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Presentation on theme: "KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING BEFORE YOU LEAVE! MLA Research Paper."— Presentation transcript:


2 Research Question Is the US Postal Service obsolete? Do we really need mail delivery since most people have e-mail? Do we need to continue to spend tax money on mail delivery?

3 Sources From my sources, I have learned that many states are considering eliminating Saturday delivery. One source explained that shifts in population have made mail delivery expensive in several areas in the country and cutting back would save taxpayers money One source explained that mail connects people in different parts of the country, and not much can replace a personally written note.

4 Thesis Statement Although the USPS is an important tradition in American culture, restructuring is needed to meet the demands causes by shifts in demographics, changes in economic needs, and advances in technology.

5 Evaluate (take notes from sources) USPO employs 600,000 Delivery time and convenience (Internet) Volume decreased from 35 billion pieces of mail but delivery points increased by 2.1 million Inefficient business model “Close branches if you must, but do it strategically” (John M. Potter) Adaption of new technology by USPO: Follow “Green Initiative” (Stokes)

6 Although the USPS is an important tradition in American culture, What am I going to write about in my paragraph on concession? Importance of keeping the tradition of the USPO alive in America? Keeping workers employed? Symbol of America and culture?

7 Main Idea restructuring is needed as shifts in demographics, changes in economic needs, and advances in technology make the current system unable to meet the needs of the changing world. What are the topics of my three main points that I will develop into paragraphs? Demographics? Technology? Environment? Economy?

8 Outline Although the USPS is an important tradition in American life, restructuring is needed to meet the demands causes by shifts in demographics, changes in economic needs, and advances in technology. Paragraph of concession to opposing viewpoint Tradition is important Symbol of our country Personal correspondence Shifts in demographics Too many new delivery points cost taxpayers City addresses mostly junk mail Economic Needs Taxpayers dollars focused on a “greener” society Cut delivery by two days Advances in technology (Need more information here) Retrain mail carriers to tech jobs

9 Parts of the thesis paragraph Opening: Establishes a direction Summary: Develops the purpose Main Idea: States the point to be made Thesis: Shows how the point will be made

10 Opening The United States Postal Service is a traditional and important part of the communication system of the country, linking people with others for hundreds of years. Lately, however, the practical aspects of this government institution have been questioned. In the age of technology and growing concern with government waste, the postal service is, as some believe, becoming obsolete. Although the USPS is an important tradition, restructuring is needed as shifts in demographics, changes in economic needs, and advances in technology make the current system unable to meet the needs of the changing world.

11 Paragraph of concession Begin with “It is true that” and then show that you understand the opposing viewpoint It is true that tradition is what America is all about, and eliminating something that is as vital to the culture as the daily mail is unthinkable. According to James Frank of Newsweek, “The United States Post Office represents more than a graph of profit or delivery points. It represents a long standing tradition that unites Americans” (3). Furthermore, the 600,000 employees of the USPO would suffer “cut[s] in pay” that may lead to “loss of government benefits” (2). Life without receiving good wishes in a paper card on one’s birthday or rereading the priceless letters from loved ones would be a heavy price to pay if the postal service is eliminated. Changes, however, must be made to keep this expensive instruction a part of the heritage Americans so treasure.

12 Transition into your argument The first change that would help relieve the burden that the taxpayers are shouldering would be a reexamination of demographics. According to a survey done by the United States Post Office in 2009, the shifts in population have added an additional 2 million drop-off points (4). Etc...


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