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TYPES AND FORMAS OF LIBRARY. LIBRARY Library is derived from the Latin word “liber ” which means-A BOOK. Earlier a library was “a place where books were.

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Presentation on theme: "TYPES AND FORMAS OF LIBRARY. LIBRARY Library is derived from the Latin word “liber ” which means-A BOOK. Earlier a library was “a place where books were."— Presentation transcript:


2 LIBRARY Library is derived from the Latin word “liber ” which means-A BOOK. Earlier a library was “a place where books were written or kept”.

3 This term was frequently used as a “ collection of books” and a librarian as a keeper or guard of books. This word has taken centuries to become central point of all social actions and has got recognition as a social institution.

4 TYPES OF LIBRARIES Broadly there are four types of libraries : 1. Public Library 2. Special Library ; and 3. National Library

5 4. Academic Library : It can be categorized in to three types a)School Library b) College Library c) University Library


7 An Academic Library has been defined as: An Academic Library has been defined as: “a library which is associated or attached with any educational institution to support its educational programmes”..

8 Academic library is an integral part of formal education system which provides time bound education from primary school level to university level. An academic library works as a base for teaching, learning, research etc. 

9 Categories Academic We can categorize academic libraries in to following Three categories- 1. School Library 2. College Library 3.University Library

10 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY A library attached or associated with a university and used by students, teachers, researchers, administrative staff etc. of the university as well as by the other research workers, alumni outside the university is known as university library..

11 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY It is also known as the heart of university. It works like an axis of all educational and research activities in all disciplines. According to Dr. Krishan Kumar “a university library is a part of a university set up. Therefore, it exists to serve the objectives of its parent organization

12 Every library programme must support university’s total programme. In other words, a university library should aim to advance the functions of its university. It should reflect character of the university”. He also states that the major distinction between a college

13 library and university library is that, a university library lays emphasis mainly upon research. Thus we find that research is a major objective of a university library. In others words, it circulates knowledge to generate new knowledge

14 OBJECTIVES A University Library has the following objectives:  To provide facilities for all teaching, learning, educational and research programmes of the university;  To cater to the information needs of teachers, students, researchers associated with the university;  It provides facilities to its users for intellectual development which is a power of acquiring ideas through individual efforts;

15 OBJECTIVES  It conserves knowledge;  By putting knowledge to use for research purpose it makes  extension of knowledge;  By providing latest knowledge to teachers in their field for  effective teaching it makes transmission of knowledge possible.

16 FUNCTIONS The universally recognized basic functions performed by a University Library are: 1) By procuring comprehensive range of documents including books, manuscripts, journals, magazines, newspapers etc. on varied subjects, it conserves knowledge and ideas. categorization like text book section, reference section, journal section, thesis section etc.;

17 FUNCTIONS  2) By processing the procured documents with the help of classification, cataloguing, proper shelf arrangements it gives easy and open access to knowledge to its users; 3) In order to organize huge collection of documents it keeps them in different sections on the basis of their

18 FUNCTIONS 4) It provides facility of inter-library loan to its users if document desired by user is not available in the library; 5) A modern university library interacts with different information networks to give easy access to e-resources/ data to more users so that they could access the desired information even from their workplace.

19 FUNCTIONS For example UHAS Library use the facility of UG – for the purpose of healthy leisure to users by providing different newspapers, magazines, short story books, fiction, internet facility etc.

20 FUNCTIONS 7) It gives the user orientation training to new enrolled users to make them feel at home and to acquaint them with the library system so that they could make maximum use of library services; 8) With the help of display of new arrivals, old book exhibitions, information bulletins about new library services etc. it keeps the users updated with the library activities;

21 9) It provides reference service through reference section to establish a contact between the right reader and the right document in a personal way to attract more users;

22 FORMS OF LIBRARIES  Traditional  Electronic/e-library/digital  Hybrid Libraries

23 Traditional Library  operations (activities) are done manually without the aid of computer technology.  library’s resources are in print format. Non-print materials (audio-visual materials such as audio and video tapes,)

24 Advantages of Traditional Libraries/Disadvantages of Traditional  Stable collection Free and universal access to the collection Can be used without electricity Documents can easily be photocopied.  No computer expertise is required on the part of the library staff.

25 Disadvantages  Limited access points.  Centralized management  One way interaction.  Individual objects not directly linked with each other.  Slow evolution.

26 Electronic/Digital Library A digital library has all information resources in digital form and access to such resources is through the use of digital technologies. It is therefore a library in which collections are stored in digital formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers.

27 Electronic/Digital Library  Electronic devices such as digital cameras and scanners are used to digitize printed specific library collections. Such materials are made-digital. Other materials are born-digital in that there were made with computers technology and need not be converted into digital format. By using the appropriate software the information can be accessed on the internet.

28 To be considered as a digital library an on-line collection of information must be managed by and made accessible to a community of users. The digital content can be stored locally, or accessed via computer networks. Many academic libraries are actively involved in building institutional repositories of the institution’s books, papers, theses and other works which can be digitized or were born digital. Examples of such institutions in Ghana are Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast and University of Ghana, Legon.

29 Advantages of Digital Libraries They allow users to directly access and use the documents information they have found. Information can be accessed anywhere and at any time (there are no closing hours) since one does not need to be physically present in the holding library. Because they are accessed over the internet and the web, they can be accessed from virtually anywhere at any time. They are not tied to a physical location and operating hours like a traditional library. Digital library collections can be delivered on CD-ROM to users with inadequate network connectivity.

30 Advantages of Digital Libraries  A digital library can provide access to content in different and more appealing forms including animation, graphical, audio and video formats. Information is more easily shared with other digital libraries. There is therefore enhanced access to users. They can easily share information with other similar digital libraries and provide enhanced access to users.

31 Advantages of Digital Libraries  Digital library provides a starting point for all research.  State and federal requirements are to provide adequate and appropriate educational opportunities for all students.  The digital library is ideal in support of students receiving their schooling using distance learning education.

32 Advantages of Digital Libraries  Provide excellent opportunities for a broad range of patrons to find appropriate research materials all in one place.  Digital libraries can be customized so user can have access to what they want and need to use  The librarian is in full control of the selection of materials for the digital library.

33 They allow users to directly access and use the documents information they have found. Access to information is quicker because of the use of computers and a network of computers. They allow users to quickly find documents by using a computer and a network. 

34 Disadvantages of Digital libraries  Information can be accessed anywhere and at any time (there are no closing hours) since one does not need to be physically present in the holding library. Because they are accessed over the internet and the web, they can be accessed from virtually anywhere at any time. They are not tied to a physical location and operating hours like a traditional library.

35 Disadvantages of Digital libraries Digital library collections can be delivered on CD- ROM to users with inadequate network connectivity. A digital library can provide access to content in different and more appealing forms including animation, graphical, audio and video formats. Information is more easily shared with other digital libraries. There is therefore enhanced access to users. They can easily share information with other similar digital libraries and provide enhanced access to users.

36 Hybrid Library The hybrid library has its information resources in both print and non- print formats. It also means that some of its operations or services (such as acquisitions, cataloguing and circulation) are performed with the aid of computer technology. This implies that the users of a hybrid library have access to physical collections as well as digital collections (electronic resources) like full text on-line journals, e-books, audio books and full text databases on CD - ROM etc. In such libraries for example, online public access catalogues (OPACs) used to access the libraries’ collections. All the features of the traditional library may be present in the hybrid library

37 Advantage of Hybrid Libraries The main advantage of this form of library is that information can be accessed in print and non- print form

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