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DENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH Caries prevention Fatma W. Nazer.

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1 DENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH Caries prevention Fatma W. Nazer

2 OUTLINE: Definition of Dentistry Definition of Dental public Health Caries prevention: 1.Definition 2.Classification 3.Methods of prevention 4.Limitations 5.Non-fluoride researches 6.Conclusion References

3 DEFINITION: WHAT IS DENTISTRY? “ The treatment of diseases and other conditions that affect the teeth and gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones.”(Oxford dictionary, 2016)

4 DEFINITION: WHAT IS DENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH? “The science and practice of preventing oral diseases, promoting oral health, and improving quality of life through the organized effort of society” (Oxford, 2013). Health promoters. Epidemiologists. Planners. Services managers. Teachers of public health subject.

5 CARIES PREVENTION: WHAT IS DENTAL CARIES? Dental caries or (dental decay) is caused by an action of acids in the tooth surface (enamel), when eating or drinking sugar containing foods. 1- host. 2- time. 3- diet. 4- micro-flora. Preventive materials, methods, and programs, chapter 7,(page 434).

6 CARIES PREVENTION: SUGARS CLASSIFICATION The Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA) in the UK, classified sugars depending on the location of the sugar molecules: Total sugars Extrinsic sugars Outside the cell Milk sugars Milk and milk products Non-milk sugars Table sugars, soft drinks, biscuits Intrinsic sugars Inside the cell Fresh fruits and vegetables (Watt,1999)

7 CARIES PREVENTION: 60% to 90% Lower socio-economic group have greater percentage of dental caries. Methods for caries prevention: 1.Healthy diet. 2.Plaque control. 3.Teeth brushing. 4.Application of fluoride on tooth surface. 5.Application of sealants on tooth surface.

8 CARIES PREVENTION: PLAQUE CONTROL AND TEETH BRUSHING Role of 2 Visit your dentist twice a year. brush your teeth twice a day. brushing time two minutes.

9 CARIES PREVENTION: EFFECTIVENESS OF FLUORIDE GEL According to Marinho et. al, (2009),the use of fluoride gel in a mouth tray applied by dental professionals or self apply is effective to reduce dental caries with a percentage of 21%. treatments/ io-view/fluoride-treatment/

10 CARIES PREVENTION: EFFECTIVENESS OF FLUORIDE VARNISH Primary teeth 37%, permanent teeth 47%. “fluoride varnish is applied directly to the tooth surface. Marinho et. al, (2013). When fluoride varnish is applied to the tooth surface in primary and permanent teeth, it continue to release fluoride effectively for long period of time. fluoride-varnish-program-for-the-adult-patient

11 CARIES PREVENTION: USE OF SEALANTS The biting surface (occlusal surface) is the most effected surface of teeth by dental caries. Application of sealants on the occlusal surface showed caries reduction of 19%. Sealants is applied once the tooth is emerged from the gum. the-pros-and-cons/

12 CARIES PREVENTION: NON FLUORIDE Non-fluoride anti-caries agents: Phosphate containing agents such as: salt seed husks of oats rice Caries reduction of 55% when applied topically. KG Chhabra, Preetha J Shetty, Prasad K V V, Chaya S Mendon and Ramya Kalyanpur, (2011).

13 CONCLUSION: CARIES PREVENTION Dental caries still a significant problem affecting the majority of the society. This phenomena can be avoided or reduced by correcting people’s diet and reduce the consumption of the non-milk extrinsic sugars. It is the responsibility of dentists and health promoters to educate the society about caries prevention methods and provide practical productive action among community and at a clinical level.

14 REFERENCES: Http:// 1728885ded44d9ff80b08ce6ab3151b583ac.jpg Http:// 082.jpg Oxford dictionary. 2016. Dentistry - definition of dentistry in English from the Oxford dictionary. [ONLINE] Available at: ""http://www.oxforddictionar [Accessed 13 July 2016]. Http:// tml.

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