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Thrift Traveller UK Chloe, Laura, Hannah and Ny. Our Idea  Our chosen area is travel guides.  Target audience  What we will cover (Categories)

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Presentation on theme: "Thrift Traveller UK Chloe, Laura, Hannah and Ny. Our Idea  Our chosen area is travel guides.  Target audience  What we will cover (Categories)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thrift Traveller UK Chloe, Laura, Hannah and Ny

2 Our Idea  Our chosen area is travel guides.  Target audience  What we will cover (Categories)

3 Case study: Visit England  The official English Tourist Board.  Supported by the Regional Growth Fund – has a duty  Trusted advisor to the government.  ‘Staycation’

4 Our Brand  Thrift Traveller UK  Logo  Domain name

5 Style Guide  Lengths of articles - Features - Reviews - Tone of articles - Top 10  Photographs – communication with companies

6 Site management  Online clouds - Style guiding - Sub-editing - Use of Facebook groups to discuss ideas  Post and Twitter schedules  Main content schedule

7 Locations  Quirky  Not always the norm  List of locations and why

8 Survey


10 Multimedia  Podcasts  Mobile App  Instagram  Twitter  Slideshows  ‘About us’ video  Logo design

11 Economic Model  Partnerships  Franchise  Funding  Adverts

12 Next steps by week 11  Logo/design  Build up some initial content  Compile market research for logs  Talk to at least 8 companies regarding content  Create the Instagram and Twitter accounts  Create ‘about us’ video  Secure a domain name

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