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Please do not talk at this timeOct 1/2 HW: WWII Test and Packet due on Friday Chapter 17.1 Cornell Notes due Monday I will collect the following on Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "Please do not talk at this timeOct 1/2 HW: WWII Test and Packet due on Friday Chapter 17.1 Cornell Notes due Monday I will collect the following on Friday."— Presentation transcript:


2 Please do not talk at this timeOct 1/2 HW: WWII Test and Packet due on Friday Chapter 17.1 Cornell Notes due Monday I will collect the following on Friday before the test. Pg. 23A: Churchill Speech Pg.22A: Blitzkrieg DBQ Pg 25A- WWII European Front Map Pg. 26A Video Notes Chart Pg. 27A- Stalingrad DBQ Pg. 31A- SCIBA Cartoon Analysis

3 Head’s Up for the Test You will have Cartoons to analyze with the SCIBA cartoon analysis tool. You will have a short answer question: How did WWII affect Civilians? You must discuss civilians in more than one place. You will need to know what order events took place.

4 Please get out a piece of paper and Label it: Pg. 32A- Pacific War in WWII You may set up your notes any way you want to.

5 1911 1931 1937 1940 1942

6 Hawaii! Territory taken from the US by Japan

7 Pearl Harbor Attacked - Dec. 7, 1941 A date which will live in infamy! Japan wanted the natural resources like tin, iron and gasoline that the Americans had stopped selling them when the USA found out about what was happening in China. Japan saw American neutrality as a sign of weakness. They believed America would give up right away if attacked brutally enough.

8 Pearl Harbor from the Cockpit of a Japanese Pilot


10 USS Arizona, Pearl Harbor The only American ships to survive the attack untouched were looking for the Japanese in the Pacific Ocean. Japan had reason to think the Americans could be intimidated into staying out of the War. Americans were not known for their great military prowess. Most people thought they chose not to fight because they weren’t any good at it.

11 President Roosevelt Signs the US Declaration of War BSQ: Why were the Japanese so surprised that the USA declared war on them?

12 Comparing Naval Power WarshipsU.S. FleetJapanese Fleet Battleships810 Carriers311 Cruisers2440 Destroyers90112 Submarines5663

13 The Battle of Midway! First Big battle between the US and Japan after Pearl Harbor

14 Allied Counter-Offensive: “Island-Hopping” Take only the lightly defended islands and skip the rest. Japan still has to spend soldiers and supplies on the others. Test Question Alert!


16 US Marines on Mt. Surbachi, Iwo Jima [Feb. 19, 1945] Iwo Jima is striking distance from Japan. Americans can easily fly bombing missions to Japan’s civilian centers from here. ASQ: What advantage would attacking Japanese civilians give the Americans? Think strategically and emotionally.

17 Col. Paul Tibbets & the A-Bomb Why does this man look so cheerful?

18 Hiroshima – August 6, 1945  70,000 killed immediately.  48,000 buildings. destroyed.  100,000s died of radiation poisoning & cancer later.

19 Nagasaki – August 9, 1945  40,000 killed immediately.  60,000 injured.  100,000s died of radiation poisoning & cancer later.

20 V-J Day (September 2, 1945) Japan surrenders MacArthur and others help write the new Japanese Constitution US forces the Emperor of Japan to tell his people he is not a God and not descended of the Gods. Japan is on its own. No “Divine Wind” will save her. What psychological effect are the Americans trying to have on the Japanese people by making them surrender this way? Why?

21 Please add to your Pacific War Notes!

22 WW II Casualties : Europe Each symbol indicates 100,000 dead in the appropriate theater of operations

23 WW II Casualties : Asia Each symbol indicates 100,000 dead in the appropriate theater of operations

24 Financial Cost of WWII U.S.$288,000,000,000 Germany$212,336,000,000 France$111,272,000,000 U.S.S.R.$93,012,000,000 Britain $49,786,000,000 Japan $41,272,000,000 Direct economic costs of WWII $1,600,000,000,000

25 The Nuremberg War Trials: Crimes Against Humanity Nazis are put on trial for the new crime of “Crimes against Humanity” All but one Nazi leader swear they were in the right until the bitter end.

26 Japanese War Crimes Trials General Hideki Tojo Japanese military is also put on trial in Tokyo. Very few Japanese military leaders are convicted, though ample evidence of atrocities in Burma, Philippines and China are documented and presented. Japanese later deny all these claims and remove them from their history books.

27 The Bomb

28 As we go through this lecture record the Level of Threat you feel at the Information. 1= as threatening as a kitten. 10= as threatening as a long painful death. Information on the BombLevel of Threat Put this on pg. 33A in your notebook. Label it: The Bomb All the videos for this PPT can be seen HERE: _r6sDsvpc_exjU9hI

29 Photographs of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Day After

30 Blast Wave Effect on Structures and Thermal Pulse “ The Fearsome Power of Nature Unleashed… A few minutes after detonation of the atomic blast in Operation Cue, May 5, 1955.

31 And yet, we kept producing them….. U.S. military observers watch the explosion during Operation Crossroads Baker, a nuclear test conducted on Bikini Atoll on July 25, 1946. (Pacific Ocean) This was the fifth nuclear explosion ever, after two other tests and the two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

32 British nuclear tests in 1952

33 1971 photo of a nuclear bomb detonated by the French government at the Mururoa atoll, French Polynesia (Pacific Ocean)

34 For all Videos in this PPT please refer to this LINK. “Now I am Become Death…” The Fearsome Power of Nature Unleashed…

35 Ivy Mike- Ivy Mike- First successful H-Bomb AKA Super Bomb Detonation Power from Fusion 10 Megatons

36 Public Relations and the Bomb




40 You saw the video…. How safe are these people really?

41 Modern Nuclear Weapons

42 Firepower through time…

43 Nuclear Blast Damage

44 Everything inside these circles is Dust….with only one megaton bomb. Most warheads now carry 15 megatons or more.

45 Nuclear warhead stockpiles of the United States and the Soviet Union/Russia, 1945-2006. Total stockpiles, including warheads that are not actively deployed (that is, including those on reserve status or those that may be scheduled for dismantlement). The numbers of active/operational warheads could be much smaller in the present time, circa 5,700 for the United States and 5,800. Highs: 1966: USA=32,040 1986: USSR=45,000 The point at which the USSR surpassed the USA in warheads is 1978.

46 The New START Treaty Ratified by the US Senate in Dec. 2010. Took effect on Feb. 5, 2011 The treaty builds on the original START, (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), first proposed by President Ronald Reagan, which went into effect in 1994. The New START limits each side to 1,550 strategic warheads, down from 2,200. It limits the number of deployed strategic launchers and heavy bombers to 700.

47 Compared with other nations today… (1984) What do you notice about who has Nukes on this chart? Where did they get them? Why do China, France, India, etc, have so few nuclear weapons?

48 Nuclear weapons programs are generally shrouded in secrecy and all of the totals listed above should be considered estimates. The numbers in the chart above are based on the most recent available estimates from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists The World’s Nuclear Weapons :

49 Nuclear Weapons are Expensive!

50 Nuclear Winter The great fear of the 1980’s- How would we live after WWIII? Nuclear Winter meant months, maybe years of freezing temperatures, limited sunlight, massive radiation poisoning and a slow death from starvation and disease

51 1983- The Day After On the night of its television broadcast (Sunday, November 20, 1983), ABC and many of its local TV stations opened several 1-800 hotlines with counselors standing by to calm jittery viewers. During the original broadcast, there were no commercial breaks after the nuclear attack. ABC also aired a live and very heated debate, hosted by Nightline's Ted Koppel, featuring scientist Carl Sagan and conservative writer William F. Buckley, Jr.. Sagan argued against nuclear proliferation, while Buckley promoted the concept of nuclear deterrence. During the debate, Sagan discussed the concept of nuclear winter and made his famous analogy, equating the arms race to "two sworn enemies standing waist-deep in gasoline, one with three matches, the other with five.“ The film's effect was also felt in Kansas City and Lawrence (where the film took place). One psychotherapist counseled a group that watched at Shawnee Mission East High School in the Kansas City suburbs, and 1,000 others held candles at a peace vigil in Penn Valley Park in downtown Kansas City. In Lawrence, a discussion group called Let Lawrence Live was formed by the English department at the university, and several dozen more people from the Humanities department gathered on the University of Kansas campus in front of the university's Memorial Campanile and lit candles in a peace vigil.

52 Gas

53 This… …was the terrifying world I grew up in… What words did you record to describe your reaction to this information?

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