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Educationeducation Improving Scottish CLDMS Conference Nov 2010 Learning communities: how well are we doing and what do we need to do next?

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Presentation on theme: "Educationeducation Improving Scottish CLDMS Conference Nov 2010 Learning communities: how well are we doing and what do we need to do next?"— Presentation transcript:

1 educationeducation Improving Scottish CLDMS Conference Nov 2010 Learning communities: how well are we doing and what do we need to do next?

2 educationeducation Improving Scottish Inspection of learning communities Provides a more rounded view of young people’s experience in school and their communities. Emphasises the importance for children and young people of growing up in active and vibrant communities. Total of 91 learning community inspections completed over the period Sept 08 – Aug ’10.

3 educationeducation Improving Scottish How well do participants learn and achieve? Key strengths and areas for development

4 educationeducation Improving Scottish Key strengths in learning communities - 1: commitment to inclusion with examples of innovative and effective work with disadvantaged individuals and groups; the quality of youth work and the impact it is having in developing the capacities of Curriculum for Excellence; the quality of adult learning provision, including literacies, and the impact it is having on participants’ confidence and health and wellbeing; the improving partnership work between schools and CLD providers

5 educationeducation Improving Scottish Key strengths in learning communities - 2: flexibility of learning programmes, tailored to meet the needs of learners; commitment of staff to the values of CLD work and their motivating and relationship skills; improving use made of youth awards to effectively engage with, assess and celebrate young people’s achievements; and Impact of effective CLD across the full range of Scottish Government strategic objectives.

6 educationeducation Improving Scottish areas for development use of accreditation in youth work and adult learning to better recognise learners’ achievements capacity of CLD partners to capture the wide range of significant outcomes from CLD provision partnerships with schools to support the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence joint planning and self-evaluation to ensure that the work of CLD partners addresses collectively the priorities within Single Outcome Agreements

7 educationeducation Improving Scottish How well are communities developing and achieving? Key strengths and areas for development

8 educationeducation Improving Scottish Key strengths in learning communities: The prevalence of active and vibrant communities in almost all areas of Scotland including urban, rural and island communities The high numbers of skilled and confident volunteers working in voluntary and community groups and in public agencies The emergence of a few very effective local partnerships that bring together all of the key groups and agencies to pursue common improvement outcomes

9 educationeducation Improving Scottish Areas for development Improve joint work between capacity building agencies to better support community groups Continue to improve the capacity of young people and community groups to influence local decisions

10 educationeducation Improving Scottish Key Strategic Drivers Outcomes based planning and evaluation Curriculum for Excellence Skills for Scotland GIRFEC Inequalities Reducing resources and CCB

11 educationeducation Improving Scottish Curriculum for Excellence A curriculum for children and young people Contexts for learning Principles of curriculum design Capacities and Es and Os Which curriculum areas? Partnerships HGIOCLD2?

12 educationeducation Improving Scottish GIRFEC It’s everybody’s job to make sure I’m alright Engaging and supporting parents and families Parents and carers as lifelong learners Safeguarding children and young people HGIOCLD2?

13 educationeducation Improving Scottish Inequalities “Within Scotland there continues to be concern about the performance of pupils at the low end of the attainment spectrum. Recent evidence shows that attainment (as measured by the National Qualifications examination system) of the lowest 20 percent is actually flat at a time when increases are being seen at the top end of the spectrum. (OECD 2007)”

14 educationeducation Improving Scottish Inequalities “…economic poverty alone is revealed as an inadequate measure of children’s overall well-being. A multidimensional approach to well-being is necessary to improve understanding, monitoring, and policy effectiveness. (Unicef 2007)”

15 educationeducation Improving Scottish Inequalities Equally Well Early Years Framework Achieving our Potential

16 educationeducation Improving Scottish Reducing resources and CCB The Big Society (in England) - give communities more powers - encourage active roles in communities - support co-ops, mutuals, charities and social enterprises HGIOCLD2? Impacts and outcomes The Budget Review Report

17 educationeducation Improving Scottish Reducing resources and CCB COSLA would like the Panel to recognise that, whilst the outcomes based approach is not yet fully developed across the public sector, it is worth pursuing and is the most likely model to result in a cohesive approach to spend across the public sector.

18 educationeducation Improving Scottish Reducing resources and CCB “Communities play their part in a whole range of services provided within their communities and this type of co-production of services needs to be looked at more fully, in particular around how we work with communities to play their part and how they can take greater responsibility, rather than just relying on the public sector to deliver services”. COSLA 2010

19 educationeducation Improving Scottish What next? CLD as partners in delivering the outcomes of CfE? Schools and others as partners in delivering the outcomes of CLD?

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