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Self-Care. Raising Awareness, affecting change

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Care. Raising Awareness, affecting change"— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Care

2 Raising Awareness, affecting change........

3 Three-pronged approach: – Research – Awareness – Advocacy Key Activities

4 2011 - Willemsen KR, Harrington G. From Patient to Resource: The Role of Self-Care in Patient-Centered Care of Minor Ailments. SelfCare 2012;3(3):43-55 2013 – Survey among 1200 Canadians on Minor Ailments (self-treatment of minor ailments, doctor visits and pharmacy minor ailment schemes) 2015 – Survey of 1600 Canadians with 4 different minor ailments, explored financial drivers 2015 – Additional analysis of Minor Ailments Survey data (Canadians with drug plans more likely to visit doctor) 2015/2016 – Value of self care (switch) in Canada Self-Care Research


6 International Self Care Day


8 ISC Day Gov’t Listing Web content E-kit to 304 MPs News Release Self-Care Quiz Article to key contacts Key Activities


10 Self-Care Tax Relief

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