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HINDUISM. ABOUT HINDUISM… **Hinduism is generally considered to be a polytheistic religion with a belief in many gods. THE ISSUE – trying to make sense.

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Presentation on theme: "HINDUISM. ABOUT HINDUISM… **Hinduism is generally considered to be a polytheistic religion with a belief in many gods. THE ISSUE – trying to make sense."— Presentation transcript:


2 ABOUT HINDUISM… **Hinduism is generally considered to be a polytheistic religion with a belief in many gods. THE ISSUE – trying to make sense about the nature of the universe. Why do things happen? Why are things the way they are?

3 ABOUT HINDUISM… (CONT’D) Upanishads – collection of Hindu ideas written in text (look on page 76 of the book for an excerpt) -Hinduism is predominant in the country of India. - Hinduism was not founded by one person or based on one god like Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. It is a combination of the many beliefs by the different groups who settled in India (IT IS VERY COMPLEX)

4 HINDU BELIEFS A.Upanishads and Veda -Sacred books of the Hindu B. Reincarnation -Ultimate goal is to achieve moksha (oneness with universe or Brahman) -People are reincarnated over several lifetimes to achieve this.

5 HINDU BELIEFS (CONT’D) C. Karma and Dharma -Karma is the way you act in this life affects you fate in the next life (act good and be rewarded in the next life; act bad and you will suffer in the next life) -Dharma is your moral behavior. A. Hindus believe that all existence is ranked from highest forms to lowest (humans, animals, plants, rocks, etc..)

6 HINDU BELIEFS (CONT’D AGAIN) B. Bad dharma = reborn into rock. C. Good dharma = reborn into higher social class of human

7 CASTE SYSTEM The Caste System is the social class system of Hindus (cannot marry outside of your caste) 1. Top – Brahmin – purest form of human; closest to achieving moksha (Ex: priest or monk) 2. Bottom – Pariah “untouchables” – lowest form of humans (Ex: ditch diggers, grave diggers, street cleaners) **also known as “outcastes” because they are such low human beings, they are outside the caste system **they even own wooden clappers to alert people of their presence so they can move out of the way

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