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1 Aerospace Developments in Korea Aerospace Division Dr. S.Y.Yoo / Director Korea Institute of Aerospace Technology

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Presentation on theme: "1 Aerospace Developments in Korea Aerospace Division Dr. S.Y.Yoo / Director Korea Institute of Aerospace Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Aerospace Developments in Korea Aerospace Division Dr. S.Y.Yoo / Director Korea Institute of Aerospace Technology 2004. 3. 31

2 2 Contents Aerospace Programs in Korea Korea-France Collaboration Summary  Major Activities  National Programs  Aerospace Industry

3 3 Aerospace Programs in Korea

4 4 Development License Production License Production Changgong -91 (1988~1993) Changgong-1,2,3 (1983~1988) TwinBee (1993~1997) FireFly (1997~2001) KT-1 Basic Trainer (1988~1999) T-50 Trainer (1997~2005) 500MD (1976~1988) F-5 (1982~1986) UH-60 (1990~1999) F-16 (1991~2004) KMH (2004~ ) Aircraft Activities 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

5 5 B747 FTF, WTX, Winglet B777 FSF, WTA, WBE, RWT B737 FSF MD-80 Sheet Metal Assy B717 Nose Section A330/340 CTR, FWD Upper Shell MD-11 Spoiler, Fillet, Fan Cowl BELL 212/412 Fuselage B747 Sec.46 Frame Assy B717 Wing Aircraft Components Supply ERJ170/190 CTR Fuselage B767 Sec.48 AFT Body A318/319/320/321 CTR Upper Shell, WTP A380 WBP KAL-ASD 1985 1990 1995 2000

6 6 National Aircraft Dev. Programs KMH (2004~2010) KFX (2010~2015) Regional Liner (2008~2014) Enter into Worldwide Top 8 Countries in the Aircraft Industry by 2015  Drive national aircraft development programs  Enhance design development capability  Bring up global supplier for component

7 7 KSR-1 (1993) KSR-3 (2002) KSR-2 (1998) KITSAT-1,2 (1992, 1993) KITSAT-3 (1999) KSLV-1 (2005) STSAT-1 (2003) KOMPSAT-1 (1999) KOMPSAT-2 (2004) KOREASAT-1,2 (1995,1996) KOREASAT-3 (1999) KOREASAT-5 (2005) STSAT-2 (2005) Space Activities 1994 1998 1996 1992 2000 2004 2006 2002

8 8 Space Center Launch Complex Assembly & Test Facility Launch Control Center NARO Space Center  Size : 5 Million m 2  Facility Area : 165000 m 2  Construction : 2000~2005  Budget : $110 Million Major Facility  Launch Complex  Launch Control Center  Assembly & Test Building  Launch Support Facility

9 9 National Space Programs Enter into Worldwide Top 10 Countries in the Space Industry by 2015  Capability to launch a Micro Satellite indigenously by 2005  Development of a LEO Satellite and a Launch Vehicle by 2010  Launch 20 Satellites until 2015

10 10 FieldCompany Aircraft & Component A/C Engine Avionics Landing Gear Aerospace Companies Aircraft Space FieldCompany Satellite Bus System Satellite System & Integration Thrust System Launch Vehicle L/V Engine * Total 42 companies in aerospace industry

11 11 Aerospace Production Year’98’99’00’01’02 Production (Billion KRW) 1,3401,1561,3021,5511,639 Employee (Man) 11,41110,31110,93210,68210,300 KRW (billion) Man (thousand)

12 12 (Mil.$) Year’98’99’00’01’02 Import1,1751,0681,1651,0231,392 Export379371312342339 (Million $) ’98’99’00’01’02 Aerospace Import & Export

13 13 Korean Air - Aerospace Sales Volume ’89~’91’92~’94’95~’97’98~’00’01~’03 KRW (billion) Year’89~’91’92~’94’95~’97’98~’00’01~’03 Sales203773613837588 Export6193132363338 (Billion KRW)

14 14 Korean Air - Space R&D Activities KOMPSAT-1/2  Main Bus Structure and Sub-Components  MGSE for Satellite Transportation CBS Antenna  2001 ~ 2003  EQM of Ka/Ku Band Antenna Structures  Reflector, Support Structures and RF  Carbon-Epoxy Composite Material  RMS Tolerance : 0.098 / 0.121 mm KOMPSAT-1KOMPSAT-2 1994~1999 / 470 kg1999~2005 / 800 kg TRW Joint-Dev.100% Tech. Proprietary

15 15 Space Launch Vehicle  Development of LEO Launch Vehicle with a 100kg Payload  Program Responsibility : KARI  Period : 2003. 1 ~ 2008. 12 Korean Air’s Role  Launch Vehicle System Integration  Interface Design  System Transport to Launch Site  Launch Site Final Assembly & Test Solar Array System  Solar Array System Design  Substrate Design & Manufacturing  Solar Cell Networking & Lay-down  Environment & Performance Test Korean Air - Space R&D Activities

16 16 Korea-France Collaboration

17 17 Aerospace Collaboration between Korea & France KOREAFRANCECollaboration Korean Air Aerospace Div. Latecoere ERJ 170/190 (’00~ ), A340-500/600 (’98~ ) A330/340 (’89~ ) Components Design & Manufacturing Sogerma A330/340 (’94~ ) Components Design & Manufacturing Alcatel Space Satellite Solar Array Panel (’04) - Design & Networking / - Deploy Test GIFASDoctoral Degree & Eng. Training Program (’80~’88) Airbus A380 (’03~ ), A318/319/320/321 (’01~ ) Components Design & Manufacturing Alcatel SpaceWire-harness, EGSE, AIT for KOREASAT-5 (’04) A330/340 Front Upper Fuselage ERJ-170/190 Front & Rear Fuselage A318/319/320/321 Upper Shell Section A380 Wing Bottom Panel A319/320 Wing Top Panel

18 18 Aerospace Collaboration between Korea & France KOREA FRANCECollaboration Korea Aerospace Research Institute IntespaceSatellite Test Lab.& Technology Consulting (’89) Direction Generale de l´Aviation Civile Production arrangement concerning Korea made Parts on French Products (’90) Center National d´Etudes Spatiales Consulting on Construction of NARO Space Center (’90 / ’02) Alcatel SpaceImage Data Compression & Storage Unit (’00) AstriumKOMPSAT-2 Technology Support (’99) KT -ADD Alcatel Space KOREASAT-5 Development and Technology Transfer (’04)

19 19 Summary

20 20 Korean Aerospace Industry will continue its efforts to enhance engineering and business capabilities through collaboration with global leading companies to become a valuable partner for the future.  Merci 

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