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1 Jonathan Fournier Senior Engineer – Linux Product Division Munich, Germany The Platform Management Service.

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1 1 Jonathan Fournier Senior Engineer – Linux Product Division 2008-10-16 Munich, Germany The Platform Management Service

2 2 Presentation Outline Overview of the “platform services” in OpenSAF today Quick overview of SAF-AIS-PLM PLM requirements on OpenSAF Integration with the OS and Virtualization Integration with HPI implementations Health Monitoring Deployment scenarios What are the next steps?

3 Overview of the “platform services” in OpenSAF today

4 4 HPI Integration Service (HISv) 1/ It allows its clients to interact with the underlying HPI interface. The main tasks of HISv are: –Publishing HPI events using EDSv channels –Executing HPI APIs on behalf of other OpenSAF services –Making hardware inventory information available –Overseeing the maintenance and manipulation of the SAF HPI MIB objects

5 5 HPI Integration Service (HISv) 2/ HPI events are categorized into two types based on the event severity: –Events with severity levels "CRITICAL" and "MAJOR" are considered fault events –Events with "MINOR", "INFORMATIONAL", "OK"’ and "DEBUG" levels are considered nonfault events

6 6 Availability Manager (AvM) Current bridge between AMF and HPI It supports the following functionalities: –Activation/Deactivation of FRUs –Reset management –Lock management –Fault management –Capture the role of system controller nodes

7 Quick overview of SAF-AIS-PLM

8 8 SAF-AIS-PLM Overview 1/ Provides a logical view of the hardware and low- level software of the system The main logical entities in PLM are: –Execution Environment (EE) –Hardware Element (HE) Presents the logical view in the Information Model (IMM) via objects –Management of HE and EE –Keep track of status changes –Map HPI data to IMM objects Matches configuration with discovered hardware (i.e. Provisioned vs Discovered)

9 9 SAF-AIS-PLM Overview 2/ Maintains the state information of HE via any information about the health of the hardware (via HPI or other specific mechanisms) Maps HPI events to NTF notifications Maintains the state information of EE via any information about the health of the OS and any virtualization layer (specific) Applications can register a callback function to be notified of service start/stop

10 10 PLM Position in the Information Model

11 11 Mapping Between PLM and Other SAF Objects

12 12 The PLM State Model Harmonized with the state model of the AIS Services: –Presence State (Different for HEs and EEs) –Admin State (Different for HEs and EEs) –Operational State –Readiness State –Readiness Flags The PLM state model can be mapped to the CCITT X.731 state management

13 13 Isolation of Entities When a PLM entity is faulty (op state disabled), the entity must be isolated from the system Isolation is done in the same way for the following causes: –Call to saPlmEntityReadinessImpact() –Analysis of HPI events –Analysis of hardware states –EE health monitoring

14 14 PLM Interfaces 1/ PLM provides the following types of interfaces to its users: –Track Interface –Notifications (using NTF) –Administrative Operations (PLM-OI) –Error Reporting (via the interface saPlmEntityReadinessImpact() )

15 15 PLM Interfaces 2/ HPI Entity IMM/ NTF/ LOG HPI Element Manager Statistics Usage Data Reconfig Test Alarms Events Provision Configure AMF Application Network Element PLM CGOS

16 16 The Track Interface: More Details The track interface provides four options: –Validate: subscribed users are asked to validate, that is, to accept or reject the operation that will cause the change. –Start: subscribed users should now take appropriate actions before the entity is locked or deactivated. They can, for instance, relocate their services. –Completed: subscribed users are notified that the operation has been performed. –Aborted: subscribed users are notified that the operation was rejected during the validate step. Subscribers can choose to subscribe for all steps or only for the 'completed' step

17 PLM requirements on OpenSAF

18 18 PLM and OpenSAF 1/ The following AIS Services will be needed to have a full OpenSAF-PLM integration: –Notifications (NTF) –Information Model (IMM) –PLM-OI integration –Integration of AMF/CLM with the Track interface The first two services are actually planned for OpenSAF Release 3 Assume PLM will deprecate HISv and AvM

19 19 PLM and OpenSAF 2/ Analysis work needed regarding deliverables in OpenSAF Release 3: –Is IMM and NTF (as they will be delivered) will have all the needed features for a future integration with PLM? –If not, improvements needs to be planned in parallel with PLM development –Is it possible to extract functionalities from CLM/AMF B.04 related to PLM interface support and integrate them with current OpenSAF CLM/AMF?

20 20 PLM and OpenSAF 3/ While deprecating HISv, will need to remove any references to HPI within OpenSAF (e.g. AvM). Usage of HPI should be now self contained within PLM The Role Determination Feature (RDF) has functionalities that overlap with PLM (health checking etc.) In a first try at implementing PLM, RDF might just become a wrapper to PLM health checking to determine the HA role

21 Integrating OpenSAF-PLM with existing technologies

22 22 OS and Virtualization Integration 1/ As described in SAF-AIS-PLM, most interactions with EEs are implementation specific OpenSAF is concrete, and those design concerns need to be addressed, even if outside the “scope” of OpenSAF itself. –How to populate EE attributes? –How to track EE state changes? –How to apply Admin Operations on EE?

23 23 OS and Virtualization Integration 2/ Need to focus on a single scenario (to be presented in the next section) to validate a proof of concept Usually userspace tools are provided to manage the Hypervisor Will probably requires modifications of some sort to the Kernel and tools (e.g. adding a proper “SAF-friendly” API support to help PLM monitoring the EEs and interface with them) Create a plugin framework similar to the one in OpenHPI? (e.g. encapsulate EE interactions)

24 24 HPI Integration What HPI version, implementation, and flavor to focus on? (e.g. HISv HPI integration with HPI-A, HPI-B, non-ATCA hardware isn’t ideal) Need to address several Hotswap models (managed, simple, custom?) HPI implementation must support a flexible insertion and extraction process to achieve graceful shutdown of EE and services (e.g. saHpiHotSwapPolicyCancel()) What is considered a “best-effort” when HPI isn’t available on the hardware used?

25 25 Health Monitoring PLM needs to keep track of the relevant HPI sensor states How sensor states are evaluated must be flexible (e.g. custom health check profiles based on the platform used) –Raises a concern, today most if not all HPI implementations do not provide critical data information that should be needed for health checking (e.g. ECC parity error, hard disk errors etc.) Voltage/Current/Temp. sensors are nice but more is needed… What data is considered for EE health checking? (e.g. out of memory, panic conditions etc.)

26 Deployment scenarios

27 27 Scenario 1: No Virtualization

28 28 Scenario 2: Using a “Bare-metal” Hypervisor e.g. Xen Hypervisor e.g. Linux Guest OS

29 29 Scenario 3: Using a Machine Emulator e.g. Linux e.g. QEMU / UML e.g. Linux Guest OS

30 30 Scenario 4: Using a Kernel Hypervisor e.g. Linux Guest OS e.g. Linux + KVM

31 Conclusion

32 32 What Are The Next Steps? Investigate the needed interfaces from the various targeted EEs Address requirements on other projects (e.g. OpenHPI, Linux, KVM etc.) OpenSAF will integrate more and more with various HPI implementations, OS, RTOS, Hypervisors –Need to promote a solid development community across the various projects and interact with each other Let’s get to work!

33 33 Noch Fragen?

34 34 Acknowledgement Thank you for your presence in Munich Thanks to Uli Kleber for sharing his PLM notes that will be presented at the ATCA Summit next week Thanks to Nokia Siemens Networks for hosting the Developer Days 2008

35 35 References SAI-AIS-PLM-A.01.01 SAI-HPI-B.03.01 Platform Management with SA Forum and its Role to Achieve High Availability - Ulrich Kleber SAF Specifications and Architecture - Ulrich Kleber OpenSAF HPI Integration Service - Programmer’s Reference Kernel Based Virtual Machine: The Xen® hypervisor: QEMU - Processor Emulator: OpenHPI:

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