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Roles Enterprise MIT Rob Campanella Identity & Access Management MIT | IS&T | Systems Optimization & Integration Solutions W |

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Presentation on theme: "Roles Enterprise MIT Rob Campanella Identity & Access Management MIT | IS&T | Systems Optimization & Integration Solutions W |"— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles Enterprise Authorizations @ MIT Rob Campanella Identity & Access Management MIT | IS&T | Systems Optimization & Integration Solutions W92-154 | 617-324-8143 | This entire presentation can be found here: (Enterprise Authorization)

2 2 Session Objectives  What is an authorization?  Enterprise Authorization  What is it?  Why should I use it?  How do I use it?  Q&A

3 3 What is an authorization?  3 parts Who (person) What (function) Where (qualifier)  can be NULL  Examples Tom Brady is quarterback for the New England Patriots Rob Campanella can spend on profit center PC242800 Rob Campanella is Roles Administrator

4 4 Person (The who)  Now  Kerberos Principal  Future possibilities  Touchstone Collaboration Account  Moira Group

5 5 Function (The what)  Usually a task, but could also describe position/responsibility  Defined in understandable business terms  Grouped into ‘categories’  Paired with a specific qualifier type  Marty Walsh is Mayor of Boston (City qualifier type works)  Marty Walsh is Mayor of Massachusetts (State qualifier type does not work)

6 6 Function cont. – Inheritance Can edit HR data Can view HR data Jeff can view HR data for Biology Eddie can edit HR data for Biology Eddie can view HR data for Biology

7 7 Qualifier (The where)  Defines scope  Hierarchy based  (or NULL)

8 8 Qualifier cont. – Inheritance ALL Departments School of Science BiologyChemistry School of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Auth here means only Biology Auth here means entire School of Science (Biology & Chemistry in this example)

9 9 Additional authorization rules/fields  No negative authorizations  Effective & expiration dates  Can do vs Can grant

10 10 Life without Enterprise Authorization  User enters auths into multiple systems  Each system may have different interface  Must understand inner workings of each system to create appropriate auths  Conflicts can be created  Same business auth may need to be entered in multiple systems  No complete picture of user’s authorizations System #1 System #2 System #3 System #4 System #N

11 11 Life with Enterprise Authorization  Single interface for entering all auths  Only need to understand the business need, not the underlying system  Same auth can span multiple systems  Conflicts prevented  Can see complete picture of a user System #1 System #2 System #3 System #4 System #N ROLES

12 12 Enterprise Authorization @ MIT = ROLES (  Centrally Managed Authorization System of Record  Distributed entry/maintenance Access should be granted by those closest to the resource Primary Authorizers  Conflict/SOD Identification/Prevention  Implied (rule based) authorizations  Audit trail  Reporting  API

13 13 API Example (Currently SOAP) System #1 ROLES Can RCAMPANE view HR data for BIOLOGY? YES Can RCAMPANE view HR data for CHEMISTRY? NO

14 WSDLs  Dev:  Test:  Prod: Method: IsUserAuthorizedExt 14


16 SOAP Response false 16

17 Steps required to call Roles SOAP API  Request an app cert ools/Home  Create “server” user in Roles  Associate app cert w/ server user in file on Roles web server  Grant appropriate auths to server user 17

18 18 Q&A  Questions now?  Questions later?  Project later? Involve us as early as possible

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