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Make door frame, doors and windows Explain the procedure door frame assembly, doors and windows Technology and Engineering Technical Timber Construction.

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Presentation on theme: "Make door frame, doors and windows Explain the procedure door frame assembly, doors and windows Technology and Engineering Technical Timber Construction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make door frame, doors and windows Explain the procedure door frame assembly, doors and windows Technology and Engineering Technical Timber Construction Written by : Kuswanto, S.Pd. SMK Negeri 1 Purworejo

2 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Learning Objectives  students are expected to be able to make the components / parts of door frame using hand tools, machines and portable machines fixed / machinery stationery appropriate procedures to correct

3  In making the implementation of components/parts door frame, doors, Heating Ventilation even with the blinds this stem consists only four blocks and planks of wood blinds three sheets, two types of relationship that is right angle relationship and the relationship meetings.

4  Harvest was conducted three areas, except between the briquette door frame to the field of Heating Ventilation crab four.  Phases is very important that after cutting and harvest is setting / placement position of the stem-stem door frame, and “pareng“ be marked so that its position is still not exchange and sign “pareng” used as a guide for painting things work.

5  Work on parts of door frame that must be done is:  Relationships pen and holes in the right angle relationship and the relationship of Sponing; profile; flow lime, lime sponing; groov (cross flow), and ear-ear

6  All work of making the components door frame use this machinery remain / stationer except that the more practical uses portable machines or hand tools.

7 WORKPLACE SAFETY  Be careful in working on may not be careless.  Follow the instructions appropriate processing procedures outlined  Put tools and materials in place of a proper and safe.  Use equipment in accordance with its function.  Focus on the job.  Do not force the connecting parts that have not been appropriate size.  Start and end every job with pry to get protection from the Almighty.  Every note and the engine control of engine cycles. At the time when cutting materials that have a curved base to the hollow curve will cut the wood so that when the cut does not move and saw leaf pin.

8  At the time the cutting of timber must have a length to help hold the wood to be more secure.  When the division is required to make the material then choose the width of the side stick on the straight and mediator on the machine table, if necessary tightly closed first area I and II with field crab Straighten engine.  All “ayang” wood will tightly closed engine with thick crab controlled resized to first harvest is not too thick or exceed capacity.  At the time of making penetrating sponing not give the right sign for the creation sponing the right and good.  Adjustment to the engine during sponing, flow, frame / pen timber profiles and experiment should be used accordingly.  For cutting italics at the time of making ear-ear the end of the timber must support the mediator with stable when cutting / incision using a buzz saw sleeved engine.

9 STEP WORK  Learning module carefully with the full picture  Make a list of discounts with carefully  Preparing the equipment needed  Prepare materials needed  Cut material using a circular saw machine sleeved  Slit of the engine buzz saw table if necessary  Plane I and II areas of the machine Straighten crab  Plane field of III and IV engines use thicker crab  Set the placement position of wood and cue “pareng”

10  Painting a picture of the image work in accordance  Make a hole in the vertical threshold above the threshold  Make a pen on the verge of middle and top of the vertical threshold  Make sponing on the threshold and the threshold in the vertical  Create a profile of all the side / corner of the wood that is not disponing  Make “takikan” on the verge of the top of the vertical / Heating Ventilation  Make sponing lime  Groove in the rod threshold chalk portrait  Create ear-ear  Making even blinds  Examined work to the teacher / instructor.





15 Thank You Written by : Kuswanto, S.Pd. SMK Negeri 1 Purworejo

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