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CHM Portal Tool Kit Miruna Bulandra Finsiel Romania Copenhagen, 5 June 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "CHM Portal Tool Kit Miruna Bulandra Finsiel Romania Copenhagen, 5 June 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHM Portal Tool Kit Miruna Bulandra Finsiel Romania Copenhagen, 5 June 2002

2 CHM PTK - skeleton of a portal n Portal-on-a-box: easy to install on a fresh Zope website n Does not contain information, but provides means for the contributors to add it without having to learn Zope n Offers support for Webmasters to construct portals with typical today’s requirements n Content formatted according to Dublin Core – easy to export it RDF format

3 The generic page elements n Logo area n Toolbars – links to related sites, local search form, services list n Site title n Breadcrumb trail - comprehensive structure of the portal n Left-side navigation panel – main categories and sub- categories listed n Footer area – feedback, printable page links n Page content u for the first page, latest uploads areas – stories, news, files

4 The generic page elements (2) n Calendar of events u Groups the items on a monthly and daily base u Supports skinning F three skins included by default F compliant with the portal look&feel u Configurable to present various items (Zope objects): events, news, reports,... u Stand-alone Zope product


6 Functionality for end users

7 Functionalities n Printable page n Feedback to Webmaster – user friendly form n Personalisation of the left navigation panel: u the four main categories displayed on every page can be reordered, displayed or hidden as the user desires. u based on cookies u easily accessible by end-users following the link ‘My portal’ and checking or unchecking the desired boxes in the following form.

8 Choosing the categories:

9 Reordering the categories:

10 Functionalities (2) n Newsletter – notifications on uploads u based on user subscription to the desired topics u possibility to unsubscribe to any subset of the chosen topics u Managers can choose : F the list of topics offered for subscriptions F the list of Zope objects to trigger notifications (files, HTML pages,…) u Independent Zope product

11 Subscribing to the newsletter

12 Functionalities (3) n Multimedia: u possibility to view multimedia files (conferences, speeches) in the portal pages u customisable F Multiple formats for every item (Media player, Real Player, QuickTime player) F The size of the window is adjusted according to the Internet connection of the user (dial-up, broadband)

13 Customising layout for movies

14 Playing multimedia files

15 Users and security

16 Registration and authentication There are several kinds of authentications in the portal: n Visitor - who can only view the information, can subscribe to the newsletter and customize the front page boxes. n Contributor - role intended for the content providers. The content can be submitted and will be shown only if a manager approves the information. n Manager - a user with full rights over all the content of the portal and over it's appearance Depending of permissions given to each role for each location in the site, the users have access to different forms for insertion and maintenance of the data

17 Controlling access with roles: n By default, basic security settings are made n How to maintain good security when the hierarchy increases: u Administration should be turned over to others as you traverse the folders in a URL. The administrators at each level can define new administrators below their folder => passing the work down the hierarchy = delegation of authority. u Attributed permissions to each role must be tailored for each location

18 Functionality for contributors

19 Submissions n Contributors can suggest information to be published in the portal: u news items u stories u events (authorized contributors) u Movies (authorized contributors) u HMTL pages (authorized contributors) u Files (authorized contributors) u URLs to remote websites (authorized contributors) u Folders (authorized contributors)

20 Submissions (2) n Done via friendly web forms with “preview before sending” facilities n No programming knowledge required from the contributors n Security policy can be tailored in such manner that only the authorized persons for a specific topic have rights and visibility to upload specific data n “What you see is what you can do” rule applied

21 Content submission form

22 Functionality for managers

23 Administrative services n Basket of approvals - management of the pending (not yet approved) items n Delete items from local channels n Check remote links facility u stand alone Zope product n Managing the portal content (editing, selecting on front published items, …) n No programming knowledge required

24 Manage pending items form

25 Delete items form

26 Portal collaboration

27 Channels n Collaborating with other portals: u Exporting local channels (content of the same type – events, news, indicators …) = creating DTML methods that loop such objects and generate RDF files u Grabbing and displaying information from remote sources F Zope product used: RDFSummary F Friendly web forms created for remote channels management (add, delete) F Automating update of remote channels

28 Administering the channels

29 Installing the CHM PTK: n Easy to run installation kit n Generation and customization of an EC CHM compliant portal. n Three very simple forms for creating a full functioning portal n All features included, CHM structure available, calendar of events,… n Installed functioning version at: u

30 Next steps n Enhancing Dublin Core Metadata integration in local channels, according to the most recent EEA recommendations for qualifiers u Index terms for spatial coverage, languages and keywords n More types of content included u Small publishing platform grouping together documents, links, news releases n Version control for local content

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