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 A MODEL SCHOOL. The children are the of North Aiken supported by reflective and responsive teachers and staff, devoted parents, a supportive district.

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2 The children are the of North Aiken supported by reflective and responsive teachers and staff, devoted parents, a supportive district and a strong community. We work together to provide students with a variety of academic, technological, and social experiences. We endow all learners to believe, engage, and excel!

3  Based on proven leadership  Grounded in cutting edge use of technology and strategies for college and career ready  Engaged, effective, and committed staff A. Right people on the bus (Option to transfer) B. Additional support for effective teaching  Begin with a required framework for a model A. Collaboration and partnerships are all directed at student achievement B. Infuse the culture with innovation and unwavering commitment to every student’s success

4  Commit to a program that promotes rigor and relevance within this school.  Create a culture instructional change, focused on best practices, by engaging all members of the school community in the process of shared decision making.

5  Create a culture of learning that exhibits positive relationship building, communication, trust and respect as the centerpieces of accountability among the school’s stakeholders.  Develop a data plan with staff which specifies types of formative/summative data to be collected, roles, timelines, expectations, and protocols for: o a) benchmarking and monitoring student growth, o b) organizing data into classroom instructional profiles, o c) analyzing data and root causes of results, o d) creating measurable learning goals, o e) planning professional learning opportunities aligned with data results, o f) using data for school improvement/strategic planning, and o g) monitoring progress toward goals and recognizing student/teacher successes.

6  Rigor and Relevance Framework  Focus: Content Area Writing  Focus: Math A. Math Professional Development (Ruth Patrick Science Center) B. Benchmark Assessments (3)  ACPS Literacy Model  Walk-through Observation Form  Instructional Coaches (2)  Reading Interventionists (3)  Scholastic Achievement Partner Consultant  District Support Team  Math Professional Development (Ruth Patrick Science Center)  Learning Club Meetings A. First Wednesday – Early Release PD B. Second Wednesday – Collaborative Planning C. Third Wednesday – Data Analysis and Collaborative Planning D. Fourth Wednesday – Technology PD/PD based on data

7 Student Achievement Relationships Rigor and Relevance Technology (Standards Based Instruction/CCSS) ACPS Literacy Model Student Engagement Data

8  Student Council  Harvest Festival  Honor Roll Parades  Reading and Math Incentives  Bicycles and Police Officers  Parent Volunteers  Church and Community Volunteers  Student Accountability/School-wide Effort  Math Academy and ELA Academy  Student of the Month  Infusion of Technology in All Classes  Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)  District Support Team  Mentors



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