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BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS SUSTAINABLY (ADV) in a sustainable manner We should sustainably make use of renewable resources such as solar.

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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS SUSTAINABLY (ADV) in a sustainable manner We should sustainably make use of renewable resources such as solar."— Presentation transcript:


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5 SUSTAINABLY (ADV) in a sustainable manner We should sustainably make use of renewable resources such as solar energy, air, wind, water and soil. sustain (v) to keep in existence, manitain, continue sustainable (adj) sustainable energy sustainability (n) the ability to be maintained at a steady level without exhausting natural resources or causing severe ecological damage

6 DEFORESTATION (N) the removal of trees Deforestation can damage the environment by causing erosion of soils.

7 CONSERVATION (N) the protection, preservation, management, or restoration of wildlife and of natural resources such as forests, soil, and water Attention must be paid to the conservation of the environment. projects aimed at energy conservation conserve (v)

8 DESTRUCTION (N) devastation, loss, extinction According to the various official versions of the destruction of the Twin Towers, the buildings were brought down by the impact of the airplanes and the resulting fires. destroy (v)

9 RECEDE (V) to move back, decrease, diminish As she receded he waved goodbye. The illness began to recede.

10 STRIKING (ADJ) attracting attention astonishing impressive a striking beauty a striking difference strike (v) : to walk out of job in protest to go on strike

11 DURABLE (ADJ) strong, stable, long-lasting fixed, constant Durable goods such as washing machines and refrigerators are supposed to be used for long years. We were unable to establish any durable agreement. durability (n)

12 URBANIZE (V) to make more industrial or city-like The area was urbanized after many people moved in. They try to urbanize wilderness areas instead of making them more natural and scenic. urban (adj) relating to a city X rural (adj) relating to country suburb (n) residential area outlying a city suburban (dj) urbanization (n) urban transformation (n)

13 RELIANCE (N) dependence Over-reliance on technology is undermining spelling skills. A generation of “auto-correct” adults are struggling to spell properly after relying on technology to check their work, according to research published recently. to rely on (v)

14 RENEWABLE (ADJ) able to be revived sustainable, continual Renewable energy such as solar energy cannot theoretically be used up.

15 CONSIDERABLY (ADV) To a great extent, substantially Painting the room white made it seem considerably larger. House prices have risen considerably since last year. consider (v) consideration (n)

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