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Physics 1 – Sept 16, 2016  P3 Challenge – Do Now (on slips of paper)  A person steps of the end of a 3.00 m high diving board and drops to the water.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics 1 – Sept 16, 2016  P3 Challenge – Do Now (on slips of paper)  A person steps of the end of a 3.00 m high diving board and drops to the water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics 1 – Sept 16, 2016  P3 Challenge – Do Now (on slips of paper)  A person steps of the end of a 3.00 m high diving board and drops to the water below.  1. How long does it take for the person to reach the water?  2. What is the person’s speed on entering the water? Get out 2.1 p7 Worksheet for Homework Check.

2 Objectives and Agenda  IB 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1 (1D motion)  Agenda for Review  Freefall homework review.  Omelet Review  Review vocabulary, memory items and skills for each IB topic  Assignment:  Work with study guide and review worksheet to review  Complete Lab Write up

3 IB 1.1 Objectives – Measurement in Physics  Measuring  Significant figures  Scientific Notation  Calculations with sigfigs  Standards  Metric units  Unit conversion  Dimension Analysis  Estimation

4 IB 1.2 Objectives – Uncertainties and Errors  Sources of error  Accuracy and Precision  Data Analysis (ave and std)  Error propagation: add/sub, mult/div, exponents and roots  Error in Graphs  Lab activity (density of water graph)

5 IB 2.1 Objectives – Motion (1 Dimensional)  Position, Displacement and Distance  Average speed, average velocity  Instantaneous velocity  Acceleration  X vs t graphs  V vs t graphs  Constant acceleration problems  Freefall  Lab activity (ruler reaction time)

6 Vocabulary  Standard  Estimate  Order of magnitude  Dimensional analysis  Mantissa  Accuracy  Precision  Systematic error  Random error  Range  Distance  Speed  Velocity  Scalar  Vector  Average velocity  Instantaneous velocity  Acceleration  g, gravity  Standard deviation  Absolute uncertainty  Fractional uncertainty  Percent uncertainty  Error propagation  Percent error  Error Bar  Gradient  Position  Displacement

7 Memory Items  The five most common metric prefixes (k, d, c, m, μ)  Meter stick equivalences  mL conversions  1 in = 2.54 cm  Density of water = 1.0 g/mL  g = -9.81 m/s 2  Variables for constant acceleration, and their units  v = 0 at top of motion and other freefall features 1 m = 100 cm1 mL = 1 cm 3 = 1 cc 1 m = 1000 mm1 g of water = 1 mL 1000 m = 1 km  applies to L and g also

8 Skills – 1.1 Measurement in physics  Measure mass, distance or volume with lab equipment using the correct level of uncertainty  Convert between scientific notation and standard notation  Calculate with significant figures (count, add/sub, mult/div)  Perform dimensional analysis using equivalences to do unit conversions  Convert SI metric units  Answer questions to one sig fig and order of magnitude estimates 

9 Skills – 1.2 Uncertainty and Error Analysis  Identify sources of error for a laboratory procedure  Determine accuracy of a data set using average and percent error  Determine precision of a data set by using the rule of “½ the range” or a standard deviation  Report uncertainties to one sigfig and round values to the decimal point indicated by the uncertainty

10 Skills – 1.2 Uncertainty and Error Analysis  Calculate the absolute uncertainty, fractional uncertainty or percent uncertainty for a measurement  Propagate uncertainties through calculations involving addition/subtraction, multiplication/division or exponents/roots  Evaluate the uncertainty present in the plotted points, gradient and y-intercept of a graph using error bars and min/max/best lines

11 Skills – 2.1 Motion ( 1 dimension)  Distinguish between position, displacement and distance  Distinguish between speed and velocity  Calculate average velocity  Determine the direction of acceleration  Interpret and draw position versus time kinematic graphs  Interpret and draw velocity versus time kinematic graphs  Solve constant acceleration problems  Solve freefall motion problems

12 Exit Slip - Assignment  What skill/objective are you best at? What do you need to study most?  What’s Due on Thurs Sept 8? (Pending assignments to complete.)  Finish Reaction time Lab Report Due Tuesday  Work with the Review worksheet to study (answers provided on Tuesday)  What’s Next? (How to prepare for the next day)  Bring your questions to the Review Tues. Test on Thursday Sept 22.

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