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Growing Our Own: Staff Succession Planning at Memorial University.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing Our Own: Staff Succession Planning at Memorial University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing Our Own: Staff Succession Planning at Memorial University

2 Goals of this Session Provide an Update on Succession Planning Review the Nomination Process Role of Senior Administrators Provide an Opportunity for Feedback and Discussion

3 What is Succession Planning? Succession planning involves an integrated, systematic approach to identify, develop, and retain talent for key positions and areas in line with current and future organizational plans.

4 Why succession plan? Wave of impending retirements Reduce institutional risk Demographic shifts in the labour market More competition in the labour market Four generations in the labour market Attract and retain high potential employees Support goals of strategic plan Support equity goals

5 Progress to Date Focus groups held Research on best practices Establishment of Succession Committee Development of processes and procedures Review of all positions Selection of key/critical areas Software tracking system in place Website developed Currently accepting nominations

6 7 Areas of Focus Identified Senior Leadership Senior Administrative Support Information Management Information Technology Management Student Services Finance and Administration

7 The Nomination Process Website:

8 Next Steps Nominations accepted from September 21 to October 23, 2009 Committees will meet in late October/early November to review nominations All nominees will be notified

9 Next steps con’t Selected candidates will sign a letter of agreement and construct a development plan Development plans may include: coaching, mentoring, training, secondment, committee work, conferences, networking, job shadowing, etc.

10 Next Steps con’t Candidate’s participation is reviewed annually Positions are reviewed annually (May of each year) Nominations are called for annually (September of each year) Program continually monitored by committee and VP Admin/Finance Office

11 Role of Senior Administrators Support succession planning for the entire organization Support staff development Support staff moving within Memorial Encourage potential successors to consider succession planning Continue planning with HR Advisors

12 Further Information Lynn Best:

13 Questions and Discussion

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