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Data & Processing progress in the validation sites Christian Bignami Guido Luzi Urs Wegmuller.

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Presentation on theme: "Data & Processing progress in the validation sites Christian Bignami Guido Luzi Urs Wegmuller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data & Processing progress in the validation sites Christian Bignami Guido Luzi Urs Wegmuller

2 Port-au-Prince - Haiti Optical dataset complete: pre-seismic GeoEye images, 2009-07-27 15:34 GMT post-seismic GeoEye image, 2010-01-13 15:26 GMT o Data ortho-rectified with ASTER DEM, and co-registered each other (100 control points, rms about 2m) o Mutual Information, Kullback-Leibler Divergence & Normalised Difference Index derived at city block scale (i.e. with OSM polygons) o Features calculated on a “false” pan channel NDI KLD

3 SAR dataset completed: TSX images collected and processed, HH pol, StripMap mode -Pre-seismic: 2009-05-01 & 2009-10-13 -Post-seismic: 2010-01-20 o Intensity Correlation Difference o KLD done o Geocoded with ASTER DEM to be on the same geometry of optical data Port-au-Prince - Haiti ICD

4 Ground truth -Building by building survey from aerial and satellite images (JRC data) -From Building by building to Collapse Ratio by means of OSM polygons Port-au-Prince - Haiti

5 Christchurch, NZ PSI processing completed o Surface velocity and time series derived from ASAR dataset o Time period: 2003-10-24 to 2010-7-9 o Dataset delivered to partners PSI coherence reduction product done

6 Christchurch, NZ Optical dataset NOT complete: Only pre-seismic WorldView image, 2010-01-07 22:15 GMT (partly cloudy) Data still not processed, delivered to the relevant partners Post-image to be ordered via Copernicus Data-Ware House SAR dataset completed: TSX images collected, NOT processed (HH pol, SM) Pre-seismic: 2010-09-12, 2010-09-07, 2010-09-18 Post-seismic: 2011-03-02, 2011-03-13 delivered to the relevant partners

7 Christchurch, NZ Ground truth: Very detailed information about building by building status o data collection by Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) 217 fields in the database Need to ”transform” information into EMS scale for the project purpose (how to do this???)

8 Christchurch, NZ Ground truth: Pre-event Building Footprints map (shapefile) available Addition data: -Occurred liquefaction map -Liquefaction hazard map -PGA from accelerometers

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