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ELEMENTS FOR BRAZIL´S NATIONAL REDD+ STRATEGY Leticia Guimarães, REDD+ Focal Point Climate Change and Environmental Quality Secretariat Ministry of Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "ELEMENTS FOR BRAZIL´S NATIONAL REDD+ STRATEGY Leticia Guimarães, REDD+ Focal Point Climate Change and Environmental Quality Secretariat Ministry of Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELEMENTS FOR BRAZIL´S NATIONAL REDD+ STRATEGY Leticia Guimarães, REDD+ Focal Point Climate Change and Environmental Quality Secretariat Ministry of Environment of Brazil

2 Outline Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Brazil REDD+ Context Some elements of the National REDD+ Strategy Potential areas for cooperation with DRC 2

3 Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Brazil 3

4 4 Brazil is a mega diverse country – similar to DRC

5 Deforestation in the Amazon

6 Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Brazil Growing demand and high prices of agricultural commodities Land tenure issues Illegal logging Few agents on the ground to control illegal activities Population growth 6

7 Legal framework for REDD+

8 REDD+ in Brazil Decisões da UNFCCC 4/CP.13, 1/CP.16 e 2/CP.17 Política Nacional sobre Mudança do Clima, Lei nº 12.187/2009 e Decreto nº 7.390/2010 (regulamenta a PNMC) Outros marcos legais federais relevantes: –Código Florestal, Lei nº 4.771/1965; –Terras indígenas, Título III do Estatuto do Índio, Lei nº 6.001/1973 e Art. 231 da Constituição Federal de 1988; –Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação da Natureza (SNUC), Lei nº 9.985/2000; –Florestas públicas para a produção sustentável, Lei nº 11.284/ 2006; –Fundo Amazônia, Decreto nº 6.527/ 2008. 8

9 20002002200420062008200920102012 Amazon Fund National Climate Change Policy enacted Task Force with the Amazon States Action Plan to Prevent and Control Deforestation and Fire in Cerrado - PPCerrado Action Plan to Prevent and Control Deforestation on the Legal Amazon area – PPCDAm Brazilian Forest Service is created and the Law of Public Forests enacted National Protected Areas System Monitoring System PRODES Policies and initiatives to reduce deforestation

10 REDD+ at the UNFCCC (I) Policy approaches and policy incentives on issues relating to the following activities: Reducing emissions from deforestation Reducing emissions from forest degradation Conservation Sustainable management of forests Enhancement of forest carbon stocks

11 REDD+ at the UNFCCC (II) In the context of adequate and predictable support, REDD+ countries should develop: 1.A national REDD+ strategy or action plan 2.A national forest reference emission level or forest reference levels 3.A robust and transparent national forest monitoring system for the monitoring and reporting of REDD+ activities 4.A Safeguards Information System (SIS)


13 National REDD+ Strategy Elements 13

14 (1) National REDD+ Strategy




18 Developing the National REDD+ Strategy National Strategy Coordination among the various policies and regulations with the participation of stakeholders Creating institutions and regulation IF NEEDED Definition of the National Strategy goals and approaches Assessment of current policies and laws Important aspects that need to be considered by both the executive and legislative: -Economic incentives (subsidies, fiscal incentives, tradeable rights) -Institutional and financial arrangements -Alignment of incentives at all levels: federal, state and municipalities


20 Progressive approach: incentives in the short and long run

21 Command and control Positive Incentives

22 (2) National Forest Reference Level

23 Goal 2020 = 3.925 km² (-80%) – In the Amazon

24 Level in 2012 in the Amazon = 4.571 km² (-76,7%)

25 (3) A robust and transparent National Forest Monitoring System for the Monitoring and Reporting of REDD+ activities

26 Forest Cover Monitoring Systems 26 PRODES DETER DEGRAD (monitoring will be expanded to other biomes) PRODES DETER DEGRAD (monitoring will be expanded to other biomes)

27 Landsat images for PRODES

28 National MRV Less bureaucratic; Lower costs; Greater security for investors; More adequate for national/ regional approaches; Acceptability proven through the Amazon Fund. 28

29 (4) National Safeguards System 29

30 Current Financial Framework

31 Amazon Fund Decree nº 6.727 August 1st, 2008 Promote a initiative that demonstrates the viability of a large scale mechanism for incentives to reduce deforestation emissions through the payments for results It does NOT result in offsets for donors!


33 Amazon Fund First the results obtained in the Amazon region are measured, reported and verified (MRVed); The Ministry of Environment defines the limits for fundraising; BNDEs raises funds based on the limits defined; Then the resources are allocated to projects and actions that contribute to conservation and the sustainable use of forests.



36 South- South Cooperation Area that needs to be further developed This agenda is of great importance for Brazil Potential to finance activities through the Amazon Fund  Focus on forest cover monitoring activities  36


38 Potential for collaboration with DRC Possibility of developing regional project through COMIFAC Potential for bilateral cooperation based on the MoU signed: Lessons learned in Brazil about the role of technical knowledge on policy design and implementation Lessons learned so far with the Amazon Fund Others?

39 Merci beaucoup!

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