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Transforming Instruction for a New Generation of Learners How do we make shifts in instruction to adequately prepare students today for their future?

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Instruction for a New Generation of Learners How do we make shifts in instruction to adequately prepare students today for their future?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Instruction for a New Generation of Learners How do we make shifts in instruction to adequately prepare students today for their future?

2 What skills will students need to develop to their full potential? What are the challenges that come with making a change in instructional practices and materials? How will I plan to prepare students to lead the worlds they will inherit? How will the Franklin experience guide my thinking and reflecting on transformative change? Guiding Questions

3 Number off 1 & 2.We will make two circles – ones will be on the inside and twos will be on the outside. The ones should face outward and the twos should face inward so that everyone is facing someone in the other circle. 111111222222 Inside-Outside Circle

4 Think about what you have learned about What Matters in education over the course of the conference. What excites you about what the standards have to offer to teaching and learning? 111111222222 Inside-Outside Circle Questions

5 111111222222 What is your plan to take on transformative change based on the standards? What are the implications for teachers? Students? Rotate the Outside Circle…

6 What’s Your Choice? Curmudgeon OR Gold

7 [A deep understanding of the standards] is necessary for anyone wanting to be a co-constructor of the future of instruction and curriculum, indeed, of public education across America. Schmoker, Results Now An Understanding

8 We have an opportunity to blow the lid off school attainment. We have the opportunity to enhance the ‘life chances’ of all children, regardless of their circumstances. We have an opportunity to create schools better than anything we’ve ever seen or imagined. Schmoker, Results Now An Opportunity

9 …there is only one worthy course of action: for teachers and school leaders to immediately and relentlessly begin to share, examine, and engage in dialogue… Schmoker, Results Now An Action

10 In Pathways to the Common Core, the authors espouse that we, as educators, have a choice... Curmudgeon Gold What is Your Choice? “Like readers who need to decide if they will approach a book like they are curmudgeons or as if the book is gold, we also need to decide how we will approach _________”

11 ® A recent study in England found that the ability to read well is the single best indicator of future economic success. Now, let’s hear from Wendy… Literacy is Pivotal …to acquiring the type of education that is the path to economic and political power.

12 Transforming Learning Through Literacy Wendy Dzurick Franklin County Public Schools Franklin, WI

13 It’s good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end. Chinese Proverb

14 Curriculum Review Process Analysis of Practice PHASE 1 Curriculum Development/ Revision PHASE 2 Implementation PHASE 3 Monitoring and Evaluation PHASE 4

15 Curriculum Review – Phase 1 & 2 PHASE 2: Curriculum Development/Revision Unpack the standards Select the delivery model – Reader’s & Writer’s Workshop Honor the past Honor a shift to personalized learning Reflect on Phase 1 PHASE 1: Analysis of Practice Review of research, best practices Hear from literacy experts K-12 E/LA Gap Analysis Data Analysis Stakeholder Survey Vision Statement

16 What is Personalized Learning? Above the red line (Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating) Learner control and choice Student paced: 24/7 AccessTeacher as facilitator and coach True differentiation and re-teaching Shift-not and initiative ReflectiveFeedback from a variety of sources Data-Research drivenCreatively designed collaborative learning spaces

17 Evidence the Shift Has Occurred

18 Curriculum Review – Phase 3 & 4 PHASE 4: Monitoring & Evaluation Formation of assessment committee PHASE 3: Implementation (on-going) Professional development Implementation features

19 Curriculum Review Process Checklist Unit Planning Guides Guidebook for Targeted Literacy Instruction Transformation Supports

20 Plan, Discuss & Reflect What motivates you to making shifts in educational practice?

21 Revisit the Phases Analysis of Practice PHASE 1 Curriculum Development/ Revision PHASE 2 Implementation PHASE 3 Monitoring and Evaluation PHASE 4 Given what you have learned and reflected, which phase is the most important for you to spend time thinking, collaborating and planning Select Phase Move to the designated location for planning

22 As you plan for your Phase, consider our conversations around our guiding question, How do we make shifts in instruction to adequately prepare students today for their future? Use the Planning Tool and the Curriculum Review Process Checklist to guide your collaboration and planning. Collaborating & Planning To disrupt classrooms, educators need the right tools and strategies to understand how to introduce and sustain innovations. Collaborating & Planning To disrupt classrooms, educators need the right tools and strategies to understand how to introduce and sustain innovations.

23 What Phase are you going to focus on? Why? Share Share 1-2 things that got your group talking in the planning process…

24 There is a power in our communities to effect change. By disrupting the classroom as we know it, we can break apart the foundational obstacles to make learning intrinsically motivating and to make teaching professional rewarding. Christensen, Disrupting Class What Will You Do? Share 1 thing that you will do right away as you strive to disrupt the classroom in the 2012-2013 school year?

25 Comments? Questions? Thank you

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