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Wednesday – February 15, 2012 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Answer the following: 1.Describe a time when you and a friend traded something.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday – February 15, 2012 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Answer the following: 1.Describe a time when you and a friend traded something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday – February 15, 2012 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Answer the following: 1.Describe a time when you and a friend traded something. Who do you feel made the better deal? 2.Why do different countries trade with each other? Aim: How did economic factors lead to the rise of Ghana?

2 The Gold-Salt Trade in Africa

3 KINGDOM OF GHANA (750-1200) founded around 750 AD developed in the region between the Senegal and Niger Rivers gained control over West Africa’s main trade routes

4 KINGDOM OF GHANA (750-1200) Trade routes: A.Known as the trans-Sahara trade route B.Exchange of salt for gold C. Achieved high level of economic and cultural development from trade Government: A.the power of the king was based on ability to tax all trade routes revenues makes the king able to raise a large army

5 KINGDOM OF GHANA (750-1200) Society: A.Rich & powerful B.Golden Age Decline: A.Invaded by Muslims from North Africa B.dissolved into several smaller states

6 Summary How did economic factors lead to the rise of Ghana?

7 Africa-Ghana

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