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Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA.

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Presentation on theme: "Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA your medical plan options Plan year: 1/1/2011-12/31/2011 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2009 CIGNA

2 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Why choose CIGNA? We are easy to work with. We protect you from the unexpected. We help you be well and live well. Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2009 CIGNA 2

3 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA We are easy to work with.

4 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA What’s Changing? Current (The Standard Plan) (Product/Network) – xxx,xxx doctors/specialists – x,xxx hospitals/facilities Deductibles: $x,xxx individual $x,xxx family Preventive Care $xx coinsurance Pharmacy: (Cap Limits – $ and year) New CIGNA Choice Fund Health Savings Account (HSA) Open Access Plus – 520,000 doctors/specialists – 8,800 hospitals/facilities Deductibles: $x,xxx individual $x,xxx family Preventive Care $0 coinsurance/deductible – Covered at 100% Pharmacy: (Cap Limits – $ and year) 3

5 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Health Care Reform Impacts on HSAs Dependent Coverage – 9/23/2010 The change in dependent coverage does not apply to HSA funds HSA Funds can only be used for the eligible expenses of tax dependents The extension of coverage to age 26 does apply to the qualifying medical plan Over-the-Counter Drugs – 1/1/2011 Purchases of most over-the-counter drugs and medicines on or after January 1, 2011 cannot be reimbursed without a doctor’s prescription and store receipt Some eligible items, such as insulin, diabetic and first aid supplies, will not require a prescription You should keep a copy of the prescription and receipt for tax purposes The same prescription can be used for purchase of a specific medicine for up to 12 months (subject to change if additional guidance is issued by government) IRS Penalty increase on HSAs – 1/1/2011 The tax penalty on HSA distributions that are not used for qualified expenses will increase from 10% to 20% of the disbursed amount HSA funds can only be used for eligible expenses of tax dependents – even if an adult dependent is covered by the health plan, if that dependent is not claimed as a tax dependent, any expenses paid by the HSA will be subject to tax penalties

6 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA HSA $1,000 Your Share $1,000 Health Plan 80%/60% 100% Preventive Care (in-network) 100% after $3,250 (in-network) Deductible Out-of-Pocket Max Same Wide choice of doctors/hospitals Covers routine, emergency and catastrophic care Pay percentage of bill for in-network care Pay higher percentage for out-of-network care Plan pays claim after plan deductible met CIGNA receives bills, sends payment to doctors/hospitals Different Lower premium but higher deductible No copayment due at time of visit Preventive care covered 100% Account can be used to pay the deductible Cap on out-of-pocket expenses for in-network care Unused dollars rollover to next year Earn extra dollars for taking health assessment Max you’ll pay Unused $ roll over to next year Earn extra $ for taking health assessment Employee CIGNA HSA I’ve heard these account based plans are unique. How is this different from a traditional plan? DELETE IF Health Assessment INCENTIVE NOT OFFERED 4

7 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA A tax advantaged health plan that provides coverage for current medical/pharmacy expenses and allows the option to save for future health expenses. Combines a Qualified Medical Plan (medical/pharmacy coverage) with a Health Savings Account. You, your employer or both can contribute to the Health Savings Account. Money deposited into the Health Savings Account is generally not taxable. You have the option to invest the money into interest-bearing investment vehicles. Interest on these investments is also not taxable. 5 What Is a Health Savings Account (HSA) plan? + = Qualified Medical Plan Tax Advantaged HSA Plan Health Savings Bank Account

8 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA *In/Out-of-Network Coverage Level How does an HSA work? NOTE TO PRESENTER: Customize numbers in red to reflect client benefit design. 6 IndividualFamily Out-of-Pocket Max 100% after $2,500/$5,000* Deductible $1,500/$3,000* Health Plan 80%/60%* 100% Preventive Care (in-network) Deductible Out-of-Pocket Max 100% after $5,000/$10,000* Deductible $3,000/$6,000* Health Plan 80%/60%* 100% Preventive Care (in-network) Deductible Contributions can be used to pay for current year qualified health expenses or saved to pay for future health expenses Contribution $500 Employer + Employee $ Contribution $500 Employer + Employee $

9 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Because HSA Plans have special tax advantages, the IRS defines specific rules on participation. To be eligible you: Must be enrolled in a qualified HSA medical plan (CIGNA Choice Fund is a qualified medical plan) Cannot have any other health coverage Not covered by spouse’s medical or pharmacy plan Not covered through Medicare Part A or Part B Not covered through a general-purpose Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plan (either Employer’s or Spouse’s) Cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return Am I eligible to participate in an HSA plan? 7

10 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA What is the maximum I can contribute annually to the HSA? Because HSAs offer special tax advantages, the IRS puts limits on the maximum amount that can be contributed to the account: Under age 55 and not enrolled in Medicare: (based on a 12 month period) up to $3,050 individual coverage* up to $6,150 family coverage* Age 55 or older: Maximum contribution increases by $1,000 (considered a “catch-up” contribution) up to $4,050 individual coverage* up to $7,150 family coverage* To make the maximum contribution in a calendar year, you must: Meet all requirements to be eligible for HSA contributions on January 1 Remain qualified through December 1 If these criteria are not met, maximum contribution is prorated = 1/12 maximum contribution for each month individual is qualified *Employer and incentive contributions reduce the maximum an employee can contribute by an amount equal to the contribution. 8

11 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA CIGNA Choice Fund HSA Payment Process Medical Claim CIGNA updates quarterly Health Statement; sends email alert or mails to your home, based on preference setting. CIGNA provides an Explanation of Benefits (“receipt”) showing: Doctor fee, CIGNA discount, amount billed, amount deducted from the HSA, amount paid to doctor, remaining HSA balance, and what you saved. Sick visit to an in-network doctor/hospital/facility. 9 Show CIGNA Choice Fund ID Card to obtain CIGNA discounted rates. Doctor bills CIGNA. CIGNA receives the claim and processes it based on the HSA qualified plan deductible, covered expenses and CIGNA negotiated discounts. If Auto Claim Forwarding was elected, CIGNA automatically subtracts the amount owed to the doctor from your HSA and pays the doctor. If no Auto Claim Forwarding in place, you have the option to pay the doctor bill using your HSA account (debit card/checkbook) or pay out-of-pocket.

12 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA CIGNA Choice Fund HSA Payment Process Pharmacy Claim 10 Show CIGNA Choice Fund ID Card at the pharmacy to obtain CIGNA discounted rates. Pharmacy can see individual’s plan details and determines the “amount due” at the time of sale Deductible – discounted cost to individual Coinsurance – percentage of discounted cost to individual Out-of-Pocket Maximum – if met, no cost to individual If payment is due to Pharmacy, individual chooses how to pay: HSA Debit Card or Checkbook Out of pocket, using non-HSA dollars

13 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA 11 Karen Single, in her 50s Heart disease; controlling health through medication Looking to save money for future health expenses HSA Deposits by Karen $2,550 by Employer $500 Preventive Care $ 398 ER Visit $2,600 4 PCP Visits $ 320 Generic Rx (12) $ 288 Brand Rx (3) $ 240 Medical Expenses $3,448 How Expenses Are Paid Preventive (100%) $ 398 Applied to deductible $1,500 Paid by Plan (80%) $1,558.40 Paid by Karen (20%) $389.60 *In/Out-of-Network Coverage Level Out-of-Pocket Max 100% after $2,500/$5,000* Deductible $1,500/$3,000* Health Coverage 80%/60%* 100% Preventive Care (in-network) Deductible Contribution $500 Employer + Employee $2,550 Total HSA Contribution $3,050.00 What Karen Paid from HSA $1,889.60 Remaining HSA Balance $1,160.40

14 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Protecting you from the unexpected Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2009 CIGNA

15 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA I want a plan that provides protection from the unexpected. How do you protect me financially? Medical Plan Highlights Open Access Plus – High Open Access Plus – Basic CIGNA Choice Fund ® HSA SingleFamilySingleFamilySingleFamily Premium – deducted from payroll $XX$XXX $XX Deductible – what you pay before the plan pays $XXX In-network $XXX Out-of network $XXX In-network $X,XXX Out-of-network $X,XXX In-network $X,XXX Out-of-network $X,XXX In-network $X,XXX Out-of-network Out-of-pocket maximum $X,XXX $XXX In-network $X,XXX Out-of-network $XXX In-network $X,XXX Out-of-network $XXXX In-network $X,XXX Out-of-network $XXX In-network $X,XXX Out-of-network HSA contribution from employer n/a $XXX Lifetime maximumUnlimited 13

16 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Medical Plan Highlights I want a plan that provides protection from the unexpected. How do you protect me financially? Open Access Plus – High CIGNA Choice Fund ® HSA SingleFamilySingleFamily Premium – deducted from payroll $XXX Deductible – what you pay before the plan pays $XXX $XXX In-network $000 Out-of network $XXX In-network $0,000 Out-of-network Out-of-pocket maximum $X,XXX $XXX In-network $X,XXX Out-of-network $XXX In-network $X,XXX Out-of-network HSA contribution from employer n/a $XXX Lifetime maximumUnlimited 14

17 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Medical Plan Highlights I want a plan that provides protection from the unexpected. How do you protect me financially? CIGNA Choice Fund ® HSA SingleFamily Premium – deducted from payroll $XX$XXX Deductible – what you pay before the plan pays $XXX Out-of-pocket maximum $XXX HSA contribution from employer $XXX Lifetime maximumUnlimited 15

18 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Prescription Plan Highlights I want a plan that provides protection from the unexpected. How do you protect me financially? Open Access Plus – High Open Access Plus – Basic CIGNA Choice Fund ® HSA In-Network Retail (30-day supply) Home Delivery (90-day supply) Retail (30-day supply) Home Delivery (90-day supply) Retail (30-day supply) Home Delivery (90-day supply) GenericYou pay %XX CIGNA preferred brand You pay XX% Non-preferred brand You pay XX% Self-injectable medications $XXX max. per prescription Out-of-network Retail (00-day supply) Home Delivery (00-day supply) Retail (00-day supply) Home Delivery (00-day supply) Retail (00-day supply) Home Delivery (00-day supply) You’ll pay XX% for all out-of-network prescription medications, regardless of your plan. 16

19 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Prescription Plan Highlights I want a plan that provides protection from the unexpected. How do you protect me financially? Open Access Plus – High Open Access Plus – Basic In-Network Retail (30-day supply) Home Delivery (90-day supply) Retail (30-day supply) Home Delivery (90-day supply) GenericYou pay %XX CIGNA preferred brand You pay XX% Non-preferred brand You pay XX% Self-injectable medications $XXX max. per prescription Out-of-network Retail (00-day supply) Home Delivery (00-day supply) Retail (00-day supply) Home Delivery (00-day supply) You’ll pay XX% for all out-of-network prescription medications, regardless of your plan. 16

20 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Prescription Plan Highlights I want a plan that provides protection from the unexpected. How do you protect me financially? CIGNA Choice Fund ® HSA In-Network Retail (30-day supply) Home Delivery (90-day supply) GenericYou pay %XX CIGNA preferred brand You pay XX% Non-preferred brand You pay XX% Self-injectable medications $000 max. per prescription Out-of-Network Retail (00-day supply) Home Delivery (00-day supply) You’ll pay XX% for all out-of- network prescription medications, regardless of your plan. 17

21 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA My life is busy. How do you help me understand and track my health care expenses? 24/7 Customer Phone Assistance One toll-free number – on the back of the ID card and Debit Card Specially-trained Customer Service Representatives answer questions about: 18 Medical and pharmacy benefits and claims HSA IRS requirements HSA transaction activity and balance Live transfer to JPMorgan Chase for specialized activity (investments, lost debit card, debit card transaction questions) Tools and resources available on

22 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA 24/7 Online Health Account Management Personalized and secure online account tool Review plan coverage levels Check available balances Track claims and payments Get HSA bank account information Manage investment accounts via link to JPMorgan Chase My life is busy. How do you help me understand and track my health care expenses? Hello Karen 1515 Tools to find and compare cost and quality care Manage Bank Account Manage Medical Plan Logged in as: Karen Smith At-A-Glance Account Summary Karen Smith 19

23 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA My life is busy. How do you help me understand and track my health care expenses? Explanation of Benefits Available by mail or online at Based on your preference, either mailed to your home or you're alerted by email after each claim is processed and posted to Clearly show how and when claims were paid, and how the plan and account(s) paid toward claims Quarterly Health Statement Available by mail or online at Based on your preference, either mailed to your home or you're alerted by email after each statement is posted to Shows year-to-date deductibles, all claim activity and out-of-pocket expenses for that quarter Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA

24 I want to save for the future. What are my HSA saving and investment options? $2,000 minimum in HSA to invest Once the investment account is open, no minimum balance applies A selection of mutual funds from which to choose Investments can be allocated into one fund or multiple funds No minimum deposit for any fund Tax-free growth of interest or investment earnings Monthly fees apply Online trading – no fees apply Track your balance online or with convenient monthly statements 21

25 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNAConfidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2009 CIGNA Helping you be well and live well.

26 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA I’m healthy. What will your plan do for me? Easy-to-use, confidential health assessment gives you an overall health “score” and a personalized report Online coaching programs help you maintain a healthy lifestyle 100% coverage for wellness checkups, immunizations and preventive screenings Save money on health and wellness products and services like fitness clubs, eyewear, massage therapy and more A personal health advocate to help you prepare for office visits, improve your lifestyle and reduce your health risks, explore and choose treatment options, and answer health and coverage questions Healthy pregnancy education programs with March of Dimes  helps every baby get a healthy start. Optional bullet – Programs to help you better manage stress, quit tobacco or lose weight (USE IF LIFESTYLE MGMT OFFERED) Optional bullet – Earn gift cards and merchandise for taking steps to stay healthy (USE IF CIGNA INCENTIVE POINTS OFFERED) 23

27 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA What are you doing to make sure I’m getting quality care? Quality rankings let you compare doctors and hospitals Online resources let you check for dangerous drug interactions Alerts sent to you and your doctor if we see or anticipate possible gaps or errors in care Support from our care coordinators if you are hospitalized with a serious illness Features Quickly compare cost and quality using 1-3 Star Rating System Ratings for 29 conditions Ratings based on Healthshare plus CIGNA data Find CIGNA Centers of Excellence 1-3 Star Rating System 24

28 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA I have a serious health condition. What can you do to make my life easier? Information and resources help you learn about your condition and treatment options and tips for self-care Help with coordinating care if you’re admitted to the hospital Online calculators help you compare medical treatment costs Optional bullet – A dedicated health advocate to help you manage your health condition, treatment options and self-care (USE IF WELL AWARE OFFERED) Optional bullet – Order at-home prescription delivery by phone or online. Save an average 31% per prescription and get free shipping (USE IF HOME DELIVERY PHARMACY OFFERED) Optional bullet – Compare prescription drug costs – brand vs. generic, retail vs. at-home delivery. Online drug-interaction checker helps you keep track of prescription medications and avoid interactions (USE IF PHARMACY COVERAGE OFFERED) Optional – Services to help you find quality daycare, eldercare – even pet care (USE IF EAP WORK/LIFE OFFERED) Optional bullet – Get help taking your medication as prescribed with daily reminders, online tools education materials and medication coaching sessions (USE IF HOME DELIVERY PHARMACY OFFERED) 25

29 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Life is unpredictable. How can I reach you when I need help? Call us anytime day or night – live, 24/7 customer service Find information when you need it at We speak many languages For J.D. Power and Associates Certified Call Center Program SM information, visit 26

30 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Life is unpredictable. How can you help me when something changes – my health, I move, I’m traveling, I get married? Find a doctor whenever you need one, online or by phone Get same-as-home medical coverage for a temporary relocation Talk to a health advocate who can help you make decisions about your treatment Optional bullet – Avoid the emergency room for minor injuries – visits to urgent care and retail clinics are covered (USE IF CONVENIENCE CARE NETWORK IS OFFERED) Optional bullet – Balance the stresses of work and life – online or on the phone – talk to people who can help (USE IF EAP OFFERED) Optional bullet – Keep your doctor during transitions (if you’re new to CIGNA, your doctor leaves our network) for certain health care conditions (USE IF TRANSITION OF CARE BENEFIT IS OFFERED) 27

31 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA My life is busy. How can you save me time? 24/7 online and phone assistance to find doctors, specialists, hospitals, labs and pharmacies close to home or when you are traveling Talk to a trained nurse with questions when you can’t reach your doctor – day or night Self-service through lets you: Print forms or print/order ID cards Check your coverage Track claims, payments and deductibles View, print and download your explanation of benefits and health statements Access articles and health education resources, and sign up for online coaching programs Keep track of your health history and records with a secure online database Award-winning decision support tools Learn about common health problems and options for treatment Find doctors, hospitals, specialist and labs Compare treatment and procedure costs Optional bullet – Switch a prescription to CIGNA Home Delivery Pharmacy with one easy phone call and have your medications delivered to your door at no extra cost 28

32 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Voted 2009 Best Employee Assistance Program as ranked by readers of Business Insurance Winner of “Innovation in Multicultural Health Care” Award from independent National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Top industry rankings for Effectiveness of Care by NCQA Our customer call centers are certified by J.D. Power and Associates* for providing “an outstanding customer service experience” Doctors and hospitals ranked us #1 and #2 respectively on our payment, accuracy and efficiency in the annual survey by AthenaHealth CIGNA’s Explanation of Benefits is one of only three to earn “Excellent” designation for clarity, content and design from Dalbar Earned #1 ranking for Best Innovation in customer intimacy across all industries for cost and quality tools on from Information Week 500 Gold medal for “exemplary customer strategy and excellence in customer experience.” Everyone says they are the best. Why should I trust you? *For J.D. Power and Associates Certified Call Center Program SM information, visit Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA

33 Enroll today. It’s easy! Optional bullet – Call our toll-free hotline 24/7/365 – (Insert number and directions about calling pre-enrollment hotline) Optional bullet – Visit for instructions and helpful tips – (Insert additional info if necessary) Optional bullet – Complete the form – (Insert what person must do to enroll to actually sign-up, e.g., check off box 2) Optional bullet – Call to enroll (client/broker enrollment line) Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2009 CIGNA

34 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA I need help enrolling. What help can you provide? CIGNA Customer Service at 1.800.401.4041 for instructions and helpful tips to build and customize your benefits User ID: Password: Open Enrollment (List Dates) 31

35 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA I need help enrolling. What help can you provide? Plan Comparison Tool View CIGNA Plan options Benefit Details Descriptions Compare cost of plans CIGNA network discounts Use demographic to determine utilization or modify to individual circumstances Includes payroll cost of plans Includes ability to model HSA contributions Medical and pharmacy cost tools 32

36 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA Plan and Cost Comparison Tool on I need help enrolling. What help can you provide? Compare potential out-of-pocket costs of various CIGNA health plans offered. Supports your decisions and helps you learn about the plan. 33

37 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA I need help enrolling. How do I open an HSA Bank Account? Online Application Go to Log on using Open Enrollment ID:______ Open Enrollment Password: __________ Complete the application – it will be sent electronically to CIGNA Single Enrollment (HSA Employer Facilitated Enrollment Process) During benefits enrollment, select “Choice Fund HSA” Read HSA terms, fees and conditions Click “Accept” to automatically initiate the bank application process Paper Application Complete application by hand Send directly to CIGNA for processing NOTE TO PRESENTER: Customize this slide for your group depending on available application methods selected by client. Delete bullets/sections not applicable. Also include Enrollment ID and Password if possible. 34

38 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA 24 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2009 CIGNA Before opening the account, JPMorgan Chase will: Verify your identity (required by the Federal government) using information provided in the HSA application and enrollment Notify you if additional documentation to verify name, social security number or address is needed JPMorgan Chase will send your HSA information and a debit card within 7-10 days of the start of the plan year or the verification of identity (whichever is later) ID Cards are mailed from CIGNA, Debit cards are mailed separately from JPMC I need help enrolling. How do I open an HSA Bank Account? JPMorgan Chase cannot open an HSA until it is able to satisfy the requirements for the federal government.

39 Confidential, unpublished property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2010 CIGNA CIGNA", “CIGNA HealthCare”, "" and the "Tree of Life" logo are registered service marks of CIGNA Intellectual Property, Inc., licensed for use by CIGNA Corporation and its operating subsidiaries. All products and services are provided exclusively by such operating subsidiaries and not by CIGNA Corporation. Such operating subsidiaries include Connecticut General Life Insurance Company (CGLIC), CIGNA Health and Life Insurance Company (CHLIC), Tel-Drug, Inc. and its affiliates, CIGNA Behavioral Health, Inc., Intracorp, and HMO or service company subsidiaries of CIGNA Health Corporation and CIGNA Dental Health, Inc. In Arizona, HMO plans are offered by CIGNA HealthCare of Arizona, Inc. In California, HMO plans are offered by CIGNA HealthCare of California, Inc. In Connecticut, HMO plans are offered by CIGNA HealthCare of Connecticut, Inc. In North Carolina, HMO plans are offered by CIGNA HealthCare of North Carolina, Inc. All other medical plans in these states are insured or administered by CGLIC or CHLIC. 838559 08/10 © 2010 CIGNA Some content provided under license. 36

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