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Welcome to Year 3! Miss Jenkins and Miss Jones. Expectations in Year 3 MATHS Number and place value Counts from zero in multiples of four, eight, fifty.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3! Miss Jenkins and Miss Jones. Expectations in Year 3 MATHS Number and place value Counts from zero in multiples of four, eight, fifty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3! Miss Jenkins and Miss Jones

2 Expectations in Year 3 MATHS Number and place value Counts from zero in multiples of four, eight, fifty and one hundred. Can work out if a given number is greater or less than ten or one hundred. Recognises the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens and ones). Solves number problems and practical problems involving these ideas. Addition and subtraction Adds and subtracts numbers mentally including: A three-digit number and ones A three-digit number and tens A three-digit number and hundreds Multiplication and division Recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for the multiplication tables: Three Four Eight Writes and calculates mathematical statements for multiplication and division using the multiplication tables that are known including for two-digit number times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods.

3 Expectations in Year 3 Fractions (including decimals) Counts up and down in tenths; recognises that tenths arise from dividing an object into ten equal parts and in dividing one-digit numbers or quantities by ten. Recognises, finds and writes fractions of discrete set of objects; unit fractions and nonunit fractions with small denominators. Recognises and shows, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators. Measurement Measures, compares, adds and subtracts lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml). Adds and subtracts amounts of money to give change, using both £ and p in practical contexts. Tells and write the time from an analogue clock and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks. Identifies right angles, recognises that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identifies whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle. Statistics Interprets and presents data using bar charts, pictograms and tables

4 Expectations in Year 3 READING Develops positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what they read by; Listening to and discussing a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books or textbooks. Using dictionaries to check the meaning of words they have read. Identifying themes and conventions in a wide range of books. Reads further exception words, noting the unusual correspondence between spelling and sound and where these occur in the word. Understands what they have read independently by: Drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions and justifying inferences with evidence. Predicting what might happen from details stated and implied. Retrieves and records information from nonfiction.

5 Expectations in Year 3 WRITING Organises paragraphs around a theme. In narratives, creates settings, characters and plot. Proof-reads for spelling and punctuation errors. Uses the forms ‘a’ or ‘an’ according to whether the next word begins with a consonant or a vowel; eg, a rock, an open box. Expresses time, place and cause using conjunctions. Introduces inverted commas to punctuate direct speech. Uses headings and sub-headings to aid presentation. Uses the present perfect form of verbs instead of the simple past; eg, ‘He has gone out to play’ in contrast to ‘He went out to play.’

6 Expectations in Year 3 SPELLING LIST

7 Expectations in Year 3 SPELLING RULES Adding -er, -ing to verbs, for example: 'beginner' and 'beginning' Words containing 'y' where it sounds like 'i', such as 'myth' and 'gym' Words containing 'ou' where it sounds like 'u' such as 'young' and 'touch' Words containing prefixes (groups of letters added to the start of a word) such as mis-, dis-, im-, il-, ir-, re-, sub-, inter-, super-, anti-, auto-prefixes Words containing suffixes (groups of letters added to the end of each word) such as - ation, -lysuffixes Words ending -sure and -ture (such as 'measure' and 'creature') Words ending -sion, -tion, -ssion, -cian (such as 'confusion', 'rejection', 'permission' and 'musician') Words ending -ous (such as 'dangerous' and 'courageous') Words containing ch where it sounds like ‘sh’ or ‘k’ (such as 'chef' and 'scheme') Words ending -gue and -que (such as 'league' and 'antique') Homophones (pairs of words that sound the same but are spelled differently, for example: 'meddle' and 'medal') Homophones

8 What can you do to help? Homework Routines (change as necessary for year group) Read frequently with your child Read frequently to your child Encourage writing for a purpose; diaries, letters, book making etc… Practise number facts at home (Maths Mountain) Discuss the week’s arithmetic test Accessing Bug Club and Spelling and Grammar Bug 1. Go to 2. Enter their login details and click “Log in”. Username: first name and first letter of surname, for example, Timmyb Password: changeme School Code: dajm

9 General Information School Uniform and P.E. Kit Please make sure your child comes to school wearing the correct school uniform. In addition, please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name. Long hair should be tied back. Your child’s P.E. kit should remain in school at all times in case there is a change to the timetable. Clearly label your child’s bag so that they can easily identify their own belongings! 60 identical bags are easily mixed up… We would like to encourage all children to bring in a named and reusable flask or bottle containing water. There is a labelled box inside the classroom where these are to be kept. Remember to take them home at least once a week to be washed.

10 Attendance and Punctuality It is really important that children come to school on time every day. Regular attendance at school enables children to make the best of educational opportunities available to them. It is the government expectation that children should have at least 96% attendance. For this reason, holidays in term time will not be authorised. Absence Procedures If your child is absent please contact the school by 9am on the first and subsequent days of absence and give the reason for the absence.

11 Behaviour At Darell we have three school rules: We follow instructions We keep our hands and feet and other objects to ourselves We are kind, polite and respectful to everyone Behaviour is not an isolated action but rather a series of choices. We use the language of choice when teaching our children about behaviour. There is no bad behaviour rather poor choices are made and these need to be turned around so that the pupils make the right choice.

12 Behaviour Rewards for good behaviour can be given individually or collectively as a group. At Darell our Home School Agreement and our Good to be Green Booklet make it clear to parents and pupils the rewards and sanctions that occur at school. Rewards include: Specific verbal praise Stickers and certificates Sharing our success as a class Teacher to tell carer/ parent how well the child has done Whole Class Reward Star Assembly sharing the success Tea with the headteacher Certificate at the end of the half term and celebration activities for displaying Green Behaviour

13 Behaviour Unacceptable behaviour includes: deliberate rudeness or disobedience fighting or deliberately hurting another bullying or harassing others interfering with or damaging any school or individuals’ property All pupils need to know and understand that there are consequences for every action. We provide pupils with the opportunity to learn right from wrong, the consequences of inappropriate actions and the understanding that they are responsible for their behaviour. Consequences are outlined on the school website in the Behaviour Policy.

14 Anything else… Topics for the year… Autumn 1 – Extreme Earth Autumn 2 – Stone Age Spring 1 – Groovy Greeks Spring 2 – Monsters Summer 1 – Charlotte’s Web Summer 2 – Wonderful Wildlife Any questions?

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