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Policy updates Vacation Time Short Term Disability Sick Time.

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Presentation on theme: "Policy updates Vacation Time Short Term Disability Sick Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy updates 7-1-2016 Vacation Time Short Term Disability Sick Time

2 Current Policy Years of Employment Non- Exempt Exempt 0-211 days20 days 3-412 days20 days 5-918 days20 days 10+23 days Policy Effective 7/1 Years of Employment All Staff 0-920 days 10+23 days Vacation Time

3 Short Term Disability College-paid benefit Disability coverage provides 60% benefit to cover missed earnings while off work for illness or injury 10 day elimination period 13 week benefit period May use sick time to cover waiting period and 40% of earnings which are not covered by disability

4 Sick Time Current Policy Non-ExemptExempt Accrue one day per month Covered for a period of up to 90 days per calendar year Maximum accumulation of 90 days

5 Sick Time Policy effective 7/1 All Staff Accrue one sick day per month Maximum accumulation of 60 days

6 Transition to new policy Non-Exempt (hourly): Effective 7/1, your sick time balance will be your current balance (unless it exceeded new max, then balance would reduce to new maximum (60 days)). Immediate eligibility for short term disability benefit.

7 Transition to new policy Exempt (salaried): Effective 7/1, your sick time balance will be the new maximum (480 hours) less any sick time used the past 12 months. Immediate eligibility for short term disability benefit. Sick time will begin accruing on per paycheck basis. To figure your balance, you can check your sick time used the past 12 months on the online timecard system: New Maximum (480)-11.5-43= 425.50 sick time hours

8 You can continue to use up to 20 days per rolling twelve months (measured backwards from the date any leave was taken) of your sick time to care for family members Total of sick time needed to cover waiting period and 40% of earnings not covered is 272 hours 95% of exempt employees would begin next fiscal year with at least 300 hours in their sick time bank No change to personal holiday policy

9 Example: Joe has a surgery scheduled for his knee on July 15. Joe or his supervisor should contact HR so short term disability and FMLA paperwork can be sent out at least 2-3 weeks ahead of time (if possible). The short term disability claim form should be filed with SunLife. Joe can use 10 days of sick time to cover the waiting period. If Joe has sick time available, he can use 16 hours per week to cover the 40% of his pay not covered by short term disability (this is true for any employee working 40 hrs/week).

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