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Presentation on theme: "SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON CHAPTER 1SLIDE 1 CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 What is Sports and Entertainment Management? Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON CHAPTER 1SLIDE 1 CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 What is Sports and Entertainment Management? 1.1 1.1 Management Basics 1.2 1.2 Sports Management 1.3 1.3 Entertainment Management

2 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 2 LESSON 1.1 LESSON 1.1 MANAGEMENT BASICS GOALS Define management and its four functions. Discuss the principles of business management. List the steps in the decision-making process.

3 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 3 MANAGING SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EVENTS Profit is the goal for sports and entertainment events. Profit is the goal for sports and entertainment events. Management Management is the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources.

4 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 4 FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT (#1) Planning Deciding what needs to be done Target markets are groups that management is trying to reach. Planning takes place far in advance Factors to consider: date, target markets, customer potential, competition, marketing strategies, sponsorships, security, facilities, community or regional support.

5 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 5 Organizing Accomplishing tasks and arranging resources Involves committees FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT (#2)

6 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 6 Implementing Carrying out plans Taking care of details (directing traffic, have enough restrooms, parking lot flow) FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT (#3)

7 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 7 Controlling Evaluating results to determine if objectives have been accomplished as planned. FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT (#4)

8 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 8 THE BEST LAID PLANS Characteristics of host city for major event (Olympics) Diverse culture Large airport Appropriate venue(s) Reliable public transportation Ample hotel rooms Strong hospitality, pleasant climate Tight security

9 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 9 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES (#1) Management responsibilities Managers are responsible for accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources. (#2) Business information management Uses technology, including the Internet to effectively gather, organize, protect, and make information available to people in a form they can use.

10 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 10 (#3) Financial management Involves obtaining funds to finance the business, managing the funds carefully, and keeping financial records accurately. (#4) Production management All of the activities involved in creating products for sale. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES

11 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 11 (#5) Marketing management All activities used to plan, price, promote. (#6) Human resources management Recruiting, and hiring the best people Personnel is often the most important resource for the successful sports and entertainment organization. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES

12 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 12 Business Information Management Management Responsibilities Financial Management Production Management Marketing Management Human Resources Management BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES

13 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 13 WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT? Authority The right to make decisions about assigned work and to delegate assignments to others. Supervisors are the first level of management and are responsible for directing the work of employees and conducting employee performance evaluations. Employee empowerment Individuals have the authority to solve problems with available resources or to develop new strategies for the betterment of the organization.

14 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 14 MAKING THE TOUGH DECISIONS 1.Identify the problem 2.List possible solutions 3.Analyze possible solutions 4.Select the plan 5.Evaluate the plan

15 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 15 LESSON 1.2 LESSON 1.2 SPORTS MANAGEMENT GOALS Discuss the management of championship series for college sports. Explain the financial and social impact that professional sports have on host cities.

16 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 16 MANAGING SPORTS EVENTS EFFECTIVELY Human resources management is the core of success for any organization Professional management staff Knowledge, responsibility, courtesy, and professionalism. Guests have high expectations for the dollars they spend. Safety and comfort of guests is always first Attitude How to deal with the minority of fans who are unruly while being courteous toward the majority

17 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 17 MANAGEMENT OF COLLEGE CHAMPIONSHIPS Select teams Select host city or cities Commit sponsors Negotiate television packages Sell tickets

18 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 18 MANAGING PROFESSIONAL SPORTS “Build it or they will leave.” Cities face the challenge of providing the best facilities to keep professional teams from moving to other locations. Strong financial management Taxes – residents vote to fund facilities Corporate sponsors Luxury suites

19 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 19 Super Bowl The nation’s largest sports celebration. Has a major financial impact outside the host city. The gaming industry also experiences a windfall (betting). MANAGING PROFESSIONAL SPORTS

20 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 20 LESSON 1.3 LESSON 1.3 ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT GOALS Explain the role of human resources management in community entertainment events. Describe the challenges faces by state fairs.

21 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 21 LIMITED ONLY BY YOUR IMAGINATION Human resource management Community volunteers (ex: Mardi Gras) Committees to help organize Small town, big entertainment event Jamboree in the Hills in eastern Ohio Comedy clubs Involve hiring, maintenance, customers, etc.

22 © SOUTH-WESTERN/THOMSON SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1SLIDE 22 STRUGGLING STATE FAIRS State’s showcase entertainment event Competition from amusement parks Strength of management

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