North America for religious freedom and economic opportunity, the chance to make more money. Each region earned a profit for their colony in a different way based on their resources Each region earned a profit for their colony in a different way based on their resources

14 English Settlements Government The English had a tradition of legislative representation in Parliament, so they allowed their colonies to create colonial legislative branches. The English had a tradition of legislative representation in Parliament, so they allowed their colonies to create colonial legislative branches. Governors of the colonies were appointed my the crown (king and queen) Governors of the colonies were appointed my the crown (king and queen)

15 English Settlements Religion English settlers were mostly Protestants English settlers were mostly Protestants There were many religious groups such as the Puritans and Quakers who settled in the colonies in search of religious freedom There were many religious groups such as the Puritans and Quakers who settled in the colonies in search of religious freedom


17  New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut  New England colonies had thick, rocky soil and a cold climate  Natural Resource: fish, whales, forest The New England Colonies Environment

18 New England Colonies Economics Because of the rocky soil and cold climates, colonists exported (send out) lumber and built ships to fish and whale hunt to support their economy. Because of the rocky soil and cold climates, colonists exported (send out) lumber and built ships to fish and whale hunt to support their economy.

19  The Pilgrims and the Puritans went to New England to establish a model religious community.  The meeting house was the center of religious activity and government in the colonies. The New England Colonies Religion

20 New England Colonies Lifestyle Men worked as artisans or store owners in cities and towns Men worked as artisans or store owners in cities and towns Children received enough education to read and write Children received enough education to read and write Young boys would learn a trade from their father through an apprenticeship Young boys would learn a trade from their father through an apprenticeship

21 Anne Hutchinson pg. 2-3 Why did Anne Hutchinson and her family settle in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Why did Anne Hutchinson and her family settle in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? What did Anne Hutchinson get in trouble for? What did Anne Hutchinson get in trouble for? What do Puritans believe? What do Puritans believe? What does persecuted mean? What does persecuted mean?

22 Middle Colonies Environment Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, and New Jersey Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, and New Jersey Fertile soil for farming, with mild climate Fertile soil for farming, with mild climate

23 Middle Colonies Economics Middle Colonies grew so much wheat, the region became known as the, "bread basket” of the colonies Middle Colonies grew so much wheat, the region became known as the, "bread basket” of the colonies Middle Colonies exported (send out) food to the Caribbean and other European countries Middle Colonies exported (send out) food to the Caribbean and other European countries

24 Middle Colonies Religion Quakers settled in Pennsylvania to practice religious tolerance, allowing others to practice the religion of their choice Quakers settled in Pennsylvania to practice religious tolerance, allowing others to practice the religion of their choice

25 Middle Colonies Lifestyle Men and women worked on farms with help from indentured servants or slaves Men and women worked on farms with help from indentured servants or slaves Women were responsible for daily chores such as cooking, cleaning, and sewing Women were responsible for daily chores such as cooking, cleaning, and sewing Young boys learned a trade from their fathers through an apprenticeship Young boys learned a trade from their fathers through an apprenticeship

26 Anne Hutchinson pg. 4-9 Who led the establishment of the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Who led the establishment of the Massachusetts Bay Colony? What was the Massachusetts Bay colony based on? What was the Massachusetts Bay colony based on? What does the word devout mean? What does the word devout mean? What was Anne saying about most of the ministers in the colony? What was Anne saying about most of the ministers in the colony? What were women not supposed to do in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? What were women not supposed to do in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Why were the members of the Massachusetts Bay Colony government mad at Anne? Why were the members of the Massachusetts Bay Colony government mad at Anne?

27 Southern Colonies Environment Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia Southern colonies had rich soil, warm climate, and plenty of rain Southern colonies had rich soil, warm climate, and plenty of rain

28 Southern Colonies Economic Southern colonies developed an economy based on farming Southern colonies developed an economy based on farming Grew tobacco, rice, and indigo – cash crops Grew tobacco, rice, and indigo – cash crops Tobacco was the most important cash crop to the colonies of Virginia and Maryland Tobacco was the most important cash crop to the colonies of Virginia and Maryland

29 Southern Colonies Religion Southern colonies were a refuge (a safe place) for Catholics and Protestants. Southern colonies were a refuge (a safe place) for Catholics and Protestants. The southern colonies established churches in their communities The southern colonies established churches in their communities

30 Southern Colonies Lifestyle There were small farms, and plantations (large farms) in the Southern Colonies, where enslaved Africans worked for the plantation owners There were small farms, and plantations (large farms) in the Southern Colonies, where enslaved Africans worked for the plantation owners Plantations were owned by wealthy white men Plantations were owned by wealthy white men

31 Southern Colonies Government The House of Burgesses met in 1619. It was Virginia’s first government. The House of Burgesses met in 1619. It was Virginia’s first government. The men who owned land picked the members. The men who owned land picked the members.

32 Triangular Trade

33 Slaves were brought to North America through the triangular trade. Slaves were brought to North America through the triangular trade. The routes were taken between the British Colonies in North America, Europe, Africa, and the West Indies. The routes were taken between the British Colonies in North America, Europe, Africa, and the West Indies.

34 Triangular Trade On one route, sugar was purchased in the West Indies and taken to New England to make rum. Rum was shipped to Africa in exchanged for slaves. On one route, sugar was purchased in the West Indies and taken to New England to make rum. Rum was shipped to Africa in exchanged for slaves. Slaves were then taken to the West Indies and sold or exchanged for sugar cane. The sugar was taken back to New England to produce more rum, and the cycle continued. Slaves were then taken to the West Indies and sold or exchanged for sugar cane. The sugar was taken back to New England to produce more rum, and the cycle continued.

35 Triangular Trade On another route, cash crops from the English colonies were sold in Europe in exchange for manufactured goods that couldn’t be produced in the colonies. This is called mercantilism. On another route, cash crops from the English colonies were sold in Europe in exchange for manufactured goods that couldn’t be produced in the colonies. This is called mercantilism.


37 The Middle Passage The slave’s journey on the ship between Africa and the British Colonies is known as the Middle Passage. The slave’s journey on the ship between Africa and the British Colonies is known as the Middle Passage. Africans were kidnapped and marched to the coast of West Africa, to slave ships where they were traded or sold to the ship’s captain Africans were kidnapped and marched to the coast of West Africa, to slave ships where they were traded or sold to the ship’s captain

38 The Middle Passage The slaves endured inhumane (unbearable) conditions aboard the ships. The slaves endured inhumane (unbearable) conditions aboard the ships. The slave trade was to make a profit (money), so captains of slave ships tried to deliver the maximum number of slaves for minimum cost The slave trade was to make a profit (money), so captains of slave ships tried to deliver the maximum number of slaves for minimum cost Africans received little food, or exercise while aboard the ship Africans received little food, or exercise while aboard the ship Many slaves did not survive the Middle Passage Many slaves did not survive the Middle Passage

39 Slaves Arrive in North America Slaves were brought in from Africa mainly through the port of Charleston, SC Slaves were brought in from Africa mainly through the port of Charleston, SC These slaves had a deep impact on the economy and culture of the colonies These slaves had a deep impact on the economy and culture of the colonies

40 Slavery in the Colonies As large farms and plantations were established in the colonies, the planters needed help planting and harvesting crops As large farms and plantations were established in the colonies, the planters needed help planting and harvesting crops At first, the English attempted to enslave Native Americans, but Native Americans knew the land so well that they were able escape. At first, the English attempted to enslave Native Americans, but Native Americans knew the land so well that they were able escape.

41 Slavery in the Colonies Most enslaved Africans in the colonies were forced to work on large plantations. Most enslaved Africans in the colonies were forced to work on large plantations. Slave owners could sell family members and break up families Slave owners could sell family members and break up families

42 Impact of Slavery Africans brought their own culture, skills and languages Africans brought their own culture, skills and languages Africans knew a lot about raising livestock (farm animals) and farming techniques Africans knew a lot about raising livestock (farm animals) and farming techniques Without African skills and labor, the economy of the Colonies would not have developed cash crops. Without African skills and labor, the economy of the Colonies would not have developed cash crops.

43 Impact of Slavery Africans impacted the cooking styles of the colonies, because they prepared the meals for themselves and their owners Africans impacted the cooking styles of the colonies, because they prepared the meals for themselves and their owners Africans added vegetables to the owner’s diets, which their health Africans added vegetables to the owner’s diets, which their health Slave owners began to feel threatened by the population of slaves and decided to make slave codes to control the behavior of slaves in the colonies Slave owners began to feel threatened by the population of slaves and decided to make slave codes to control the behavior of slaves in the colonies

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