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Presentation on theme: "BIOLOGY REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAM 2014 ANSWERS. GENERALSCIENCE."— Presentation transcript:



3 1.What is the goal of science? 1.What is the goal of science? To investigate and learn about the natural world. To investigate and learn about the natural world.

4 2.What are the characteristics of living things? Characteristics of Life 1. Made up of CELLS 2. Use energy 3. Grow and develop 4. Reproduce 5. Homeostasis 6. Respond to environment 7. Have DNA 8. Change over time

5 3. Krusty Krabs Breath Mints 1. Which people are in the control group? – –Group B 2. What is the independent variable? – –the secret ingredient in the breath mint 3. What is the dependent variable? – –The amount of bad breath 4. What should Mr. Krabs’ conclusion be? – –The secret ingredient works some of the time, but not always. 5. Why do you think 10 people in group B reported fresher breath? – –Placebo effect

6 Variables Independent Variable – the variable the scientist is testing for. Independent Variable – the variable the scientist is testing for. –Ex: the type of fertilizer that works best Dependent Variable – the variable that the scientist measures (as a result of changing the independent variable). Dependent Variable – the variable that the scientist measures (as a result of changing the independent variable). –Ex: plant growth

7 4.How do scientists share data? They share them with peers. They share them with peers. They publish in journals. They publish in journals.


9 1. Why is carbon so unique? 1. Why is carbon so unique?  It can form up to 4 bonds, and can therefore create diverse compounds of chains or rings.

10 2. What are the building blocks of…? 2. What are the building blocks of…? a. Lipids a. Lipids –Fatty acid tail and glycerol b. Carbohydrates b. Carbohydrates –Simple sugars c. Proteins c. Proteins –Amino acids d. nucleic acids d. nucleic acids –nucleotides

11 3. What are the four most common elements? 3. What are the four most common elements? –C, H, O, N 4. What is the purpose of enzymes? 4. What is the purpose of enzymes? –They speed up reactions by lowering the activation level.


13 1. What is the difference between a prokaryote and an eukaryote?

14 PROKARYOTIC EUKARYOTIC Plasma Membrane Cytoplasm Cell Wall (but not all Eukaryotes) Unicellular (not all Eukaryotes) No nucleusNucleus DNA circularDNA linear (1 molecule) (many chromosomes) Small Larger SimpleComplex BacteriaPlants, Animals

15 2. What is the functions of the following organelles? a. Mitochondria – Where energy gets made in cellular respiration a. Mitochondria – Where energy gets made in cellular respiration b. Chloroplast - PHOTOSYNTHESIS b. Chloroplast - PHOTOSYNTHESIS c. golgi apparatus – SORT & PACKAGE c. golgi apparatus – SORT & PACKAGE d. Ribosome – MAKE PROTEINS d. Ribosome – MAKE PROTEINS e. cell membrane – CONTROL WHAT e. cell membrane – CONTROL WHAT COMES INTO AND OUT OF THE CELL

16 3. Put these in order of organization: a. Atomcarbon a. Atomcarbon b. MoleculeC 6 H 12 O 6 (sugar) b. MoleculeC 6 H 12 O 6 (sugar) c. OrganelleER c. OrganelleER d. Cellheart cell d. Cellheart cell e. Tissuemuscle tissue e. Tissuemuscle tissue f. Organheart f. Organheart g. organ systemcirculatory system g. organ systemcirculatory system h. Organismhuman h. Organismhuman

17 4. What would happen to a cell in the following solutions: 4. What would happen to a cell in the following solutions: a. Hypertonic - SHRINK a. Hypertonic - SHRINK b. Isotonic – STAY THE SAME b. Isotonic – STAY THE SAME c. Hypotonic - SWELL c. Hypotonic - SWELL

18 5. Define: 5. Define: –Osmosis – the diffusion of water  No energy required –Facilitated diffusion – the diffusion of molecules (such as sugar) through a protein channel (transport protein)  No energy required –Active transport – the movement of particles across the membrane, against the concentration gradient.  Energy required


20 1. Fill out the chart: PHOTOCELL RESP a. What organismsplants, some bacteriaall eukaryotes do this?algae do this?algae b. What is CO 2 + water + sunlightOxygen + sugar the equation? = oxygen + sugar= CO 2 + water +energy the equation? = oxygen + sugar= CO 2 + water +energy c. What is the purpose?To create foodTo create energy

21 2. How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related? 2. How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related? –They are opposite of each other. One uses the products of the other. 3. What is ATP? What is its purpose? 3. What is ATP? What is its purpose? –Energy molecule, that powers all living processes.


23 1. List the phases of mitosis in order. Interphase 1. Prophase 2. Metaphase 3. Anaphase 4. Telophase

24 2. What is the problem with an increase in volume? 2. What is the problem with an increase in volume? –Material cannot get in and out sufficiently 3. What is cancer? 3. What is cancer? –Uncontrolled cell growth 4. What is the result of mitosis? 4. What is the result of mitosis? –2 daughter cells, each with their own complete set of DNA


26 1. Give an example of each of the following in a real food chain: 1. Give an example of each of the following in a real food chain: –a. autotroph/producer GRASS –b. first-level consumer (herbivore) GAZELLE –c. second-level consumer (carnivore or omnivore) LION

27 2. 10% RULE Only 10% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next. Only 10% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next.

28 28copyright cmassengale #3 The importance of biogeochemical cycles is: To make available nutrients and energy that living organisms need to survive.

29 energy energy moves in ONE moves in ONE direction, direction, nutrients recycle. #4 What is the difference between energy flow and nutrient flow in an ecosystem?

30 5. Describe the difference between exponential and logistic growth. 5. Describe the difference between exponential and logistic growth. –Exponential – growth occurs constantly without stopping –Logistic – growth continues until resources run out. 6. What is carrying capacity? 6. What is carrying capacity? –The maximum amount of organisms an environment can hold.



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