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Open Source Software Practices Quiz #5 October

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1 Open Source Software Practices Quiz #5 October 8 - 2009

2 Question #1 A) An Exclusive Patent Right B) An Exclusive Copyright Right C) Industrial Espionage D) Stealing of Intellectual Property E) A Legal Right protected by Federal Laws when done on Items that you bought Reverse Engineering is

3 Question #2 A) Intellectual Property B) Patentable C) Copyrightable D) Excludable E) Not subject to property “All Products of the Mind” are

4 Question #3 A) Ideas are not subject to property B) Copyright should last forever C) Not having patents is an embarrassment D) Ideas can be returned to their owner E) The English patent system was used by many other nations Thomas Jefferson stated that

5 Question #4 A) The Embarrassment of having an intellectual property system can only be justified when it benefits the public good. B) Not having a Patent system was embarrassing C) Only patents will promote inventions D) All products of the mind are Excludable E) Ideas are diminished when shared with others Thomas Jefferson stated that

6 Question #5 A) Make articles scarce B) Make articles dear C) Make articles bad D) Make articles inexpensive E) Is not Evil Thomas Babington Macaulay disagreed with the statement that a monopoly

7 Question #6 A) Was lobbied by Disney Inc. in order to prevent Mickey Mouse from going in to the public domain B) Extended copyright for 20 years more over works that were already created. C) Was challenged by Lawrence Lessig before the Supreme Court D) Was argued against by seventeen economists, including several Nobel Laureates. E) Extended copyright term only for new works of art. Which statement is NOT true about The Sony Bono Copyright Term Extension Act

8 Question #7 A) Considered that copyright should last forever B) Was against monopolies, particularly in creative works C) Wrote that you should have the right to property even when there was not enough for everybody. D) Stated that Chicken can't own property E) Disagreed with you owning the fruit of your labor John Locke

9 Question #8 A) Intellectual property is different from tangible property B) The public domain includes the privilege to excerpt short quotations in a review C) The public domain is material that is not covered by intellectual property rights. D) One difference between the “public domain” and the “commons” is the extent of restrictions on use E) The public domain is not the basis for our art, our science and our self-understanding. James Boyle did NOT state that

10 Question #9 A) Rival and Excludable B) Non-Rival and Excludable C) Only Excludable from chicken D) Rival and Non-Excludable E) Non-Rival and Non-Excludable Information and Innovation are largely

11 Question #10 A) Some gummy residue left behind when all the good stuff has been covered by property law. B) Is a very restricted minority of our culture. C) A concept supported only by Communists. D) The place we quarry the building blocks of our culture. E) An open area where you can grow chicken. The Public Domain is

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