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NGES Supplier Instructions for the Electronic Request for Quotation (eRFQ) **New Special Charge Capability Added to Adobe Form- Effective 10/10/16** Revision.

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Presentation on theme: "NGES Supplier Instructions for the Electronic Request for Quotation (eRFQ) **New Special Charge Capability Added to Adobe Form- Effective 10/10/16** Revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 NGES Supplier Instructions for the Electronic Request for Quotation (eRFQ) **New Special Charge Capability Added to Adobe Form- Effective 10/10/16** Revision B

2 eRFQ Supplier Instructions: Steps to Completing An eRFQ StepDescription I.eRFQ Transmission and Supplier Receipt II.Completing the eRFQ Adobe Form (including New Special Charge process) III.Submitting the Quotation to NGES IV.Submitting No Bids V.Helpful Hints VI.Contacts for Questions/Comments Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 2

3 Step I: eRFQ Transmission and Supplier Receipt NGES supplier will receive notification of the eRFQ via email from a Purchasing representative Subject of email will include the unique NGES RFQ number eRFQ Adobe form will be included as an attachment in the email Content of email will include standard eRFQ instructions 3 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 Sample eRFQ Email

4 Supplier Instructions – Standard Email Content Instructions for Electronic Quotation Submittal: 1.For each line item provide the Unit Price; Promised Delivery Date; Standard Lead Time; applicable minimum order quantity and any Notes. 2.Should line items require Special Charges (NRE costs), click “Add Special Charge” select the type from the drop down menu and add the cost in the amount field. 3.Should Delivery include multiple shipments, include the final delivery date as the Promised Delivery Date and set forth the delivery schedule within Item Notes. Do NOT enter a Promised Delivery Date equal to or before the RFQ Response Date. If delivery is possible prior to the RFQ Response Date, notate this within Item Notes. 4.Provide Vendor Quality Text Details: Point of Contact Name; Date; Phone Number; Email Address; and Validity Period 5.Click the GREEN Submit Button 6.Maintain the auto-populated email distribution and click Send. Instructions for Manual Quotation Submittal: 1. Complete Steps 1 - 3 for Electronic Quotation Submittal. 2. Fax and/or email the Quotation to the Buyer's Authorized Representative. 4 Northrop Grumman Supplier: Attached please find the subject Request for Quotation (RFQ). Review the RFQ and contact the Buyer’s Authorized Purchasing Representative if any additional information is required. Depending on the details of this RFQ, additional forms may be necessary. Upon completion, submit your Quotation by the Response Date stipulated within this RFQ. This email and any attachments transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient/named addressee you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this email in error.

5 Step I: eRFQ Transmission and Supplier Receipt (continued) Reviewing the Request for Quotation: 1.Upon receipt of the eRFQ, the NG supplier should review the eRFQ email instructions to understand how the quotation should be completed. 2.Supplier should double click on the eRFQ email attachment to open the Adobe interactive form. 5 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 SAMPLE eRFQ Email DOUBLE CLICK here on the email attachment to open the eRFQ Adobe form.

6 Step II: Completing the eRFQ Adobe form Opening the eRFQ Adobe form : 3.The Adobe eRFQ form will initially open to a blank “Protected View.” 4.To completely open the form, click on the “Enable All Features” button on the right hand side of the form to view the entire eRFQ document. Please note, there may be a slight delay as the form is opened. 6 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 SAMPLE eRFQ Adobe Form Click here to open the eRFQ completely.

7 Step II: Completing the eRFQ Adobe form (continued) Completing the Quotation : 1.The supplier should review the entire eRFQ document to understand the request for quotation. 2.All required fields are highlighted in red (except the minimum order quantity which is not required but is highlighted in red). 3.If the required fields are not highlighted in red, click the “Highlight Existing Fields” button to highlight the required fields. 7 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 Sample eRFQ Number of Pages Click Here if you do not see required fields highlighted in red Supplier can enter Line item Notes here (No Bids, additional part info, etc.)

8 Step II: Completing the eRFQ Adobe form (continued) Completing the Quotation (cont.): 4.The supplier can simply click on the red “required” field to populate the field. 5.The supplier is expected to populate every required field on all line items. 6.A zero (0) value is an accepted response for unit price, minimum order quantity and standard lead time. If the supplier is submitting a $0 unit price, the field should be left blank ($0 = blank entry). 7.Line item notes should be entered for “No Bid” responses 8 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 Sample eRFQ

9 Step II: Completing the eRFQ Adobe form (Adding Special Charges (NRE Costs)) Completing the Quotation (cont.): 8. If there are any “Special Charges” (NRE Costs), create Special charges by clicking “Add Special Charge.” 9. After adding the Special Charge, click the type of Special Charge from the drop down menu and put the cost of the Special Charge in the Amount Field. 10. To delete a Special Charge, click “Delete Special Charge” Note: the most recent Special Charge will be deleted. 9 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 Sample eRFQ 2 1

10 Step II: Completing the eRFQ Adobe form (continued) Completing the Quotation (cont.): 11.Upon completion of all line item requirements, the supplier should complete the remaining fields at the bottom of the eRFQ form (Point of Contact, Quotation Date, Phone Number, RFQ Notes.). 12. Please note, there is an additional field entry requirement for eRFQs in support of a NG proposal. The Pricing Basis field must be populated with: Constant or Future. The entry should indicate the supplier’s pricing escalation method (Constant Year $ or Future Year $). 13. Please note, only numeric values should be entered for the date and phone number fields. An error will be given if dashes, slashes or spaces are entered. 14. The final step to completing the quotation is to click the green “Submit to Northrop Grumman” button. 15. An error will be given if any required fields were left unpopulated. Errors must be resolved to proceed. 10 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 All required fields are high-lighted in red. Click Here to Submit the Quotation to NG Enter Pricing Escalation Method Here. This field is only available on requests in support of a NG proposal.

11 Step II: Completing the eRFQ Adobe form (continued) Required Fields Unit price (must be in US $ currency) Promised Delivery Date (can not be equal to or before RFQ Response Date) Standard Lead time (enter days only) Point of Contact Quotation Date Phone Number (enter numeric values only, no spaces, dashes or slashes) Contact Email address Validity Date (end of pricing validity) Pricing Basis Indicator (available only on Request for Pricing Requests– 6200 series requests Optional Fields Minimum order quantity Line Item Notes Header Note (found at bottom of form) Vendor Reference (external supplier reference) Special Charges 11 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015

12 Step III: Submitting the eRFQ to NG Submitting the Quotation: 1.Once the “Submit to Northrop Grumman” button is selected, an email will be presented. 2.The supplier should not remove any of the pre-designated email contacts from the email. 3.The completed quotation will be included as an outgoing attachment. 4.Please note, if the supplier uses a free email service (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) the Adobe form should be saved and the attachment extension should be changed to.ngpdf prior to sending. If the file extension is not changed, the email will not be received and uploaded by NG. 5.The supplier can add additional attachments to the email before sending. 12 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 DO NOT REMOVE THESE EMAIL ADDRESSES Sample Quotation Response Email

13 Step III: Submitting the eRFQ to NG Submitting the Quotation: 5.Once the “Send” button is selected and the transmission is received, the quote data will be automatically uploaded into the NGES system. The automatic upload will include any unit pricing, delivery dates, lead times, and line item/header notes submitted by the supplier. 13 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 Sample Email Received from NG Supplier The completed quotation is attached here. If the supplier uses a free email service, the.pdf file extension at the end of the file name should be changed to.ngpdf

14 Step IV: Submitting No Bids A. Submitting a No Bid Response: 1.It is expected, the NG supplier might need to submit a No Bid response to a quotation request. 2.To submit a No Bid with the new eRFQ Adobe form, the supplier should: a)Enter in the Promised Delivery Date (must be day after the eRFQ response date) b)Unit price = $0 (leave field blank) c)Enter a “0” value for Standard Lead Time d)Enter a line item note of “No bid.” 14 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 Sample “No Bid” Response eRFQ Response Due Date

15 Step IV: Submitting No Bids and NRE Costs (continued) No Bid Responses (cont.): 3.This is currently the only method of submitting a No Bid response with the new eRFQ. 4.A future enhancement will provide a “No Bid” check box for the supplier to select which will automatically populate all of the required fields for the line item. 15 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 Sample “No Bid” Response

16 Step V: Helpful Hints 1.The recommended method for transmission of the NG eRFQ is via Microsoft Outlook. If a supplier uses a free email service, the file extension of the quotation attachment file should be changed to.ngpdf prior to submitting the quotation to NG. 2.Always, submit a line item note with NRE and No Bid responses. A note of No bid should be entered for a No Bid response. 3.Only enter numeric values in fields requiring number entries (phone number, date, etc.) 4. An entry of “0” (zero) is only an acceptable unit price entry for a No Bid response. 5. Do not alter the auto populated addressees for the email sent back to NG. 6. Please note, there is an additional field entry requirement for eRFQs in support of a NG proposal. The Pricing Basis field must be populated with: Constant or Future. 7. Do NOT enter a Promised Delivery Date equal to or before the RFQ Response Date. If delivery is possible prior to the RFQ Response Date, notate this within Item Notes. 16

17 Step VI: NG Contacts Questions/Comments 17 Prepared by L. Toliver – 01/2015 Point of ContactTypes Of Questions? Primary ContactNG Purchasing Representative (NG Contact name on eRFQ – submitting eRFQ) Questions regarding the eRFQ and requirements Secondary ContactNGES eProcurement Help Desk (ProcurementHelpESSAPSys@ngc. com) Technical issues with eRFQ Adobe Interactive form Tertiary ContactLori.Toliver@ngc.comSingle Updates to Vendor Email Contacts Multiple Updates to Vendor Email Contacts

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