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Dictators: A Threat to World Peace. Nationalism: What is it ? W h a t i s t h e d a n g e r h e r e ?

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1 Dictators: A Threat to World Peace

2 Nationalism: What is it ? W h a t i s t h e d a n g e r h e r e ?

3 Failure of the Treaty of Versailles

4 Joseph Stalin: U.S.S.R. R uler of a totalitarian state C ommunist Government. K nown for his cruelty to those who “disagreed” with him R esponsible for up to 8 million deaths in the Ukraine A dislike of Hitler (can’t stand him!), but signs a pact with him. Total control of economy by “collectivization”. What does this mean? Transforms economy into an industrial giant. “Man of Steel” blunders-stalins-purges#military-blunders- stalins-purges

5 Benito Mussolini: Italy Comes to power in 1921. Rules a totalitarian state. Establishes a fascist state. Fascism- extreme nationalism. The state is above all! A type of socialism Took over a country that was in complete disarray Army – “black shirts”. Uses them to establish power. Brought efficiency to everyday life. (Made trains run on time) Wanted to expand. anti-communist. Hated Stalin and USSR Invasion of Ethiopia and parts of N. Africa. Saw as easy! Il Duce THE CHIEF com/watch?v=8Oete dJuu4k

6 Adolf Hitler: Germany Der Fuehrer – “leader ” Austrian by birth Fought as a corporal in German army WWI Attempted takeover of German gov’t in 1923 ends in prison time. writes Mein Kampf (My Struggle). This defines Nazi political philosophy Wants to unite all German speaking people. Lebensraum- living space Racial purification- “inferior races” are to serve the Aryan. Brown shirts- Storm Troopers. Hitler’s personal army. Becomes German Chancellor in 1933. Supreme power the following year. Gains power by appealing to the sense of hopelessness of the German people. Found the Third Reich. Begins expanding. (Lebensraum) Moves into Rhineland and Austria. Later Sudeten and Czech. yAag&feature=relmfu HFMHY&feature=fvwrel

7 Japan: Military control Military takes over Japan. Led by Hideki Tojo Emperor is kept as a figurehead. Cite the need for “living space” similar to Germany Invade China in 1931. Control Manchuria. Commit atrocities. Quit League of Nations. Begin expansion in the South Pacific. W_J4

8 Spanish Civil War: Fascist overthrow Spanish Republic. Many saw the Spanish Civil War as a place to stop Fascism. General Francisco Franco takes power. Is a fascist. Hitler and Mussolini help Franco take power. They form Rome-Berlin Axis. Franco establishes totalitarian regime. Seen as a preview of “things to come”. “Test Ground” Over 500,000 live lost Franco ultimately keeps Spain out of WWII

9 American Response: Isolationist policy: New reports indicated that U.S. arms manufactures made huge profits from WWI. Does not set well with the public. Neutrality Acts: In essence, bans the sale of arms to outside countries. Much of this was in response to the Spanish Civil War. FDR begins to take a stand against isolationism: U.S. sends arms to China in response to Japanese aggression. U.S. institutes “Lend Lease” program with Great Britain and Allies. Will once again become the “Arsenal of Democracy”

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