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Taiwan - Slovenia Business Forum Ljubljana, 26. November 2014 Trends in Slovenia relevant to environmental technologies Antonija Bozic Cerar Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Taiwan - Slovenia Business Forum Ljubljana, 26. November 2014 Trends in Slovenia relevant to environmental technologies Antonija Bozic Cerar Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taiwan - Slovenia Business Forum Ljubljana, 26. November 2014 Trends in Slovenia relevant to environmental technologies Antonija Bozic Cerar Environmental Department CCIS

2 Varstvo okolja CCIS environmental protection department Is your business green?

3 What do we do? green legislation – influence legislation –industrial pollution, waste management, packaging…, climate change, energy efficiency, EMAS (ISO 14001), green public procurement, environmental taxes and charges… environmental consultancy (legislative demands, trends… ) promotion (presentation at events…) education

4 ~ 2 events per month 40 participants per workshop 80 - 100 participants per conference,

5 ReBirth – workshops, conferences, practical demonstration, handbooks, films…:

6 eco-design

7 Committee for secondary materials CCIS waste exchange 40 years ago 2014

8 Environmental products are goods and services that are produced for the purpose of preventing, reducing and eliminating pollution and any other degradation of the environment (environmental protection - EP) and preserving and maintaining the stock of natural resources and hence safeguarding against depletion (resource management - RM).

9 Eurostat's estimates for the EU (28 Member States) the output of environmental goods and services per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) has grown by more than 50 % over the last decade and the employment linked to this production has risen to more than 4 million full-time equivalents.

10 SOURCE:Eurostat

11 Source: Statistic Office RS


13 4,2 billion EURO per annum Turnover 2011

14 All purposesWaste management EUR share (%) 4,2 billion1,7 billion A Agriculture, forestry and fishing1 C Manufacturing6775 D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply100 E Water supply; sewerage; waste management and remediation activities 1322 O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 21 State72 Vir: SURS

15 49%45% 69%25% 50%40% 69%19%

16 Waste decree (O.J.RS, no.103/11) waste streamswaste operations incineration landfill Regulation (EU) no. 333/2011 iron and aluminium scrap Regulation (EU) no. 179/2012 – glass cutlet Regulation (EU) no. 715/2013 – Copper ? waste paper, compost... Regulation (EU) no. 333/2011 iron and aluminium scrap Regulation (EU) no. 179/2012 – glass cutlet Regulation (EU) no. 715/2013 – Copper ? waste paper, compost... Regulation (EC)1013/2006 – waste shipments Waste management taxes and charges - lubricants - packaging - batteries - electric and electronic equipment - motor vehicles … municipal waste Municipal orders - waste oil - D&C waste - waste asbestos - packaging and waste packaging - WEEE - waste batteries - ELV - … - waste medicine - … - fuel - biodegradable waste - waste cooking oil and lard - …

17 Source: Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Environment, Press conference on Circular Economy and Green Employment Initiative, Brussels, 2 July 2014 the future?

18 Increase recycling/re-use of municipal waste to 70% in 2030; Increase packaging waste recycling/re-use to 80% in 2030 with material-specific targets set to gradually increase between 2020 and 2030 (to reach 90 % for paper by 2025 and 60% for plastics, 80% for wood, 90% of ferrous metal, aluminium and glass by the end of 2030); Phase out landfilling by 2025 for recyclable (including plastics, paper, metals, glass and bio- waste) waste in non hazardous waste landfills – corresponding to a maximum landfilling rate of 25%; Reduce food waste generation by 30% by 2025;

19 Additional information CCIS - Environmental Protection Department telephone: +386 1 58 98 193, +386 1 58 98 196, +386 1 58 98 197 web:

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