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Unscramble the Words mielpyhsto teomoshmni Do you know the meaning of these words?

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Presentation on theme: "Unscramble the Words mielpyhsto teomoshmni Do you know the meaning of these words?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unscramble the Words mielpyhsto teomoshmni Do you know the meaning of these words?

2 Monotheism and Polytheism Monotheism = the belief in one God. Polytheism = the belief in many gods. Is Hinduism monotheistic or polytheistic?

3 Hinduism Assessment Lesson Learning Objective: To describe the symbolism behind Hindu gods and goddesses. Explain Hindu beliefs about God.

4 Part One a) Monotheism means... Polytheism means... b) The name of the ultimate God in Hinduism is... c) The three parts of the trimurti are... d) One of the gods in Hinduism is called......... One of their symbolic features is......... This symbolises that they......... Another of the gods in Hinduism is called......... One of their symbolic features is......... This symbolises that they......... One of the gods in Hinduism is called......... One of their symbolic features is......... This symbolises that they.........

5 How do these examples help explain the Hindu idea of God?

6 Part Two Hindus claim to be monotheistic but have hundreds of different murtis. One way of explaining this is the example of...... This example shows that..... Another example to show how Hindus believe in one God with many sides is...... This example shows that...... Therefore, Hindus can believe in one God but worship many because.... Level 4: I can describe some of the key beliefs about God and explain in simple terms how they believe in one God but worship many. Level 5: I can accurately explain, I can make connections between the idea o murtis and the idea of Brahman being the ultimate God. Level 6: I can make detailed and developed links between the murtis and the concept of Brahman being the ultimate God. I can use a number of examples.

7 How are you doing? Check your work and read the mark scheme. What level do you think you are on? Are you meeting your target from the last assessment? What do you need to focus on next lesson?

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