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Concept Mapping Nigel Riley MirandaNet Seminar 28 th November 2005.

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1 Concept Mapping Nigel Riley MirandaNet Seminar 28 th November 2005

2 Basic structures of graphic representation Two concepts linked by a labelled relationship create a proposition This ‘scaffolds’ the formation of a meaningful statement. It is the basic unit in the formation of concept maps. A cat is a living thing. This makes concept mapping a powerful tool in learning how to structure ideas and make connections to frame meanings.

3 Basic structures of graphic representation Concept mapping: represents different levels of meaning discloses levels of understanding or misrepresentation allows cloze style presentations Level of concept mappingConcept mapping representation Interplay between the visual and linguistic elements. could mean; The cat ate the mat. The cat went to the mat. The cat walked over the mat. The mat belongs to the cat. The mat is near the cat. The number of possible interactions and types of different relations between the cat and mat are many and diverse. could mean; The cat went to the mat. The cat saw the mat. The cat likes the mat. The directionality given by the vector is explicit although the definition of the relationship is unclear. It gives a structure to the possible linguistic interpretations in terms of subject/object order. could mean; The cat ate on the mat. The cat ran on the mat. The cat sleeps on the mat. The mat is on the cat. Although the relationship has been given more clarity in terms of relation by naming the link, the interaction is still lacking clarity in terms of the order of relationship. could mean; The cat went on the mat. The cat is on the mat. The combination of vector and naming of the link reduces the number of possibilities in interpretation. The relationship achieves more definition and the whole representation becomes more meaningful. could only mean; The cat is on the mat. The inclusion of a more constrained label to the vector achieves an accurate and meaningful proposition in terms of objects and their relations.

4 The interface …before Initial concept ideas/question or template can: direct thinking generate creativity stimulate discussion and dialogical learning facilitate higher order thinking Promotes collaborative learning Teaching and Learning

5 The interface …after Created maps provide: writing scaffolds displays self assessment of learning Teaching and Learning

6 Assessing prior learning pre-learning intervention Assessment

7 Comparing understanding in post-learning intervention Assessment

8 Connectivity Index Analysis of concept maps Impact2 study (Somekh et al, 2000): Connectivity index = number of links divided by number of nodes. This connectivity index appears to have consistency and predictive validity in assessing writing achievement and may be used to assess complexity of mapping and therefore complexity of higher order thinking (Riley and Åhlberg, 2004). Content analysis of key word incidence in concept mapping Comparison of key words used in pre- and post test concept mapping shows changes in range and frequency of keywords. This indicates transfer of concepts from the learning intervention into individual mapping (Riley, 2006,Technology, Pedagogy and Education, in press). Assessment – how?

9 Transfer of concepts Keywords used in online forum but not in any concept mapping cooperation care destinations starvation different viewpoints Keywords used in forum and pretest concept mapping world-wide world people money global citizenship war food communication different countries trade friendship decisions Keywords used in forum and post test concept mapping respect world-wide world people communication war different countries trade friendship life food fair trade money poverty responsibility

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