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Movement Curriculum Adrienne Cacciotti, Arletha Clark, Candice Pierce, and Wendy Rivera.

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Presentation on theme: "Movement Curriculum Adrienne Cacciotti, Arletha Clark, Candice Pierce, and Wendy Rivera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Movement Curriculum Adrienne Cacciotti, Arletha Clark, Candice Pierce, and Wendy Rivera

2 How many of your students seem tired of restless by 12pm? Do your students get antsy or anticipate movement throughout the day? Still trying to figure out a way to change this behavior? WE HAVE THE SOLUTION! What’s the problem?

3 coordinated in areas of the brain also in control of learning…...activates neurogenesis…...causes new neural connections…...increases alertness and brain function…...decreases stress which furthers neural growth…...boosts test scores…...and so much more! Studies show that physical activity...

4 Fit for kids implements active lessons for grades k-5 These lessons promote movement in the classroom and movement provides the students with physical activity during the day. Using these lesson plans gives you a win win with your students parents and yourself You then have attentive students who are ready and excited to learn and a manageable classroom Fit For Kids or

5 SOL- Writing 3.10 Materials- Pencil, Paper, Vocab word sheet (2 different color sheets), tape,star stickers Introduction- review the class weekly list of vocab words and the meaning of synonyms and antonyms Instructions 1.You will be using words from your weekly list you always receive on Mondays 2.Find a partner with the same list but different color paper and one person turn around 3.Player one will be asked to spell the first word on the list, if they get it correct they will then move on to give a synonym or antonym for that word (for example, h-o-t antonym cold) 4.Once they get both correct they will get a star and the players will switch, the next time the other player will give a synonym for the word they spell (for example, w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l, good) 5.If a player happens to get one word spelled wrong or given the wrong antonym/ synonym they do not get a star and will move on to the next player Adaptations- For students with special needs I would give them a vocab list and a partner as well but have them do it at their seat instead of walking around and moving if it makes it easier. Or give them one task at a time to lessen the degree of the game Cool down- 5 deep breaths and shoulder rolls LANGUAGE ARTS - Back Attack!

6 SOL 3.5 & 3.6 Materials- recess state/world map, index cards with various geographical locations (no duplicates), 4-5 cones, 4-5 baskets. Introduction- Warm up with a few laps around the map. Switch it up with hopping, skipping, butt-kicks, etc. Instructions 1.Divide students into 4-5 teams. Teams line up behind cone that is placed a good distance away from the map. Each team has a basket with the same amount of cards in each. 2.At the teacher’s signal, the first student in line picks a card and runs to the location written on the card. They will freeze at their location until everyone has found one. The teacher will call on one student at a time to shout their location. 3.Students who are correct will get the answer “jump”, bring the card to the teacher, and run back to their team who will all jump 5 times. Those who are incorrect will get the answer “squat”, keep the card, run back to their team who will all squat 5 times. They will try again with the same card the next round. 4.The next round starts at the teacher’s signal. The team who finishes their basket first wins. Cool down- Walk a few laps around the map. Breathe or sing a song as a class. SOCIAL STUDIES - Map Relay

7 Students with reading disabilities- Other team members will read out loud. Students with mobility limitations- Getting to the map quickly is not the issue, rather it’s about moving any way they can. Students can move at their own pace during the game, the warm up, and the cool down. The jumping and squatting can be replaced with a movement everybody in the class can accomplish. The student’s abilities and IEP will determine exactly what movements need modification. Students with Autism spectrum disorders- The student’s IEP will help determine what level of participation to expect from the student. The activity is as flexible as a structured recess activity and is open to any modification necessary. Social Studies Continued- Adaptations

8 Purpose & SOL: Students will review multiplication or division by playing a game of tag. 3.9 The student will recall the multiplication and division facts through the nines table. Materials: Sets of notecards with a math problem on one side for example: multiplication 2x3 or division 8/4, with the answer on the back. Use 1 set (about 10 note cards) per class of 25 students. Introduction: Explain to students they will be playing a game of tag and will be responsible for reviewing the math topic. Lesson: “Taggers” will have a notecard with a problem on one side and the answer on the other. When a “tagger” tags a student, that student freezes, then looks at the problem and says the answer. For safety, if a student dives/falls to the ground to avoid being tagged they automatically have to sit down and “freeze” for one minute as a warning. If the tagged students gets the answer correct, they are to take the card from the other student and they now become the “tagger.” The original tagger is now a student to be tagged. If the student does not get the answer correct, they are to remain in the freeze position until they get an answer correct. In order to be the tagger the student must get the answer correct. Continue the activity for about 25-30 minutes. Cool down Have them do 10 slow repetitions of shoulder rolls and neck rolls. Then have them sit down and do 10 slow inhales and exhales until you feel they are ready to move on. MATH - Tag

9 ★ Purpose: Students will review the 6 different types of simple machines (pulley, wedge, wheel and axle, screw, inclined plane, lever). (SOL 3.2) ★ Materials: 5 sets of 7 bags placed at various ends of the room (6 bags labeled with a simple machine and 1 bag labeled miscellaneous), and 5 green pieces of tape placed at the other side of the room marking the starting points ★ Introduction (Warm Up): Simon says. Let a few students be Simon, and their job as Simon is to tell their classmates to imitate the simple machines along with throwing other random movement directions at them to throw them off. (For example: Simon says to act like a wedge. Simon says to touch your nose. Simon says to act like a pulley. Simon says to freeze) ➢ Pulley (act like you’re raising a flag pole with your arms), ➢ Wedge (clap your arms down low in an upside down triangle), ➢ Wheel and Axle (arm circles), Screw (spin as you slowly reach the ground), ➢ Inclined Plane (make your body straight and lean), and ➢ Lever (bend your elbow then pull your arm up like a light switch). SCIENCE - Simple Machines Relay

10 ★ Implementation: Divide the class into 5 teams with the number of teammates according to class size. Each team is given a basket with 20 sheets of paper each with a picture of a simple machine on it (For example: a merry-go-round (wheel and axle), well water basket (pulley), ramp (inclined plane), sunglasses (miscellaneous), etc.) When the teacher says “On your mark, get set, go!” the first team member from each team will pick a sheet of paper from the bag. Then that student will hop to the other end of the room and place that sheet of paper into the correct bag. Once done, they hop back to their team and high-five their next teammate, which signals it’s their turn to go and so on. Whichever team finishes first and does so correctly are considered the ‘champions’. Teams that didn’t correctly sort the picture papers will collaborate so that they can get them correctly sorted. ★ Cool down: 10 lunges in place to stretch their legs (5 left leg, 5 right leg) and then sit down at their desk and do 10 inhales and exhales ★ Adaption: Students with mobility issues can let a teammate know which bag they want to put their picture paper in, and that student will hop to the bags and put it in there for them while the student with the mobility issue will raise their arms in the air up and down as if their arms are ‘hopping’. Simple Machines Relay continued...

11 (Social studies) (Science) (Language Arts) (Math) Ratey, J., & Hagerman, E. (2008). Spark: The revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain (First ed.). New York, NY: Little, Brown. References

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