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SW 406 Chapter 3 Group Skills for Organizational and Community Change.

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1 SW 406 Chapter 3 Group Skills for Organizational and Community Change

2 What skills do you need to be an effective leader when working with organizations and communities ? Identify when policies, procedures, or programs are ready for change. Ability to inspire others and provide a vision of what is possible. Good communication skills, including ability to articulate ideas and listen. Lead by example. Bring new knowledge and skills to the workplace.

3 Leadership skills continued… Ability to use self – self-awareness, self- disclosure and purposefulness. The capacity to understand and work with the media. Ability to lead task groups. The ability to exercise power, but power is not the central them of leadership. Utilize a reasonable amount of assertiveness and be able to deal with conflict.

4 Networking as a social worker What does it mean? Networks and Networking defined: Networks- groups of individuals, organizations or agencies linked together either formally or informally. They allow the sharing of resources (money, support, knowledge or skills). Networking – the development of connections at the macro level among professional and between social workers and organizations or agencies.

5 Why is networking important? 1)We are all interdependent and need to lean on others from time to time. 2)Networking is important in rural areas where formal resources are lacking. 3)Networking can improve the services rendered by formal organizations. 4)Networks can help you in your professional development and life. (How are your networking skills?)

6 Types of Networks DefinitionsInformal vs. Formal Informal – generally lack either the resources or the scope of formal networks and often have more intimacy between members. Drawn from family, friends, social organizations and churches. Formal – less intimacy and relationships are built on professional contacts. Goes beyond the profession of social work.

7 Skills Needed to Work in an Organization or with a Group Ability to work on a team. Ability to set clear goals, problem-solving, collaboration, commitment and an understanding of different members roles and expertise. Ability to plan and conduct meetings. ▫Know how to conduct a meeting so it will be productive and not waste workers time. Ability to manage conflict. ▫Some level of conflict is hard to avoid when effecting change on a macro level.

8 Conducting an Efficient Meeting

9 One way to run an efficient meeting is to prepare an agenda. An agenda is a list of topics to be addressed at a meeting in a prioritized order. It also includes the time and the place of the meeting and sometimes participants. I.Call to order II. Roll call III.Approval of last meeting minutes IV.New Business A. Dress code V.Announcements VI.Adjournment

10 Being a Team Member on an Effective Team Set clear goals – the goals must be considered worthwhile The structure and membership are tied to the goals – 3 types of team structure: ▫1. problem-solving ▫2. creative ▫3. tactile- carryout the implementation of an existing plan

11 Effective Team Characteristics Cont… Commitment of all members Collaborative Climate Standards of Excellence Information-based Decision Making External Support and Recognition (external reward strengthens group cohesion) Principled Leadership ▫Gives a consistent message about the role of the team ▫Gives members the freedom to take risks in pursuit of excellence ▫Focus on the accomplishments of others

12 Constructive Confrontation: Critique without Criticizing The Don’t List: 1. Don’t criticize anything that can’t be changed 2. Don’t criticize past mistakes 3. Don’t hurt the other person in in subtle or obvious ways 4. When you must say “no”, don’t feel or act guilty.

13 Constructive Criticism continued… The DO list 1. Do suggest options that give others choices in bringing about the desired change. 2. Do build from strength. Identify what is already right and build on the positives. 3. Do remember that people usually criticize themselves. 4. Do remember that people recognize and are sensitive to their own mistakes and can correct them. 5. Do offer hope for the future.

14 Dealing with Conflict Why is it important to recognize conflict in the macro setting? This is a skill social workers have - Helping differing parties present their perspectives, using good listening skills and searching for a common ground between them.

15 Conflict is a normal developmental phase in most groups.

16 Advanced Conflict Management: 1)Always assess both your power and that of your adversary. 2)Avoid full disclosure of your power. Think of it like playing poker. Your adversary may assume you have more power than you actually do. 3)Always use power sparingly and use only as much as needed to achieve your objective.

17 Understanding Organizations and communities requires that you appreciate the difficulties you may encounter and develop the skills to deal with them.

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