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The Northern Renaissance Christian Humanism – Northern Europe = more religious tone Uses Renaissance ideas and humanist learning to restore the simple.

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2 The Northern Renaissance

3 Christian Humanism – Northern Europe = more religious tone Uses Renaissance ideas and humanist learning to restore the simple purity of early church

4 Renaissance Moves North Christian Humanism- Many believed that education and religion could bring about moral and social reform. Many called for reforms in the church; wanted the church to get away from worldly pleasures Erasmus- wrote in Greek / Hebrew so people could understand it. - Criticized the wealth and corruptness of the Popes / Church “Praise of Folly”

5 Why spread? War, trade, travel Johann Gutenberg’s Printing Press – Germany, 1456 – Develops a moveable type & printed a complete edition of the Bible – Importance – produced copies quicker and cheaper – can be sent all over Europe in a short time – Production cost down, sale price down – more can afford – Books are now cheaper and easier to read than hand written books (Monks) – Rise in Literacy – Reform ideas spread quickly


7 The first thing printed on Gutenberg’s press was the Bible. This is a picture of a page from one of Gutenberg’s Bibles.

8 English Renaissance Thomas More’s Utopia – Utopia – “no such place” – Addresses society’s flaws – The ideal society – imaginary land inhabited by peaceful people Shakespeare – English playwright – Revealed souls of men & women through scenes of dramatic conflict – Examined human flaws and universal qualities

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