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The Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production and the International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management FINDING THE NEW PATH: A.

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Presentation on theme: "The Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production and the International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management FINDING THE NEW PATH: A."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production and the International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management FINDING THE NEW PATH: A MORE STRATEGIC ROLE FOR SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Charles Arden-Clarke, UNEP DTIE

2 The Marrakech Process on SCP is… A dynamic multi stakeholder platform that supports: 1. The implementation of projects and programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (policy design, capacity building, guidelines) based on regional and national priorities, and multi-stakeholder partnerships and mechanisms 2.A Global Framework for Action on SCP (called the 10 Year Framework of Programmes -10YFP), to be further developed and launched by international commitments secured during the CSD 18-19 cycle (2010 and 2011) Responds to WSSD Johannesburg Plan of Implementation call to accelerate the shift towards SCP, decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation. The 10 YFP will help countries construct the Green Economy

3 Support participation of NGOS in the Process On specific themes, policies, government-led Marrakech Task Forces Engaging development agencies in SCP Cooperation Dialogue Developed through regional consultations Regional Programmes & Strategies Facilitated by WBCSD & ICC, broadening business engagement Business ForumNGO Forum With the participation of 12 UN Agencies UN Inter-Agency Network Mechanisms of the Marrakech Process on SCP


5 Main Outcomes: strategies, programmes, mechanisms Africa  African 10YFP on SCP (AU, NEPAD, AMCEN, UNECA)  African Roundtable on SCP –secretariat  Task Force: Cooperation with Africa Latin America  Regional Strategy on SCP (implementation, LAC Forum)  Regional Government Council on SCP  MERCOSUR – SCP Action Plan Europe  EU SCP Action Plan  Marrakech Task Forces on SCP Asia Pacific:  Regional Help Desk on SCP  Linked to Green Growth Initiative (Korea & UNESCAP) West Asia and North America:  SCP programmes or frameworks under development

6 Progress Achieved in Africa First region to have developed and launched its own 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP in the context of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCPNEPAD Developed through strong cooperation between two partners African Roundtable on SCP (ARSCP) and the Marrakech Task Force on Cooperation with Africa, which built North-South cooperation through development of pilot projects and SCP programmes at regional, national and city levels.African Roundtable on SCP Marrakech Task Force on Cooperation with Africa The Task Force, lead by the Germany has a special emphasis on assisting Africa to 'leapfrog' towards SCP patterns, avoiding wasteful, polluting and ultimately costly patterns of production and consumption.

7 Progress Achieved in Africa The Task Force is working in three main areas:  Development of an African eco-labelling scheme – EU could assist with facilitating recognition and market access for labelled products;African eco-labelling scheme  Development and implementation of national/city- level programmes on SCP;national/city- level programmes on SCP  Reviewing opportunities for leapfrogging in Africa. Additionally the African 10 YFP is focusing on:  integrated solid waste management, transforming waste into resources, revenue-earning and employment opportunities; and  supporting resource efficient and cleaner industrial development ;  EU could assist though transfer of best practices.

8 Success Stories in Asia Pacific The region has held three consultations and outlined preliminary ideas on a regional strategy for SCP =>Main initiatives in the region include:  The Asia-Pacific Rountable on SCP (APRSCP) fostering dialogue between industry, government, academia, and NGOs to address pollution problems and develop SCP solutions. The Roundtable provides tools to cleaner production practitioners and supports working groups on specific topics.Asia-Pacific Rountable on SCP  The Green Growth initiative that formally embraced the Marrakech Process (Sept. 2008) and could be strengthened to become the regional framework of programmes for SCP in the Asia-Pacific Region.Green Growth  The Help Desk on SCP to share information through the Internet and expert networks, conduct studies to identify SCP tools and disseminate knowledge through training, policy dialogues and forums.Help Desk on SCP

9 National Roundtables UNEP together with the European Commission and Governments are organizing National Roundtables on SCP in countries with emerging economies: Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa. The main objectives are to raise awareness and identify country-specific SCP priority areas to engage more actively these countries in the Marrakech Process. As main outcomes:  China is developing policies and actions on sustainable public procurement;  Brazil has developed its National SCP Strategy and established a national council on SCP.  India and South Africa have identified their priority economic sectors and tools to promote SCP During 2009 & 2010, further roundtables will take place in India, China, and Mexico.

10 Region-focused Policy tools and programmes Marrakech Task Forces Sustainable Lifestyles Sustainable Tourism Education for Sustainable Consumption Sustainable Public Procurement Sustainable Buildings & Construction Cooperation with Africa Sustainable Products Sector- focused Seven Marrakech Task Forces Social & behavioural issues

11 Main Outcomes: Task Forces Building North-South Cooperation – EU Member States provide crucial support Designing, piloting and building capacity to implement SCP policies, management tools and programmes  Manual and demonstration projects on National Action Plans on SCP  Tool Kits on Sustainable Public Procurement and Eco-labelling for Africa  Research and policy recommendations on Sustainable Building, Construction, and Climate Change  ICZM for sustainable tourism development  Best Practices of all Task Forces to be summarised in “Innovation Briefs” for CSD 18

12 Promoting SPP worldwide Sustainable Public Procurement Task Force, led by Switzerland, develops tools and supports capacity- building on SPP. It developed an approach to implementing SPP, including a methodology to review legal and market readiness that an interested country –developed or developing – could undertake before drafting its SPP action plan/policy. The Task Force on SPP also provides capacity- building training for procurement experts and assists pilot countries during the first year of implementation (“Training the trainers”). The aim of the Task Force is that 14 countries will test the approach before 2010/2011. In January 2009, UNEP initiated a project entitled “Capacity building for SPP in developing countries” responding to the growing demand for SPP training in developing countries. The project targets 6 pilot countries (Costa Rica, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Tunisia and Mauritius) with funding from the European Commission and Switzerland.

13 Structure of the 10YFP  It should define common principles & key priority areas for international community to focus on cooperation & support specific activities (based on regional/national priorities, needs and initiatives).  Provide incentives for all stakeholders to engage in and support concrete SCP-related actions.  Be composed of: Declaration/decision & Framework for Action based on global & regional priorities, flexible, clear and relevant enough to inspire and coordinate action for SCP.

14 Towards CSD 18 & 19  Strengthen regional SCP strategies and initiatives, preparing regional constituencies to endorse the key elements of the 10 YFP when it is discussed at the Regional Implementation Meetings (last quarter 2009) and at CSD 18 & 19 in 2010 & 2011.  Building new Partnerships & cooperation with other, existing SCP initiatives to support the implementation of the 10YFP.  Develop a solid draft of the 10YFP by the end of 2009, with broad stakeholder ownership. This draft will be an input for the review year at CSD 18.  Fourth international Expert Meeting of Marrakech Process (in third quarter of 2010 between CSD 18 and CSD19) – to further develop the 10 YFP, as an input for CSD 19.  Negotiating draft of the 10YFP to be prepared by the IPM in 2011.  Negotiations take place CSD 19 (2011): decision on final form and follow up for implementation of the 10YFP.

15 Resource Panel The Resource Panel Objectives are to:  provide independent, coherent and authoritative scientific assessments of policy relevance on the sustainable use of natural resources and in particular their environmental impacts over the full life cycle;  contribute to a better scientific understanding of how to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation.

16 1. Increase resource efficiency and decouple environmental impact from economic growth 2. Improve processes, products and services 3. Enhance the awareness, dialogue and reflection of resource use By providing advice and building scientific knowledge and capacity on the use of resources … in order to create sustainable jobs and “ quality of life ” for all The Panel helps to...

17 Resource Panel Working Groups  Four Working Groups were formed. Decoupling: Assessing the scientific understanding of decoupling, resource productivity and related methodologies and indicators Prioritisation: Identifying and quantifyng t he Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production: Priority Products and Materials Biofuels: Improve the analytical basis for decision making to promote sustainable production and use of biomass for energy purposes Global Metal Flows: Analyzing the reuse and recycling of metals and contributing to the establishment of an international sound material- cycle society

18 For more information contact: Marrakech Process Resource panel Website: Merci! Thank you!

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