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page 3 ? Nine quick questions on SPM-1 Q1. Which of these has not happened in the climate system since 1950? (A)the ocean on average has warmed.

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5 page 3 ?

6 Nine quick questions on SPM-1 Q1. Which of these has not happened in the climate system since 1950? (A)the ocean on average has warmed (B)Arctic sea ice has expanded (C)sea level has risen (D)the atmosphere has warmed (E)concentrations of greenhouse gases increased

7 Q1. Which of these has not happened in the climate system since 1950? (A)the ocean on average has warmed (B)Arctic sea ice has expanded (C)sea level has risen (D)the atmosphere has warmed (E)concentrations of greenhouse gases increased

8 Q2. Which period of 30 years in the NH was the warmest in the last 1400 years? (A)1991-2020 (B)1983-2012 (C)1963-1992 (D)1933-1962 (E)1851-1880

9 Q2. Which period of 30 years in the NH was the warmest in the last 1400 years? (A)1991-2020 (B)1983-2012 (C)1963-1992 (D)1933-1962 (E)1851-1880

10 Q3. Global warming - as calculated by the globally averaged combined land and ocean surface temperature data by a linear trend over the period 1880 to 2012 – is about (A)0.15 °C (B)0.55 °C (C)0.85 °C (D)2.00 °C (E)4.50 °C

11 Q3. Global warming - as calculated by the globally averaged combined land and ocean surface temperature data by a linear trend over the period 1880 to 2012 – is about (A)0.15 °C (B)0.55 °C (C)0.85 °C (D)2.00 °C (E)4.50 °C

12 Q4. What is the likelihood certainty qualifier that we have seen warmer and/or fewer cold days and nights over most land areas since 1950? (A)unlikely (B)more likely than not (C)likely (D)very likely (E)virtually certain

13 Q4. What is the likelihood certainty qualifier that we have seen warmer and/or fewer cold days and nights over most land areas since 1950? (A)unlikely (B)more likely than not (C)likely (D)very likely (E)virtually certain

14 Q5. What is the likelihood certainty qualifier that we will see warmer and/or fewer cold days and nights over most land areas by 2100? (A)unlikely (B)more likely than not (C)likely (D)very likely (E)virtually certain

15 Q5. What is the likelihood certainty qualifier that we will see warmer and/or fewer cold days and nights over most land areas by 2100? (A)unlikely (B)more likely than not (C)likely (D)very likely (E)virtually certain

16 Q6. What is the rate of sea-level rise for the most recent period between 1993 and 2010 when we have satellite data? (A)1.7 mm yr –1 (B)3.2 mm yr –1 (C)25 mm yr –1 (D)2.5 cm yr –1 (E)1.7 m yr –1

17 Q6. What is the rate of sea-level rise for the most recent period between 1993 and 2010 when we have satellite data? (A)1.7 mm yr –1 (B)3.2 mm yr –1 (C)25 mm yr –1 (D)2.5 cm yr –1 (E)1.7 m yr –1

18 Q7. The concentrations of which greenhouse gases have not increased since 1750 as a result of human activities? (A)CO 2 (B)CH 4 (C)N 2 O (D)tropospheric O 3 (E)stratospheric O 3

19 Q7. The concentrations of which greenhouse gases have not increased since 1750 as a result of human activities? (A)CO 2 (B)CH 4 (C)N 2 O (D)tropospheric O 3 (E)stratospheric O 3

20 Q8. Which of the following shows no clear evidence of global warming that can be attributed to humans and greenhouse gases? (A)mean N. American land temperatures (B)mean ocean surface temperatures (C)mean Antarctic sea ice extent (D)ocean heat content (E)mean Arctic sea ice extent

21 Q8. Which of the following shows no clear evidence of global warming that can be attributed to humans and greenhouse gases? (A)mean N. American land temperatures (B)mean ocean surface temperatures (C)mean Antarctic sea ice extent (D)ocean heat content (E)mean Arctic sea ice extent

22 Q9. Which RCP scenario for the future keeps global mean surface temperatures less than 2°C above the 1850-1900 early instrumental record? (A)RCP 8.5 (B)RCP 6.0 (C)RCP 4.5 (D)RCP 2.6 (E)none of them

23 Q9. Which RCP scenario for the future keeps global mean surface temperatures less than 2°C above the 1850-1900 early instrumental record? (A)RCP 8.5 (B)RCP 6.0 (C)RCP 4.5 (D)RCP 2.6 (E)none of them

24 OK – all done with quiz. Let’s look at some details in SPM-1

25 page 4

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27 page 6 trends from 1850-1900? or from 1901?

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44 more, better,... = progress

45 page 16 more, better,... = progress

46 page 16 page 17 the goal!

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51 page 20 clear policy relevance

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67 page 28 current total GtC total GtC by 2100 for RCPs

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69 Scenarios – RCPs vs SRES vs IS92a vs... CO 2 CH 4

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