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25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER1. 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER2 دورة 25 طريقة لتحفيز فريق العمل بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم للدكتور /

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2 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER2 دورة 25 طريقة لتحفيز فريق العمل بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم للدكتور / السيد ناصر

3 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER3 مفهوم التفويض تحقيق النتائج عن طريق تفويض الصلاحيات والسلطات للأشخاص المؤهلين وتحفيزهم لتنفيذ الأعمال التي هي من صميم مسئولياتك بالمستوى المطلوب.

4 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER4 1-Delegating and Empowering Objectives  Definition ?  Which task we can delegate ?  Why we don't delegate ?  Why we delegate & importance of work climate and trust when delegating tasks.?  Identify steps for successful delegation.

5 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER5 Definitions Delegation– a way to finish job tasks through giving a part of the work and responsibility to the right qualified person –the handing of a task from a superior to a subordinate Empowerment– creation of a work environment which allows each individual to work to their highest capacity. An empowered workplace is a safe climate for people to work together with freedom to take initiative, to create, to solve problems, and to take responsibility of completing the task. إعطاء الصلاحيات / التمكين وتحرير الفعل

6 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER6 Why we don't Delegate ?? 1-Feeling that need to do it by yourself 2-Lack of confidence in subordinate الثقة بالعاملين 3-Fear of losing authority ** الخوف من منافسة العاملين

7 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER7 لماذا لا يقوم المديرون بالتفويض؟ 4- عدم فهم المدير لمسئولياته وسلطاته الحقيقية 5- اعتقاد المدير أن قيام الآخرين بالأعمال يقلل من أهميته 6- الخوف من الظهور بمظهر الكسول.

8 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER8 6 BASIC STEPS: 1. Which task we can delegate ? 2. Select a capable ( qualified right ) person 3. Explain the task and outcomes to occur ( why ) 4. Give the necessary authority and means for doing the job 5. keep in contact and give feedback. 6. Evaluate-review what happened/measure results

9 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER9 2- Recognition & praise التقدير والمدح إمتدح أقل الإجادة على الملأ Advice in private,praise in public When I do good no one remember when I do bad no one forget

10 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER10 Recognition (Both informal and formal): Informal recognition costs nothing and can reinforce desirable behavior immediately after it occurs. Formal recognition are based on group competition or individual accomplishments, ميداليه مكافأة,حفلة تكريم

11 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER11 3- +ve Meeting 10 meetings / month ……. –ve words Example Effect of bad words ** Every 15 minutes bad words**

12 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER12 4-High level of trust of other members of the team & high credibility Build TRUST. Trust are the basic ingredients of great managers. As leader motivate others by what they say and what they do more than any thing else. Process of building TRUST take time –Always tell the truth. –Keep your word; be patients, workers remember what is promised

13 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER13 5-Providing training & knowledge &Education إعطاء المعرفة والمعلومات


15 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER15 6-Margin of Freedomمساحه من الحرية الحريه امامها المسئوليه

16 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER16 Think win-winفكر انا اكسب وموظفي يكسب Win- Lose Lose –Win Lose- Lose Win-Win لاتتعامل بأنانيه ولكن تعامل بإنسانيه

17 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER17 8- Concern,Sharing in social occasions & emotion & engagement المشاركة الإجتماعية والترابط والتلاحم العاطفي أحسن إلى الناس تأسر قلوبهم فطالما إستعبد الإنسان إحسان

18 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER18 9-Off time إعطاء فترات راحه غير متوقعه 2 days off as a gift Late arrivals or early go or additional breaks

19 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER19 10-Break up everyday routine كسر الروتين

20 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER20 11-Stick & Carrot التوازن بين العقاب والثواب متى نستخدم العصا ومتى نستخدم الجزرة ؟ سياسة الترغيب والترهيب ( الثواب والعقاب )

21 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER21 12- Clarity of goals of the team & sense of accomplishment ( management by objective (MBO) ) Clear objective ( goals ) Cleary communicate objectives, responsibilities, and expectations Ensure sales force understand their critical role in the key activities within the company. Personalize the effects of sales person performance. (sales person should understand the link between effort and performance and between performance and reward)

22 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER22 13- Written congratulations & certificate التهاني المكتوبة وشهادات التقدير والمكافآت

23 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER23 14-Celebrating of success

24 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER24 15-Open communication & Strong listening skills The first duty of love is to listen Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Stephen Covey Many people may listen, but few people actually hear. Sender send thoughts & ideas & information & feelings

25 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER25 What is the active listening Listening,Understanding,analysis Conclusion Keep 15 minutes of each meeting to receive message عن عمر بن العاص رضي الله عنه قال: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقبل بوجهه وحديثه على شر القوم ، يتألفه بذلك، وكان يقبل بوجهه وحديثه عليّ حتى ظننت أني خير القوم. أنصت يحبك الناس

26 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER26 16-Create constructive Group competition خلق روح المنافسة والتنافس الشريف Best Achiever Big order Faster in task

27 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER27 17-Treat Fairly & justice & equitablyالمساواة والعدل

28 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER28 18-Participating in decision making المشاركة في إتخاذ القرار The participation in decision making may satisfy the self-esteem need categories and when this decision achieves a success may lead to self actualization. He can't ask cant live من إستقل برأيه هلك لاخاب من إستشار ولا ندم من إستخار

29 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER29 19-Smile & joking إضفاء روح المرح على الإجتماعات وبيئة العمل وقال عبد الله ابن الحارث ( ما رأيت أحداً أكثر تبسماً من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم). والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : ( لا تحقرن من المعروف شيئا ولو أن تلقى أخاك بوجه طليق ).

30 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER30 20-Job security NO threatens

31 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER31 Provide opportunities for both professional and personal growth Training Programs Titles ( promotion ) 21-Personal growth opportunities


33 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER33 23-The compensating system Explain your reward system ( incentive scheme ) Straight Commission Straight Salary Salary plus commission Salary plus bonus

34 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER34 Performance related pay Reward should be quick The goals and rewards must be; known, understandable; and attainable. Reward must be distinctly and directly related to performance. Reward should not be stopped.

35 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER35 24-Ask your self what motivate me (لايؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخية مايحب لنفسه ) 25-Understand your employees what motivate them indirect question Understand what motivates people.

36 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER36 1- Delegation 2-Recognition & praise 3- +ve Meeting 4- trust & credibility 5-Providing training & knowledge &Education 6-Space of Freedom 7- Think win-win 8-Sharing social & Team spirit & engagement 9- Time off 10- Break up everyday routine 11- Stick & Carrot 12-By objective 13- Written congratulations 14-Celebrating of success 15-Active listening & open communication 16-Constructive competition 17-Fairly & equitably 18-Participation in decision making 19-Smile & joking 20-Job security 21-Personal growth opportunity 22-Coashing 23-Reward system 24-Ask your self what motivate yourself 25-Ask your employee what motivate them

37 25 TYPES OF MOTIVATION DR.ELSAYED NASSER37 25 طريقة لتحفيز موظفيك الدكتور السيد ناصر حاصل على ماجيستير إدارة الأعمال م جامعة ميزوري الأمريكية أكتوبر 2010 حاصل على دبلومة الموارد البشرية يناير 2010 جامعة القاهرة حاصل على دبلومة إدارة الأعمال من كلية كامبريدج مارس 2008 حاصل على دبلومة تدريب مدربين من كلية كامبريدج مايو 2007 18 خبرة في مجال التسويق والدعاية بالإمارات العربية ودولة قطر ومصر أكاديمية المهارات المتقدمة للتنمية البشرية دورات الدكتور / السيد ناصر

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